My Xmas present to myself turned up today, yet another huge box full of youkai watch medal stuff

This time some of the rarer medals.
A nearly complete set of hagure medals of the older sets apart from 2 which the amazon marketplace resellers screwed up and sent me the wrong ones, can't be arsed shipping them back to fix it so i have ordered those 2 again.
A complete set of Onikitch medals that you can only win from the omikuji jinjya arcade machine, winning one medal is hard enough but they come out randomly so a set is hard to get.
The missing 4 diakitchi medals from the same arcade machine that i needed to complete the older set.
A special medal from Universal studios Japan, you had to purchase a program for 1000 yen to take part in a treasure hunt to solve the clues in the program to figure out the correct 4 medals to put in the spaces then find where the gashapon machine was hidden in the park and show your program and get a go on the gashapon to win the universal studios youkai medal. Glad i got it now as the youkai section of the park is only there for the winter.
Spare medal pages, a SD card to update my watch & a copy of YW dance for wiiU as i was after the medal in it. Still need a WiiU lolol.
Err it gets weird now, the underwear set contains a xmas medal, the newest binder for the song medal series 1 and 2 boxes of buster series 3 to try and complete my half finished set and 2 boxes of series one song medals. Plus a couple of medals in a set of trump.
Corocoro send away B Jibanyan & B Komasan medals
Also registered some of the new medals i got in the lottery to win the crazy goku band campaign medal, i only had enough qualifying medals to get 2 goes of the lottery each day. Err i won again, this time on my second go damn my lucks holding out. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY.
Kind of makes up for the amazon resellers screwing up 2 of my medal purchases.