Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Reviews
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is rated 'Strong' after being reviewed by 53 critics, with an overall average score of 82. It's ranked in the top 11% of games and recommended by 79% of critics.

Shacknews 8/10
Diving into Ys history is a fun exercise for a few reasons, especially as Falcom continues to grow and capture more and more mindshare in the RPG community. Because the series has gone on so long through so many platforms, there’s so much variety between each game and each version thereof, from what each one plays like to what each one looks like. There are identifiable eras you can group them in, and Oath in Felghana is a key representative of its group. This game was available before on Steam, but Ys Memoire is the most refined version, even without the couple extra flourishes sprinkled on top.
TheSixthAxis 9/10
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is like a finely aged bottle of wine opened at just the right time for just the right celebration. It's exactly what I wanted and needed right now, and the shamelessly simple yet satisfying old-school combat and adventures had me hooked instantly.
RPG Fan 89/100
An amazing, older classic action game continues to be incredible despite its years, and it looks better than ever moving to modern platforms.
Gaming Trend 9/10
The Oath in Felghana stands strong as one the best Ys entries to date. Its sharp and compact game design makes just as strong of an impression with this Memoire release as it did when I first played it over a decade ago. Unfortunately, this rerelease does not bring much more to the table than a great game to new consoles. Its priorities when it comes to updating the game's visuals are questionable at best, but thankfully far from fatal.
CGMagazine 9/10
One of the Ys series very best games, Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana, gets an unneeded, but welcome, upgrade.
The Outerhaven Productions 4.5/5
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is still a solid game to play today and the remaster makes it a much more accessible experience.
Checkpoint Gaming 8/10
Ys Memoire: Oath in Felghana may be far from the most ambitious port or rerelease, but it is another example of Nihon Falcom catching the West up to speed across all modern platforms with their beloved games. Featuring a bite-sized story with a charming cast of characters and just enough of a rich world filled with twists, I found myself enamoured with this version of Adol Christin's third adventure. On offer is joyous fast-paced action RPG combat where you really move about everywhere around a dungeon or arena, especially in the delightfully sweaty boss encounters. Though the new additions and 'upgrades' aren't all that substantial, Oath in Felghana is a wonderful foray to finally have on Western consoles. Long live Ys and long live Adol Christin!
Niche Gamer 8.5/10
Adol may not be able to remember them himself being the professional amnesiac that he is, however, I will not forget this experience. Fantastically tight and responsive action combat, a light-hearted story, and dungeons to explore are what Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana promises, and it delivers.
PSX Brasil 8.5/10
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is an excellent remaster of an exceptional action RPG. The title delivers an interesting narrative and really fun gameplay in one of the most striking titles in the Ys series.
Video Chums 7.8/10
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is one heck of a wild ride that acts as a wonderful nostalgic time capsule. At the same time, it's so maddeningly difficult on the normal setting and the poor sense of direction can occasionally be a tough pill to swallow.
Noisy Pixel 9.5/10
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is a meticulously crafted action RPG that showcases Falcom’s hallmark boss design, timeless soundtrack, and streamlined gameplay. With new artwork, a voiced Adol, and Turbo Mode for convenience, this definitive release highlights what makes Ys so enduringly captivating—despite minimal character development.
CBR 10/10
It's a real shame that The Oath in Felghana just isn't the kind of game Falcom makes anymore, but the fact it's gotten a modern re-release at least gives me hope that Memoire releases of Ys I & II, The Ark of Napishtim, and SEVEN are right around the corner. Ys doesn't have the same magic it used to anymore, but as long as the older games remain accessible on modern consoles, we'll always be able to go back to the classics. Whether you're a JRPG fantatic looking for something new to play, an Ys fan clamoring for the old days, or just someone looking to take a chance on a new game, Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is a must-play and already a strong contender for best RPG of 2025.
Final Weapon 7/10
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana is a great action RPG that doesn't overstay its welcome with its story and content, but offers enough replay value for fans. The game's main flaws involve the lack of side content and character development due to the short story, but the fun combat, intriguing setting, and variety of features makes it a worthy Ys title nonetheless.
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