from the trailer... are there new cockpits? Neat.
did they ever change the weird travel system minigame nonsense?
What ship is that at the end of the video?
Maybe its a close-up of a smaller ship... looks big.
Holy cow! Thanks for asking!
Edit: and egosoft links to pdf guide on 2.0:
Any X Rebirth players here? Just saw the steam flash sale ($25) and I can't tell if the game is any good. Reviews were awful but it's not clear how much the patches have improved it. How would you rate it now?
From what I've read, the game is improved but still shit compared to X3. I'm pretty bitter towards this game :/ I'm just really glad I held out on preordering, I knew X games are always buggy at release, didn't expect the actual game to be bad, though. Shame.
Any X Rebirth players here? Just saw the steam flash sale ($25) and I can't tell if the game is any good. Reviews were awful but it's not clear how much the patches have improved it. How would you rate it now?
At release it was a 1/10, it's now maybe a 2.5.
I can't take this game seriously anymore with Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous getting all my attention.
And it's their own damn fault, to boot. They could have ridden the space game wave. They could have released a modest-to-good game and stock up on mods and hype until the big guys show up, then release an expansion or two and rake in the big moneys.The franchise is probably dead between SC, Elite, No Man's Sky, and Enemy Starfighter.
The franchise is probably dead between SC, Elite, No Man's Sky, and Enemy Starfighter.
Wasn't X3 Reunion released in a similar state where they spent well over a year making it playable, or am I remembering wrong? I still think it can live up to its potential and maybe fill a niche since neither Star Citizen nor Elite Dangerous offer empire building.
Note: Translations for texts that are new in 2.50 are not yet included in this build..
• New Feature: New side-bar based main menu.
• New Feature: External camera view.
• New Feature: Free look in cockpit.
• New Feature: New shipyards for small and medium sized ships.
• Added Drone Hunt generic mission.
• Added Protection Detail generic mission.
• Added Diplomatic Aid mission chain.
• Added respawning of specialists with increasing hire fees.
• Added incoming remotely ordered wares to item trader menu.
• Added auto-refuel setting.
• Added small ship traders.
• Added primary shields to large ships which did not already have them.
• Added "civil war" behaviour between Pluatrch and Heart of Albion in Albion.
• Added ability to replace destroyed CVs so that station construction can can continue.
• Added ability to assign ships to other ships of same size or to any large ship.
• Added event monitor display to drone control mode.
• Added target elements for player-owned small ships.
• Added crash report option with privacy settings.
• Improved event monitor with "picture-in-picture" mode.
• Improved hacking gameplay.
• Improved engine animation and effects.
• Improved ship AI behaviour in numerous situations.
• Improved generation of mission enemies.
• Improved "Assign new superior" command.
• Improved ability menu to show when a drone is unavailable.
• Improved mission target indicator to point always to the closest mission target.
• Improved trade offers menu (shopping list is included in ship cargo).
• Improved docking behaviour of drones.
• Improved build tree menu user experience.
• Improved several mission briefings.
• Improved Open Comm Link menu in legacy main menu.
• Improved rendering of distant objects to reduce flickering slightly.
• Improved remote controlled player drones flying back to the player ship.
• Improved Mission Bar so it no longer obstructs menus.
• Fixed player ship cover faction not being reset from Xenon after plot.
• Fixed several plot and other mission issues.
• Fixed player ship slowing down when a menu is opened in a highway.
• Fixed left mouse clicks not closing ability/interact menus in some cases.
• Fixed double clicks on current target not always opening interact menu.
• Fixed stuck scroll-bar when returning to a previous menu.
• Fixed various other issues with UI and targeting behaviour.
• Fixed dialog or legacy main menu sometimes not showing buttons as selected.
• Fixed pressing ESC/DEL on loading screen returning to startmenu after loading is done.
• Fixed targets being lost with mouse-controls in certain cases (e.g. when mission targets update).
• Fixed upgrade resources being counted twice for building.
• Fixed upgrade level rounding issues resulting in incorrect upgrade counts.
• Fixed an issue with station expansions not completing out-of-sector.
• Fixed multiple ship dealers per platform.
• Fixed escort ships disappearing after loading a savegame.
• Fixed a pathing issue for ships flying to stations.
• Fixed an issue with gas collectors not collecting.
• Fixed production module animations being stuck after having been out-of-sector.
• Fixed several problems with drone docking.
• Fixed problems with transport drones not picking up containers.
• Fixed drones failing to get a new commander if theirs is destroyed.
• Fixed ability to comm from a remote control drone using the "C" shortcut.
• Fixed stuck shift keys when alt-tabbing or changing window focus.
• Fixed inconsistent upgrade counts between encyclopedia and ship dealer.
• Fixed player ship selectable in Assign to Commander conversation.
• Fixed drones not being able to return to their home base.
• Fixed managers pestering the player for money.
• Fixed stuck trade offers and refunded money to all participants.
• Fixed excessively bright lights on certain objects.
• Fixed problem involving disappearing wares.
• Fixed input actions and states mapped to axis on joystick 3-8 not working.
• Fixed several mining bugs (resource gathering, movement, searching...).
• Fixed cases of player drones getting lost when you enter a highway.
• Fixed police not detecting illegal cargo in player inventory in many cases.
• Fixed station building not proceeding correctly when not in the player zone.
• Fixed refuel budget menu assuming that the trader has no money.
• Fixed unidentified station modules having a name in the map.
• Fixed minor button selection bugs in menus.
• Fixed automatically changing selection in map menu.
• Fixed initial button selection in menus not being highlighted.
• Fixed mode options being available in the player ship's back room.
• Fixed shields not protecting surface elements on several ships in Omicron Lyrae.
• Fixed mining drones not picking up asteroids in some cases.
• Fixed rare cases of hotkey buttons not working.
• Fixed occasional freeze when opening the options menu.
• Fixed ships getting stuck waiting for drones.
• Fixed some ships not shooting at large objects.
• Fixed certain invisible ship/station components being selectable as target.
• Fixed several of the most common causes of crashes.
• Various optimisations resulting in performance improvements.
• Beta 7 Improved crash reports.
• Beta 7 Fixed some trade ships ignoring trade opportunities for extended periods of time.
• Beta 7 Fixed storage calculations for intermediate products that caused storage requirements to be vastly overestimated.
• Beta 7 Fixed various mission issues.
• Beta 7 Fixed target cycling not working in highways.
• Beta 7 Fixed targets being lost in some cases.
• Beta 7 Fixed exploit allowing repeated instantly-profitable trades on shipyards.
• Beta 7 Fixed temporary loss of faction discounts when temporarily losing reputation.
• Beta 7 Fixed the boost effect not stopping in some situations.
• Beta 7 Fixed remote transport drones ending up in the player squad.
• Beta 7 Fixed keyboard navigation selecting options from time to time.
• Beta 7 Fixed icons being displayed for off-screen NPCs (problem introduced in 2.50).
• Beta 7 Fixed target elements missing or showing incorrect states (problem introduced in 2.50).
• Beta 7 Fixed missing sound effect when target element changes state (problem introduced in 2.50).
• Beta 7 Fixed targets still being lost on target element changes (improves fix in 2.50).
• Beta 7 Fixed main menu font issue in Chinese and Korean.
• Beta 7 Further performance improvements.
• Beta 7 Several more fixes for the most common causes of crashes.
If you already own X Rebirth, or you buy it before the 1st November, then you can pre-order the expansion free on Steam up until that date.
Wasn't X3 Reunion released in a similar state where they spent well over a year making it playable, or am I remembering wrong? I still think it can live up to its potential and maybe fill a niche since neither Star Citizen nor Elite Dangerous offer empire building.
Yes, BUT!
X-Rebirth is fundamentally different then all of the X Games before. And not in a good way.
I sunk over 1000 hours in the X Series from X beyond the Frontier through X3 Albion Prelude. I played all X Games.
They propably lost me as a customer with X-Rebirth. Only played it 2 hours.
They were always niche and then they try an effing Console Mainstream Game! 7 Years....
X needed trimming down. but not to this......
how is this game these days? Worth ten euro???
Version 4.0 out this month.
New bulletin board is worth a try imo, if you haven't touched the game for a while there are also plenty of new additionMissed this, there's also a new DLC out. I wonder if it's worth jumping back in yet.
New bulletin board is worth a try imo, if you haven't touched the game for a while there are also plenty of new additiob
Looking forward for Home of Light, X3 feels are strong
Such a post release support for a game that is almost 3 years old is fucking incredible
Is the game more stable now? I would love try building my own galactic empire.