I saw a second hand copy of Day of Reckoning on GameCube for $7 yesterday.
Maybe I should get that and spend the remaining $53 on cheap, nasty beer and drink until it feels like I am playing a decent wrestling game.
Played a couple of matches this morning. I liked the gameplay last year and so far I am only seeing improvements this year. Better transition animations are instantly noticeable and make the matches feel a whole lot smoother. The game also feels somewhat faster as well, which should please those who didn't like how slow it moved last year. Don't worry, the pace is still methodical for those who like a more sim style.
Also, the grapple mini-game to start a match is turned off by default, which should make a lot of people happy. I am going to assume it's off in online/Showcase as well but I haven't tried those yet.
Only graphical hiccup I encountered was Tyler Breeze's feathered selfie stick getting stuck in midair during a breakout.
Glad the grapple is gone by default. Showcase and career followed whatever the default was last year so hoping it sticks.
Do this for me: Edit someones attire and then win with them. I want to see if they fixed the invisible celebration before release.
Ok so
It's just like the WWE in the sense that I can't pin ANYONE with one finisher
And the 'cooldown' reversal thing seems like a good idea until you realize that the extra damage or whatever on bigger guys is nowhere near as OP as having those extra reversals.
And finishers are CONSTANTLY reversed by the AI. It's happened in all 5 of the matches I've done so far
Stuck at work now so I can't try it.
Was there a day one patch? If not I imagine it wasn't fixed.
I am a big fan of the concept of limited reversals but I hope playing around with the sliders will make the use of them more realistic. They didn't factor at all in the matches I played.
Wait the embargo for reviews end one full day after release?
Not as strong as this.
So is it true that in Universe mode, you cannot create title matches unless the CPU does it?
Goddam the announcing is so bad it somehow takes away from the game.
Terminator walking to the ring...
"King: Oh boy we're in for a treat both of these super stars are geared up and ready to go
Bradshaw: I can't wait for the bell to ring when these two finally get to go at each other"
They should just remove the announcing.
So is it true that in Universe mode, you cannot create title matches unless the CPU does it?
Damn, you guys are making me tempted to get it.
Going to hold off until they fix the Universe title glitch, if they don't then I won't bother.
One question about breakouts, how come after its over it says exit or rematch? Which one should I click to cause the damage that was issued to carry over to the match?!
One question about breakouts, how come after its over it says exit or rematch? Which one should I click to cause the damage that was issued to carry over to the match?!
On my phone so I cant type out a big review or anything but just after a few matches I feel its a lot better than last years. They upped the pace slightly, but it still has that sim feel to it as well.
The reversal aspect makes you think more which is nice.
The AI actually seems to be a bit smarter and more difficult as well on just normal (only one ive tested so far)
Graphics seem around the same.
Announcers are as horrible as ever.
Id say buy it.
One question about breakouts, how come after its over it says exit or rematch? Which one should I click to cause the damage that was issued to carry over to the match?!
Which is the WWE game where the models just walk on top of their titantron videos?
Because this is literally that.
You're assuming it's a glitch.
Removing something like this isn't unusual for 2k. I think it has to do with some of the new booking features they added in. Apparently CPU booking is a lot better. We will see though.
And smackdown 2. Good times.I think that was Smackdown! 1 for the PS1.
So is it true that in Universe mode, you cannot create title matches unless the CPU does it?
They should at least give us the option to remove it.
According to the 2K community forum, strangely the PS3/360 versions do not have this problem while the current generation consoles do. The last gen console versions also have the ability to add custom music. Weird.
According to the 2K community forum, strangely the PS3/360 versions do not have this problem while the current generation consoles do. The last gen console versions also have the ability to add custom music. Weird.
Lmao outta nowhere. This is the best new feature.stolen from twitter
stolen from twitter
This is the best clip of the game I've seen. Makes it look much more organic. Is this just a planned sequence though?
That's because they didn't change the PS3/360 version of the game since last year.
People have known about the issue on their fourms all weekend. There has been multiple threads complaining about it.
Likely they took it out so it wouldn't mess with the rivary system also there was a glitch that would delete your match card sometimes. So rather than fix anything they just took out a pretty simple, yet super integral feature. No triple threats of 4 way title matches. You can't even emulate the US open challenge.
stolen from twitter
it is from the entrance interference that you can now do
wow really? Now that is some shit =/
Wait. You can't turn off commentary?
"Were aware of a bug in Universe Mode that limits when players can set title matches. We are working to fix the issue and will have an update soon. "
there it is
I know right? Not sure if I'm getting the game as Universe Mode is all I play, and manually changing title holders is a pretty lame work around. There is enough stuff the mode doesn't do properly that I need to enforce in my head.
That's really good to know. I assumed they were being dicks about it.