Dropped back into the game a little over a month ago now (after not having played since BC), and have happily developed Alt-itis. It's super fun jumping between characters getting to know each of them, and exploring all the specs/animations. I would like to get at least one of them as high as possible for the xpac, but I can't decide, I enjoy them all. =(
I have:
66 Monk - mostly been doing WW, but the recent update made me lose a little interest, haven't explored the other specs since the update
59 DK - Barely played obviously, but it's an option. I love the aesthetic of the class, but the abilities feel like you're just spamming shit? Maybe that changes later on.
54 Druid - I love Balance. Very strong in BG, and works well enough burning through dungeons. Resto is also great. Cat/Bear are alright, but they always just make me want to play a real tank/dps class instead.
44 Hunter - BM is pretty fun. MM is garbage. Surv is okay, but feels like a watered down melee class. Great in BG.
44 Rogue - Outlaw is pretty fun. Animations are great. Haven't really explored the other 2 specs. Going to try out some pvp for this as I haven't yet.
25 Shaman - Really my last choice because it used to be my go-to class, but now just isn't fun, regardless of spec. I really want Elemental to be fun, but I'm just not feeling it.

I still want to try out a Priest, lol.
Any insight into any of these going forward to 100 - 110 content? I prefer PvP over say Raids, so there's that.
I'm torn as I don't know how much each class will change at higher levels. I know the Artifacts play a big role, but no idea between those and where I'm at now.