How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?
I only played it for about 7 hours before realizing it just wasn't my thing though. The cliche anime characters really grated on me after a while (dude deathly afraid of being around women, little girl creepily attracted to main character, annoying+cute talking animal, etc.)
Good to hear that this game avoids that stuff, and the videos I've seen of Xenoblade make the combat system look pretty interesting too.
How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?
Cheers m8, side quests don't seem to be to much of an effort so far, i just need to pay more attention to things.
How is the 3d effect on this, I read in an earlier thread that it was "weak". Is there anywhere I can check the effect out for myself?
Go to the eShop page and look at the 3D screenshots. The 3D effect is indeed very unspectacular. You won't miss it if you turn it off.
I was watching the live stream the other day, and I saw an icon to the right, with an arrow pointing up, and an arrw pointing down.
I figure thats most likely the save/load game prompt, but it also looked kind of similar to the icon games like super mario 3d land had, which allowed you to swap how the 3d effect was displayed, from prioritizing pop out, or depth, any word on this?
Because if the eshop pictures are representative of the screenshots (Unless its only in 3d on new 3ds systems?), then thats not an underwhelming 3d effect, there is no 3d effect.
ctrl+f "Reyn Time" and eat crow
I was watching the live stream the other day, and I saw an icon to the right, with an arrow pointing up, and an arrw pointing down.
I figure thats most likely the save/load game prompt, but it also looked kind of similar to the icon games like super mario 3d land had, which allowed you to swap how the 3d effect was displayed, from prioritizing pop out, or depth, any word on this?
Because if the eshop pictures are representative of the screenshots (Unless its only in 3d on new 3ds systems?), then thats not an underwhelming 3d effect, there is no 3d effect.
Actually, none of the screenshots on the eshop right now are showing up in 3d, even ones with games I know have strong 3d effects. Huh, did I do something in eshop settings?
You had it right, those are the SAVE and LOAD icons. I haven't looked at the eShop page myself, just going off of what someone else said to me who did check them out. You cannot change anything about how the 3D is displayed, though. That much is certain.
Life is too short for me to play Xenoblade again, sorry![]()
Shame. Abyss is probably the ONLY Tales game they really tried (and succeeded) at a story --- it was all but cliché (and the characters, while 'embracing' their tropes tend to 'grow up' and get developed well).
Xenoblade I feel is another that does well at avoiding the troperrific anime cast. For one, I like that the entire cast is actually older than average (so no squealing loli or "FOR JUSTICE" fighting child). Shulk, iirc, is the youngest but also ...he's a nerd, and a good one.
I think Xenoblade really clicked with me when they didn't pull that anime garbage of "taking the burden" all on one character, as everyone is really game to help Shulk and they're all quite open with each other. I think what I'm saying is the entire cast is more or less quite mature (which is a real boon sicne I've grown so damn tired of anime stereotypes).
How are some able to download this
Japanese version came out this morning
How are some able to download this
Are we getting that theme here in the US?? I want it
Edit: there's two?? Any pics?
Bought the Wii version at launch, never played it, sold it in anticipation of this, and now have this preordered. Looking forward to it... finally!
I don't really think Xenoblade avoided the regular tropes so much as it completely embraced them, going by Takahashi's stated desire to hew close to established narrative templates - but while not doing anything particularly new it did generally execute its cliches competently while downplaying a few undesirable conventions. I really wasn't that much a fan of; but overall it could have been so much worse, I agree.the love triangle and how Fiora was handled later in the story
Was going to complain about the title, but no less than 17 instances of Reyn Time in the OP itself have placated me.
No, I have no idea why I'm sick and tired of "I'm really feeling it" but am not sick and tired of Reyn's various memes.
Because 3DS doesn't support preloads.
Just got to sharla in gaur plain
Yeah, that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Hell, as far as goofy phrases Shulk says goes, lines like "We can definitely do this!" and "PIECE OF CAKE!!!Can we be friends? "I'm really [verb]ing it" is very possibly my least favorite video game meme like... Ever.
I thought it was funny when it first started but when people who didn't even know how to spell "Monado" started posting it in every single Xenoblade video on YouTube and when the Shulk tag on Tumblr started being nothing but "I'm really [verb]ing it" images, it just got old really fast, especially when it was never really a meme before Smash even though he says it or variations on it all the time.
Reyn Time all day everyday though! And hopefully people will see the light after they actually play this haha.
Edit: Holy crap just saw the themes in action. I need those right now. We better get them NoA![]()
AGAINST THE ODDSmeh, Reyn Time is overrated too
meh, Reyn Time is overrated too