Smiles and Cries
Epic so epic but why they make me run back to the ship? It feels like I should be exploring for secrets :3
Save anywhere, at any time you're not in a battle or cutscene.What's the save system like for this? Save anywhere? Pretty important for me to know. Thanks
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't gotten 7th, but has anyone had this experience?
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't gotten 7th, but has anyone had this experience?
Yeah, but I only watched it on youtube, I think someone linked it in the last topic (it's the missable character development scene I've mentioned). It's actually kind of sad.
Things like this are what move a game from good to great. Little secrets.they did a terrible job with the way these characters could have interacted they could have been much closer we could have felt more for them. This is so easily missed I walked away from that room the first time.
so stupid to have something like this hidden I mean you have to change the clock wtf!
Edit2: Woah, that really is a big heart that pops up. I've never seen one before. Is there any other time that happens?
Maybe you do. I always assumed it was one more small heart. Maybe it was a big one all along. I was usually focused on the text. I'll post back once I do my next H2H - I've been going through them.Don't you get big hearts on H2Hs when you answer both questions "correctly?" Or maybe just some of them. Big heart is 5x small hearts though.
And no, it doesn't impact anything. When it refers to affecting how things turn out it's just referring to quests with alternate endings depending on the choices you make (or things that happen/don't happen if you don't do quests).
Err, so how does that whole thing work?Man,is terrible in New Game +.FioraExtremely generic arts, terrible weapons, only two armour designs... I've got her to about level 40 by slaughtering the lv70+ monsters in Colony 9. It's lame that she can't use dual sword weapons. Maybe I should just ignore her and continue.
Err, so how does that whole thing work?
Yeah but...It really doesn't :lol
Since she's supposed to leave the party early anyway, I don't think she ever gets more than four arts. They're not great, and there's no way to level them up. Her best weapon is also pretty pitiful. Even if you got her to level 70, threw some decent armor on her, she'd still be nearly worthless in battle because her arts would be so bad and she would have no strength to deal any damage without a ton of skill links + gems.
Yeah but...
Does she not die? How does that affect the story? Do you get to keep her throughout the whole game, and get Fiora and 7th? That's what's really confusing the heck out of me.
I'm crossing 170 hours, yay, time flies.
I currently am in, I'm about to start it, just wondering if I'm near to the final.Agniratha
Getting that would be the easiest way for sure. It's literally the best art in the game (with Serene Heart following closely behind, but far above anything else).
But with most fights, you should be able to win with the cheap party of Shulk/Riki/Sharla. Riki deals the damage with DoT attacks and hopefully tanks with his huge HP. Shulk manages visions and occasionally light heals. Sharla just heals. Battles will be slow, but that should beat everything unless you just have really poor armor/gems/skill links.
It's not really a difficulty spike, more a level spike. most people tend to rush through agniratha, and that was probably not intended by the devs
Well fuck me in the asshole...
Just hit my first real roadblock in the entire game:.The boss fight with Gadolt in Agniratha
I am Level 65 at the moment, so I might be one or two levels below where I should be. I have tried every party combination that I can think of, but he always wipes us out with his ridiculously damaging attacks.
I looked around online, and most people seem to be suggesting learning Monado Armor. So I guess I'll warp back over to theand do the sidequest that unlocks that ability. Is there any other way to win this fight? I have what seems to be the optimal equipment on everyone at this point in the game, and I've been making heavy use of Level 4 gems on everyone.Fallen Arm
he is level 68 I think its his support units and me not knowing how to change my target enemy that caused me issues I only learned how to change my target for 2 fights after talk about reading the manual late in the game
Edit: I need to ask a question about my area... I am at Colony 6: Is this the point of no return if I say yes to the next area?
topple topple topple topple. it's literally the key to almost anything in this game.
Melia is topple queen!
No, you're explicitly told during a cutscene that you won't be able go back once you hit the point of no return.
I forget what does Melia topple with?
anyway guys
Quest Spoiler
this is for you guys who finished the game I ran into this and looked it up cause I was lost
Ceremony quest seems to end with a level 86 monster - Can I beat it at level 70?
not willing to wait to come back to this point on NG+
I don't have to equip the rewards for this but I want to explore I want doors open
Oh you are saying I'm not there yet! whoa... cool going to go on then
Additionally, he should know it only works when used directly after Spear Break (which doesn't actually inflict Break, which means Melia's Topple operates independently of other party members').
I think I've gone back and forth on capitalizing the different statuses in this game but oh well.
Starlight Kick is Melia's topple art.
I didn't have a problem with him. Assuming you're dodging the lasers using the barricades.I'm not the only one who thinks that this fight is a huge difficulty spike, though, right?
I have literally breezed trough every boss fight in the game without having to grind, and thenshows up and mercilessly rapes my asshole to pieces.Gadolt
It's only a problem in Chain Attacks. Outside of them, Spear Break is superior to most Topple options. It's a bonus that it doesn't need Break up.Unfortunately her topple is very specific, unlike the others. Topple only functions after Spear Break, so even if an enemy has break or is already toppled her topple won't work on it. Really limited it's use for me after my first playthrough.
I mentioned that in my previous post!![]()
I forget what does Melia topple with?
anyway guys
Quest Spoiler
this is for you guys who finished the game I ran into this and looked it up cause I was lost
Ceremony quest seems to end with a level 86 monster - Can I beat it at level 70?
not willing to wait to come back to this point on NG+
I don't have to equip the rewards for this but I want to explore I want doors open![]()
I'm glad to finally be past that section, but now I get the feeling that I'll need to do some grinding to make sure I'm not even more underleveled later.
Affinity coins feel so good to get. They're like little tokens that say "yes, we're all even better friends than before".Kill the unique monsters in the last couple areas you've been in and you should be fine. Pretty much the best way to grind since it doesn't involve saving/reloading or a bunch of mindless battles, and you get some good stuff out of it. Plus the affinity coins.
You get used to the quest system. I thought it was a pain, but then, 150 hours in, I realized that the quest lists the location of the quest giver. -_-
Use the pull-down list to select "New" quests. It'll help you know what you really need to be working on.I think the problem is it just seems like another menu and I can't be bother managing it; I'll have to give it a closer look through when I next play though.
Finally got past that bastard(the second fight) after going back and doing the quest to unlock the Monado Armor art. That definitely helped a lot.Gadolt
Strangely enough, the boss fight that followed didn't give me much of a problem. I only had to restart it once, which was a result of poor Monado gauge management.
And I was able to do all of this with a Level 66 party (Shulk, Dunban, Sharla).
I'm glad to finally be past that section, but now I get the feeling that I'll need to do some grinding to make sure I'm not even more underleveled later.