Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Still early on. I just got out ofand sawthe shinfrom far away.mechanis
Then the game basically just started for you.
Still early on. I just got out ofand sawthe shinfrom far away.mechanis
Finally started playing, about 5 hours in. Not liking the battle system that much (also keep dying to some mobs). Playing on a Wii U so the game looks terrible lol, especially the face textures/animations.looking for Ju Ju after getting Sharla
Story has been a bit of a drag so far but I'm expecting some classic Takahashi complexity by the end.
That is my thoughts aswell, I want more control over characters like sharla so I can get the right person healed when I need itMany people have complained about Xenoblade's combat system. I really like it. It's never grown stale to me and I've played a lot of this game. One giant upgrade it could use, and which I really really hope to see in X, is greater control over your AI teammates. People have mentioned the Gambit system from a Final Fantasy game. I have no idea what that is but if it gives you influence over your teammates I am all for something similar.
I dont get what you mean that your doing the same thing in every fight, are you referring to the break>topple>daze system? you dont have to do that for every enemySo far my problem with it is that I'm doing the same thing for every enemy in every fight using the same skills in the same order because it seems the most effective.
The cooldown also seems kind of strange, like I activate the monado enchant at the start of a mechon mob, but if I kill them too fast and move onto the next mob, the enchant isn't recharged by the time the second fight starts and everyone is doing 1 damage until it does.
Also haven't gotten used to the targeting yet, maybe because of the clutter and the marker is hard to see, but I sometimes target some far off enemy in the distance that's not even engaged in the battle when I'm trying to switch to an enemy right in front of me.
That is my thoughts aswell, I want more control over characters like sharla so I can get the right person healed when I need it
1. I assume you're in earlygame? because later there's stuff that can't be toppled at all, or have spikes and whatnotSo far my problem with it is that I'm doing the same thing for every enemy in every fight using the same skills in the same order because it seems the most effective.
The cooldown also seems kind of strange, like I activate the monado enchant at the start of a mechon mob, but if I kill them too fast and move onto the next mob, the enchant isn't recharged by the time the second fight starts and everyone is doing 1 damage until it does.
Also haven't gotten used to the targeting yet, maybe because of the clutter and the marker is hard to see, but I sometimes target some far off enemy in the distance that's not even engaged in the battle when I'm trying to switch to an enemy right in front of me.
Yeah something like that. So far regardless of what enemy I've fought I always approach from behind and do the back attack skill -> front attack break when they turn around -> side attack skills -> maybe heal/de-aggro -> repeatI dont get what you mean that your doing the same thing in every fight, are you referring to the break>topple>daze system? you dont have to do that for every enemy
thats actually specifically what im referring to, I didnt need sharla more than I did in that fight, it was ridiculousif you need active healing, you fucked up
I have yet to find a case where this isn't true in Xenoblade, outside of like maybe thefights near the beginning of the gameXord
1. I assume you're in earlygame? because later there's stuff that can't be toppled at all, or have spikes and whatnot
2. ah, the Monado's talent gauge fills up by auto-attacking, you need 3 attacks to fill it up from the halfway point (5 if completely empty) without any boosts
3. uh....I got nothing
Yeah something like that. So far regardless of what enemy I've fought I always approach from behind and do the back attack skill -> front attack break when they turn around -> side attack skills -> maybe heal/de-aggro -> repeat
I just kind of want some more strategy where I'll have to respond to elemental weaknesses or something along those lines. I heard the battle system opens up a lot more later though, just finding myself preferring to skip fights when I can right now
not really related, but who's your favorite characters?
Riki like fighting easy monsters!also Melia kills stuff and is pretty cute <3
Dunban because he is so obviously the hero of this story.
Many people have complained about Xenoblade's combat system. I really like it. It's never grown stale to me and I've played a lot of this game. One giant upgrade it could use, and which I really really hope to see in X, is greater control over your AI teammates. People have mentioned the Gambit system from a Final Fantasy game. I have no idea what that is but if it gives you influence over your teammates I am all for something similar.
My biggest issue is targeting the enemy I want to target, which is important when you want not aggro/not aggro a specific enemy. It's way too cumbersome and reliant on luck. I like it otherwise.
Many people have complained about Xenoblade's combat system. I really like it. It's never grown stale to me and I've played a lot of this game. One giant upgrade it could use, and which I really really hope to see in X, is greater control over your AI teammates. People have mentioned the Gambit system from a Final Fantasy game. I have no idea what that is but if it gives you influence over your teammates I am all for something similar.
I think my favourite's pretty obvious
I also liked Dunban, Melia, and Alvis. Alvis was such a tease throughout the story.WHO'S SIDE IS HE EVEN ON
Riki was annoying.
who, Reyn?
also holy crap Riki's Japanese voice sounds like an obnoxious little girl, which one of you people said it was better
and hey chaosblade, who's your favoriteXenoblade characterAwakening
holy crap Riki's Japanese voice sounds like an obnoxious little girl, which one of you people said it was better
I HIGHLY recommend switching to japanese, riki sounds just so much better that whe nI heard his english voice I literally went WTF
ahhhh it was you!
mortal enemies!
Hmm, probablyDunban.Gregor
I'm on my 2nd full playthrough and I just entered a battle where I can play as dickson, after the boss battle with, this might be the only time you get to actually play as him in the game. Play as him, meaning you can put him in your actual party, you cant make him your main party member tho.xord
You can do that on the first playthrough as well. Shame I can't take his Unbeatable VI off of him. Can you even make an Unbeatable VI?
Deinos Sauros drops the V crystal. 50% activation rate for Megaheat I think.
And don't forget you get Dickson in your party during the tutorial.
Hey guys I just started playing this, and damn I am enjoying it alot so far. I am not a fan of the camera and was wondering if using a Pro controller would be better? and Is there any way of connecting my wii to use hdmi cords?
I've been lurking NeoGAF for years and just discovered the community section. I want to replay Xenoblade so bad but i just have way too many games at the moment to get through. It's seriously one of the greatest RPG games i have ever played. I loved every minute of it.
Glad you enjoyed it so much![]()
another avatar change?
too bad it's hard to make a real challenge run of this game though....![]()
though I'm curious, does anyone know some difficulty hacks for this game? (preferably for Dolphin)
The only ones I've seen are experience reduction (or disabling outright). Never got the reduction one to work right, it always instantly made me level 99 after one fight which was the opposite of what I wanted.
Might be other stuff now too, haven't looked into it since the NA release.
I need some help. I'm at the penultimate boss and at Lv. 77. I'm fairly certain I'll need to grind one or two more levels, but I want to make sure I'm not missing some obvious strategy. I'm running Shulk/Dunban/Sharla and just letting Dunban absorb aggro while I Monado Speed him. My problem is that the boss's moves do way too much damage so I'm stuck using the party bar to heal with Sharla constantly.
Any suggestions with what I should do? I'd prefer to stick with my current party.
I'm an old JRPG fanatic from an era long lost, and after snoozing on the genre and sustaining on PS1-era replays through the PS3/Wii generation (aside from playing Eternal Sonata, FFXIII, and Lost Odyssey/Blue Dragon), I finally got a Wii U and bought both Last Story and Xenoblade.
After beating Last Story in just shy of 20 hours, I'm now ready to tackle Xenoblade for the first time ever.
Any pro tips before I dive in?
I'm an old JRPG fanatic from an era long lost, and after snoozing on the genre and sustaining on PS1-era replays through the PS3/Wii generation (aside from playing Eternal Sonata, FFXIII, and Lost Odyssey/Blue Dragon), I finally got a Wii U and bought both Last Story and Xenoblade.
After beating Last Story in just shy of 20 hours, I'm now ready to tackle Xenoblade for the first time ever.
Any pro tips before I dive in?