running around on the roof of the bank where Grommash Hold now is. I remember it being a big deal when a couple other mailboxes got patched in at one point.
I miss shit like lock's mount quest/fight. Or hunter's epic bow
damn yo am I the only hardcore pvper in this thread =(
Did anyone have any of the original PvP ranks? I think I got master sergeant on my very first character
Fuck that high warlord rank though
5 min pally blessings
Yep, and I still proudly where mine over my Paladin's head![]()
I was reminiscing with a Pally friend of mine (whom I've known in-game for nine years but have never met in real life) about the old days. He said he missed it, but then proceeded remind him of just how crappy is was back then for hybrid classes. Just mention "Decursive" to any player who had to heal back then and their ass-cheeks will clench up immediately. What he actually misses in the community - when everyone and their mom was playing WoW. Forming groups took effort, endlessly spamming the LFG channel begging for a tank or a healer. The pay-off being you ended up getting to know people and the sense of community was great. Over time, we've traded that for the sake of convenience and speed.
I've never had a major problem with the game's direction at any point (aside from the initial knee-jerk rage when the Horde got Paladins *shakes fist*). I've always maintained that if WoW was the exact same game, mechanically, that it was six or seven years ago, it would be lucky to have half of the subscribers it has right now. Modern match-making for PvE content was eventually going to creep its way into WoW - it was just a matter of when.
Alternatively, spending an hour looking for a group, trekking halfway across the map to summon the lazy plebs who stayed in org, only for the group to disband after we wipe
Just mention "Decursive" to any player who had to heal back then and their ass-cheeks will clench up immediately
Edit: And speaking of groups, I wish people joining for Ordos or Celestials would do so from on the Isle. Had groups where people were in Townlong or something for the entire fight.
I miss shit like lock's mount quest/fight. Or hunter's epic bow
damn yo am I the only hardcore pvper in this thread =(
Group making and gathering was not that bad in vanilla. Especially compared to shit like ff11.
Unless you were alliance and were making a run for Maraudon. Because dem travel times, man.
Rösti;137143459 said:Just ordered a World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor prepurchase card/pack, along with a prepaid game card. Should be here soon. My main will continue to be my arms warrior, but it would be nice to create an alt, though I don't really like Blizzard not telling more about any extra legendary items in Warlords of Draenor apart from the ring. Last year they said there would be two legendary items, one easily obtained (like the cloak) and one more exclusive. It would be dull to create an alt and have that exclusive item, if it actually exists, be class specific and the alt not being in that class pool. Maybe if someone here is going to BlizzCon they can ask someone?
On the topic of epics, I do think items should be blue for a lot longer. By which I mean, the stuff from Heroic dungeons and LFR could be blue, with the exact same stats they will have.
I was a very casual player in vanilla and one of the most awesome things was when the questline came along to upgrade Dungeon Set 1 to Dungeon Set 2. Some of the things became epic in quality and it felt fantastic, especially because what you had to do for them was a challenging little line for casual players.
Now my entire gear will be purpz without even trying.
Someone will probably ask this at the open Q&A
And I doubt they will have a definitive answer. What I expect is that they do not have one planned for the current release/2-raid tier xpac slate, but as they realize their highly optimistic xpac turnaround is unlikely and need to plan more content for Draenor, they will add it in the third raid tier.
I feel like wod doesn't have enough. I wish blizzard would just drop the bomb on the content drop.
I swear, if they promise that this time they will give a quicker turnaround for expansions, I'll flip tables.
Just spread the early patches out more so we're not left with over a year of fucking Siege of Orgrimmar again. Ugh.
Pretty much. We could of had a trial of garrosh hellscream raid to setup the entire expansion but they fucked that up by making it a comic or book. Whatever. Sieging org for a year was just tiring. At least put the city in ruin with a never forget the one year siege monument as a reminder tiers like this suck.I swear, if they promise that this time they will give a quicker turnaround for expansions, I'll flip tables.
Just spread the early patches out more so we're not left with over a year of fucking Siege of Orgrimmar again. Ugh.
Well, most of the new content is heavily tied into the garrisons. So if you're not into that for whatever reason, it could feel a bit content-starved.
That and the whole two raid tier thing (which seems CRAZYYYY if it were to pan out that way).
Yearly expansions might get to be too much. Especially if they continue to have a $50 price tag. I know the extra $10 is supposed to be mostly for the boost, but still.
18 or 24 months with proper pacing would be much better IMO.
Stopped at General on my warrior. Mostly because I could no longer keep up my pace due to RL stuff coming up. Other reason I stopped is my name is Mills. Can't beat having the name 'General Mills'Did anyone have any of the original PvP ranks? I think I got master sergeant on my very first character
Fuck that high warlord rank though
The blasted lands quests and ubrs just genuinely sucked.
I wasn't aware people didn't think WoD has enough stuff. Isn't it just the same as most expansion launches, really?
18 or 24 months with proper pacing would be much better IMO.
I remember when I cared somewhat about the WC storyline. That kinda died with the Lich King, though - hard to survive the conclusion of a multigame story arc, and the two following xpacs really didn't help.
Which reminds me!
After the second boss in ubrs, there's like a narrow corridor with a ton of mobs inside. How are you supposed to pull them? I tried last night and kept pulling 10+ mobs. YouTube didn't help either![]()
I'd like to see more patches that aren't just "A raid plus an outdoor bit related to the raid for non-raiders to do".
Edit: Shit, man, not even any new dungeons in MoP. Cata's final patch gave us Well of Eternity, End Time and Hour of Twilight. WotLK's final patch gave us Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection.
Which reminds me!
After the second boss in ubrs, there's like a narrow corridor with a ton of mobs inside. How are you supposed to pull them? I tried last night and kept pulling 10+ mobs. YouTube didn't help either![]()
I remember when I cared somewhat about the WC storyline. That kinda died with the Lich King, though - hard to survive the conclusion of a multigame story arc, and the two following xpacs really didn't help.
Use line of sight and pull a pack at a time down the stairs. Getting an ogre isn't the end of the world.
But scenarios!They sucked after doing them once
I actually like the dungeons that get added to a tier. ToT could of had some good ones.