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lol too funny
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Unfortunately nothing will change as long as people keep buying the game.
On the bright side I have started communication with SynSophia(AKI) about creating a new wrestling game with kickstarter and they will get back to me within 5 days.
So I can't even boot into the game because it says it can't connect to the WWE2K servers? WTF
I'm stuck on the initial screen with Austin and the 2K16 logo while the jukebox cycles through my playlist. So something is loading, but I can't get past this screen.
Anyone have any suggestions?? I've tried removing the disc, checking for updates, etc and I'm still sitting here staring at that screen after every attempt. It just stops there...
Disconnect from PSN?
I too am having problems accessing the game right now. Ps4, digital. I disconnected from PSN, reset the application, it told me I need to connect to access online features, and then went back to not loading the menu.
Edit: Disconnected from the Internet to get it to work, weird.
Can you no longer crawl across the floor for a pin?
I enjoyed that
I fucking hate the submission system.
Took me 30 submission holds before Layla tapped out. It's so fiddly ffs. The guy who created it couldn't even use it on stream the useless ball bag.
FFS if you edit Rivalry match so you can do a run in it DELETES the rivalry
Where can i see this. LolThat was the most hilarious shit. Created the complicated pain in the ass system, but couldn't even use it.
Where can i see this. Lol
Any other developer would be eaten alive if the released the same garbage on a yearly basis with the same bugs year after year with them never being fixed. Somehow the games media doesn't give a shit about wrestling though and continually gives Yukes good reviews.
2k servers are down. Got to go into offline mode to play.I bought the accelerator and now the game is stuck on the title screen. Restart my system and everything and it's still stuck. Redownloading it now and it might take the entire day to do that. If it still gets stuck then it's safe to say this is the single worst game purchase I've ever made. Ever.
2k servers are down. Got to go into offline mode to play.
Doesn't EA kinda do this with Madden? Somehow they're still pumping out those games...
(Though my familiarity with this is mostly through Breaking Madden in which the bugs lead to all sorts of crazy shit.)
Though this looks to be a completely different beast thus far.
I find the lack of Skirts for the Create a Diva's disheartening. How am I supposed to create my Hatsune Miku?
Cena attacks me in a tag match and leaves me stranded as orton. I win 2 v 1 , after the match it says orton left and has made him heel
for fucks sake
looking forward to seeing this rodeo of pain and bugs continuing until the end of civilisation itself.
yukes will outlast us all.
I haven't really kept up with Madden, but aren't the bugs fixed on a yearly basis or atleast every other year? Also aren't the presentation, graphics, and sound effects pretty realistic compared to real life? Unlike a certain developer that should be renamed Pukes.
that's what happens when you work from the same codebase held together by gum since 2002.They did the unthinkable. They brought bugs and glitches across generations of consoles.
The very little i've seen from the gore and perkins channel makes it look like shit, but the pin system doesn't seem too bad (Although I haven't played it)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqA3_f583PcSubmissions are impossible