I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
The English is really good, couldn't possibly go back to Japanese.I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
Thought the same initially, but stick with it, it's actually pretty great, plus you'll understand what they're saying during battles.I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
I kind of rotate between 3 partys.
Shulk, Reyn and Sharla for long battles that need healing
Shulk, Reyn and Dunban for short battles that need high dps
Shulk, Reyn and Melia for battles that need ether damage
Is this an okay strat?
Let me finish that for you:I finally bought this game last night! Only 30 minutes in and I'm enjoying it, but good lord that voice acting...
Yeah it grows on you. Apart from the battle cries, they have A.D.D. Everyone yelling about the enemies they just fought and how tough they are.
I'm like, guys we just killed 1 rat.
I'm at around the 35 hour mark now and loving the game much more than I did around the 20 hour mark.
I kind of rotate between 3 partys.
Shulk, Reyn and Sharla for long battles that need healing
Shulk, Reyn and Dunban for short battles that need high dps
Shulk, Reyn and Melia for battles that need ether damage
Is this an okay strat?
I want to change to a new cartridge, not new console. Would I be correct to assume that's not possible?
Ah kk sorry man I don't know nothin' about that.
I'm on an upcurve of enjoyment in this game atm, I'm doing Melias Tomb stuff and there's some good battles. I still have trouble balancing out my partys physical attack, ether attack and healing powers. Feels like I either don't have enough ether damage or enough healing at time.
Once you get to level ~33-ish, you should have enough skill links to turn Dunban into an agility monster. Highly recommended.
Mmm signed. I think the only other cast member's sig I'd want is Reyn's actor... and to, y'know, write "Reyn Time" on there...
I'm just in to brag. I was at Canada's FanExpo and got to get Jenna Coleman's autograph. Nothing like her saying "Melia Antiqua" off her own tongue and telling a bit about the experience. Plus, dear lord she's pretty, and I've loved her on Doctor Who.
She told me she never played it (of course) but I reminded her she 'picked good'.
Mmm signed. I think the only other cast member's sig I'd want is Reyn's actor... and to, y'know, write "Reyn Time" on there...![]()
I kinda feel like an idiot. I only realized that I could travel back easily to past locations using the "area maps" when I reached Mechonis. I've used quick travel in many spots but never really noticed that option in the menu. I just kept plowing through the main story and completing the odd side quest here and there.
Is there any reason to go back and complete some of the sidequests in Frontier Village or rebuilding Colony 6? Does it affect the ending in any way?
I really like the main story of this game but the side quests and side characters seem so inconsequential. I feel like the game gives me zero reason to go out of my way to complete any of them.
Could you elaborate on the experience she told you about? I'm interested in hearing.
I went back and did a couple of the Colony 6 rebuilding ones. After a few upgrades, I just felt the weight of the backtracking required to get a few extra materials that I missed and said "forget about it". If those things had some consequence to the "end state" of the world after I finish the game, yeah, I'd probably be going back and doing them.You can go the entire game without doing any sidequests. Colony 6 gives you some good rewards, and there are some really really interesting frontier village quests.
continue the story? there is no relation between those 2 games except for the name...
btw: how far are you?
You can go the entire game without doing any sidequests. Colony 6 gives you some good rewards, and there are some really really interesting frontier village quests.
I'm just in to brag. I was at Canada's FanExpo and got to get Jenna Coleman's autograph. Nothing like her saying "Melia Antiqua" off her own tongue and telling a bit about the experience. Plus, dear lord she's pretty, and I've loved her on Doctor Who.
She told me she never played it (of course) but I reminded her she 'picked good'.
Mmm signed. I think the only other cast member's sig I'd want is Reyn's actor... and to, y'know, write "Reyn Time" on there...![]()
I'm really enjoying this so far. I've spent 20 hours on it and I'm still on tColony 6. I've been trying to do all the side missions though. Is it worth doing all the missions?
**4 months later**
XenobladeGAF, I need help
I'm about 103 hours in and I'm stuck on "that boss". The boss who resides in a giant heart, thinks it's funny to throw you into green pools of piss and summons exploding fart gas monsters. (Is a disciple)
Yeah so, she is annoying. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the AI to work. My team is: Riki, Melia and Sharla(level 74). I tried using Shulk on point but I have no healer and this get defeated very quickly. Sharla is a great healer.....when She wants to heal. 3 times. I've come close to beating Disciple L******** but Sharla refuses to heal. I even took all of her attacks off So all she can do is heal and Sharla still manages to do nothing but chip away with 168 damage while my team are on red health then end up dying. How do you command the AI to actually do their job? I know the 3 commands available with ZR but spamming all of them still still results in Sharla blowing kisses to the boss.
Only reason I haven't snapped my New3DSXL is because I play this on my travel to and from work/out in public.
**4 months later**
XenobladeGAF, I need help
I'm about 103 hours in and I'm stuck on "that boss". The boss who resides in a giant heart, thinks it's funny to throw you into green pools of piss and summons exploding fart gas monsters. (Is a disciple)
Yeah so, she is annoying. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the AI to work. My team is: Riki, Melia and Sharla(level 74). I tried using Shulk on point but I have no healer and this get defeated very quickly. Sharla is a great healer.....when She wants to heal. 3 times. I've come close to beating Disciple L******** but Sharla refuses to heal. I even took all of her attacks off So all she can do is heal and Sharla still manages to do nothing but chip away with 168 damage while my team are on red health then end up dying. How do you command the AI to actually do their job? I know the 3 commands available with ZR but spamming all of them still still results in Sharla blowing kisses to the boss.
Only reason I haven't snapped my New3DSXL is because I play this on my travel to and from work/out in public.
Get rid of Sharla, pick anyone else. Or control Sharla yourself if you must.
Fake edit: apparently using one o the ZR actions makes the AI perform different actions. Is this true?
It's absolutely necessary that you take control of Melia. She wrecks that boss.**4 months later**
XenobladeGAF, I need help
I'm about 103 hours in and I'm stuck on "that boss". The boss who resides in a giant heart, thinks it's funny to throw you into green pools of piss and summons exploding fart gas monsters. (Is a disciple)
Yeah so, she is annoying. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the AI to work. My team is: Riki, Melia and Sharla(level 74). I tried using Shulk on point but I have no healer and this get defeated very quickly. Sharla is a great healer.....when She wants to heal. 3 times. I've come close to beating Disciple L******** but Sharla refuses to heal. I even took all of her attacks off So all she can do is heal and Sharla still manages to do nothing but chip away with 168 damage while my team are on red health then end up dying. How do you command the AI to actually do their job? I know the 3 commands available with ZR but spamming all of them still still results in Sharla blowing kisses to the boss.
Only reason I haven't snapped my New3DSXL is because I play this on my travel to and from work/out in public.
Fake edit: apparently using one o the ZR actions makes the AI perform different actions. Is this true?
Fake edit: apparently using one o the ZR actions makes the AI perform different actions. Is this true?
It's absolutely necessary that you take control of Melia. She wrecks that boss.
When you complete a quest you simply complete it, you don't have to go back to the person that gave you the questJust bought the game, loving it, but I don't like the way quests are handled. The whole "find people around different parts of the city at different times of day" is a nice concept, but horrible in execution. If I do a sidequest, I want to be able to find that person again easily if I have to return their shit. Argh! Other than that, I like the game a lot.
Just bought the game, loving it, but I don't like the way quests are handled. The whole "find people around different parts of the city at different times of day" is a nice concept, but horrible in execution. If I do a sidequest, I want to be able to find that person again easily if I have to return their shit. Argh! Other than that, I like the game a lot.
When you complete a quest you simply completed, you don't have to go back to the person that gave you the quest
How far are you?
That's right! You can change the clock to whatever time you want at any time. You can also skip to any location at any time if you've already been there.Also you can set the clock.
Very early. Some aren't like that. Like fixing that kids pendant for his mom. You have to find a certain guy at the military base, then find the kids again to give him back his pendant.When you complete a quest you simply complete it, you don't have to go back to the person that gave you the quest
How far are you?
how do you change the time?That's right! You can change the clock to whatever time you want at any time. You can also skip to any location at any time if you've already been there.
That's right! You can change the clock to whatever time you want at any time. You can also skip to any location at any time if you've already been there.
On the menu there's a clock icon.how do you change the time?
**4 months later**
XenobladeGAF, I need help
I'm about 103 hours in and I'm stuck on "that boss". The boss who resides in a giant heart, thinks it's funny to throw you into green pools of piss and summons exploding fart gas monsters. (Is a disciple)
Yeah so, she is annoying. The problem is that I can't figure out how to get the AI to work. My team is: Riki, Melia and Sharla(level 74). I tried using Shulk on point but I have no healer and this get defeated very quickly. Sharla is a great healer.....when She wants to heal. 3 times. I've come close to beating Disciple L******** but Sharla refuses to heal. I even took all of her attacks off So all she can do is heal and Sharla still manages to do nothing but chip away with 168 damage while my team are on red health then end up dying. How do you command the AI to actually do their job? I know the 3 commands available with ZR but spamming all of them still still results in Sharla blowing kisses to the boss.
Only reason I haven't snapped my New3DSXL is because I play this on my travel to and from work/out in public.
That boss made me scream out. I had that boss poisoned and Shulk died and as i screamed in anger the poison killed boss and it triggered the cutscene. It was the most challenging experience I've had in a long time.
I ended up winning in the end. I was just using the same team and hoped and that I would eventually win. The RNG gods looked down upon me and granted Sharla with actual smarts for once.
The problem ia that it isn't. Fair challenge. Having terrible uncooperative AI that doesn't function as the game is intended isn't difficult for the right reasons. I have a good and smart team, the right gem load out and at a leel that I should be OK, but I simply couldn't get Sharla to work. It honesty is some of the worst/laziest AI I've ever come across. If anything though, it's the only major negative with the game.
Funnily enough though, I love Riki even more. Dude is incredibly good!
For the most part, Sharla is a trap. There's usually a better option for both healing and getting through battles.
You're right though, Sharla doesn't have the best AI, which is another solid reason to use her less.
Does any of this tie into Xenoblade X?
but I simply couldn't get Sharla to work. It honesty is some of the worst/laziest AI I've ever come across. If anything though, it's the only major negative with the game.
True but I needed a healer. I felt completely open without those little heal bits coming in.
This is super random, but can someone help me out? I played this game on 3DS at launch - got like 5 hours in, I'm at Bionis' Leg (open field area). I haven't played in a couple months and I'm trying to get back into it.
I'm getting my ass kicked by random mobs. I'm level 15 and mobs are like 13-14. I basically forgot how to play the game - I'm just using Shulk and using my attacks (the backstab attack and the side attack). I don't really remember much of the mechanics. Help? I can provide more info about where I'm at.
Got myself a New 3DSXL yesterday and picked up Xenoblade 3D as well. Going in pretty much blind since I don't have any experience with the original Wii game either.
So far I'm disappointed with the muddy graphics but the framerate makes up for that, as does having an open world to roam around in. Really looking forward to exploring the place. And the affinity system seems interesting too.