Cary Grant lays down the law.
I don't see how anyone who who calls themselves gamer would actually say God Hand is good. Its the type of game you use as an example on how not to make a game. God Hand is right up there with Superman 64 and E.T. as one of the worst games ever released.
You should stop fooling yourself into thinking that statement is true.
I don't see how anyone who who calls themselves gamer would actually say God Hand is good. Its the type of game you use as an example on how not to make a game. God Hand is right up there with Superman 64 and E.T. as one of the worst games ever released.
Finished it finally, it was extremely hard on normal.
When you finish it you unlock NGZ mode and 2 more costumes.
You can also select any chapter and any difficulty.
I really recommended playing on easy.
You should stop fooling yourself into thinking that statement is true.
I don't see how anyone who who calls themselves gamer would actually say God Hand is good. Its the type of game you use as an example on how not to make a game. God Hand is right up there with Superman 64 and E.T. as one of the worst games ever released.
Haha first the God Hand hate and now Spec Ops? Yaiba brings out the worst in people it seems.
I fully expected yaiba to be terrible from the get go, but was hoping it would somehow surprise us all, especially since it was coming to Steam. Tis a dang shame, loved Ninja Gaiden/ Black.
You should stop fooling yourself into thinking that statement is true.
I don't see how anyone who who calls themselves gamer would actually say God Hand is good. Its the type of game you use as an example on how not to make a game. God Hand is right up there with Superman 64 and E.T. as one of the worst games ever released.
I can. The gameplay in that game was abysmal. Like, I get it as being a metaphor or whatever, but that was a 6 hour slog with a message that wasn't really worth it to me.
It's harder. :/Didn't you finish Master Ninja on the other Ninja Gaidens? Is that it harder than or comparable to those difficulties? If so........... >_<
I don't recommend playing games on easy at all! XD.I have to say that I'm disappointed that someone with a avatar such as yours is recommending people to play games on easy![]()
It's harder. :/
And Yes, I finished all NG games on master ninja (even NG: DS), except NG3.
First 2 to 3 levels were easy but then it will be hard starting ftom level 4.
I don't recommend playing games on easy at all! XD.
Usually my first play through is on normal or hard if it's a sequel of a game I like (NG, Halo, GoW, etc).
But trust me the difficulty here will jump from level 4. (Check other posts regarding level 5 XD).
Haha first the God Hand hate and now Spec Ops? Yaiba brings out the worst in people it seems.
I fully expected yaiba to be terrible from the get go, but was hoping it would somehow surprise us all, especially since it was coming to Steam. Tis a dang shame, loved Ninja Gaiden/ Black.
I wonder who thought it was a good idea to make the game so hard. Wasn't it supposed to be a casual-friendly spinoff?
It sounds like it's "bad game design" hard & not "you need to learn how to play" hard.
You should stop fooling yourself into thinking that statement is true.
I don't see how anyone who who calls themselves gamer would actually say God Hand is good. Its the type of game you use as an example on how not to make a game. God Hand is right up there with Superman 64 and E.T. as one of the worst games ever released.
And Fang was never heard from again.
Said pretty much any NES game ever. And yet peopleSadly, quite a few people don't know how to tell the difference. Making a game frustratingly difficult is easy. Making a game hard but fair is not.
I'm playing this at the minute and tbh ? I'm enjoying it. It's not brilliant, it's not even great but I'm finding it a likable enough game so far. It's a very scatterbrained game, it's not precise, very scrappy and the very definition of a brawler but I'm having a good time with it so far. Combat's fun and Yaiba does seem to have a decent number of abilities so far. Not too keen on the automated platforming and would rather it had been left out altogether. In some ways in reminds me of my guilty pleasure Onechanbara though it's a bit more sophisticated than that in its abilities. 60fps on PC is very nice indeed and the game works like an absolute charm. I was expecting Yaiba to also be some real misogynistic twat going by what I've hard but whilst he is an asshole I haven't really heard too much that's particularly bad. Doesn't really effect the game either way for me though.
But damn fuck me is this game hard on hard. I'm in the middle of chapter 3 at the minute and it's spanking my arse. I'm still not sure if it's the good hard or bad hard at the minute but I'm going towards bad hard for one reason. Animation cancelling. Yaibas dash is fine in itself (though I'd rather have a jump button) but for a fast brawler like this you should be able to cancel out of your animation at any time, if it let you do this it would be muuuuuch better. I'm also still learning enemy attack patterns and Yaibas abilities so I'm not sure how good/bad a player I'm being at the minute - what's blockable, what's unblockable etc. I think it would be a more fun game on the easier difficulties. This isn't Black or NG2 of course, they're faaaaar more precise. I'll see how it goes and keep playing it but I don't hate it at all, the hate seems kinda overblown tbh but those are my initial impressions.
I'll tell you one thing though, it's muuuuuuuuuuuuch more fun than Ninja Gaiden pile of shit 3. Without a doubt.
I've played a couple of levels of the PC version and I have to agree. It's kind of a sloppy brawler, but also pretty fun. These reviews were WAY too harsh.
It really is pretty similar to the Deadpool game by High Moon in a lot of ways: 60FPS, goofy tone that works about half the time, surprising amount of mechanics but none of them super polished, etc.
It also seems similar to that game in that you want to start on a lower difficulty to unlock the upgrades and abilities as they carry over and the harder difficulties will chew you up without them.
Full disclosure: I got the game from a trader for like 20 bucks though.
i usually dig hard games.Damn so this game looked to be the easiest game ever in previews/trailers but now people are saying it's actually pretty hard on even normal? Consider me interested bad reviews or not.
The game performs much better than Thief (another Unreal Engine 3 game) which is a horribly optimized mess in terms of the performance on my low end 5 year old laptop.
The game itself may be horribly bad in the reviews, but the PC Port is a very, very competant one in terms of the performance. Well done Spark (if you're the ones directly involved in porting it).
It's also annoying on normal, I've said it many times here if anyone wants to play it start on easy.
^Have you tried doing the Dash follow-up charge attack against enemies?
On the one hand I like that the game doesn't tell you what's unblockable or not.
On the other it really limits you defensive options.
I like how Killer is Dead it in that you have both a Guard Counter and a Dodge Counter.
The worst thing about Godhand is that they come back after you do that.
Of course the game runs better than Thief, it looks like complete ass. Thief may not have Ryse-quality textures but it's a very good looking game. Yaiba's uglyness is only somewhat masked by the cel-shading and it's not going to take a Titan to run it well. I wouldn't be surprised if it ran at 60fps on a card from 2005.
I'm confused. Your words and your screenshot contradict each other.Visually though it looks really good at 60 FPS~
I'm confused. Your words and your screenshot contradict each other.
Is that screenshot running at 60fps?