The Series X is “dead at the door” because of the Series S. Microsoft marketed it to the masses as “the same but cheaper” so people bought it rather than the X. Only enthusiasts or people who wanted access to physical media paid attention to the deeper differences.
And then they told devs that they HAD to ensure feature parity so Microsoft could make good on those marketing claims to the masses (which inevitably blew up in their faces with BG3, handing a win to Sony in the process).
We will never know what the Series X might have sold if they had taken the PS5 path (both using the same hardware, one omitting the optical drive). The only thing we can say for certain, thanks to the now redacted FTC leaks, is that the Series S cannibalized sales of the Series X to a significant degree.
The idiocy and denial around how stupid the Series S is was a prime example of fanboyism taken to its natural limits. It was blindingly obvious that putting out weaker, cheaper hardware would hamstring developers, and ruin the chances of the more powerful, decent console being a success. Such a stupid strategy.