When the adventuresome duo of Adol and Dogi make an unnanounced visit to Dogi's homeland of Felghana, it quickly becomes apparent that things have changed dramatically since Dogi departed on a journey of self-discovery eight years earlier. Hordes of violent monsters roam the outskirts of town, there's an unsettling rumor of a long-dormant volcano suddenly becoming active again, and the lord of the land has become more and more tyrannical with every passing day, most recently depriving the land's citizens of their right to mine for the precious ore known as "raval" - a staple of the economy for generations. As Adol and Dogi befin their search for the source of Felghana's recent tribulations, they find each clue leads them more and more towards the disturbing conclusion that these events are all somehow linked. The closer they get to the truth, the higher the stakes, as the consequences of their actions affect not just Felghana, but possibly the entire world.

- Platform -- PlayStation Portable (Available both via UMD and PSN), PC
- Genre -- Action RPG
- Release Date: 11/02/2010 (PSP/North America), 03/19/2012 (PC/NA and EU)
- Publisher -- XSEED Games
- Website -- Official Ys: The Oath in Felghana Website
- ESRB -- T for Teen (Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes)
- Standard Edition ($29.99)
- Premium Edition ($39.99) (Includes soundtrack CD and 4-inch by 6-inch 2011 desktop calendar featuring Ys artwork)

- Classic RPG gets a facelift for the PSP -- New 3D graphics, new story elements, fully voiced cut-scenes and a completely re-imagined game world bring this classic to a new generation of fans.
- New and Improved Action Battle System -- All battles now take place in 3D instead of 2D, and the magic and inventory systems have been completely overhauled to streamline play for fast-paced action and captivating exploration.
- Lots of Added Customization Options -- A whopping six difficulty levels, a gripping in-game prologue novella, an artwork gallery and a movie gallery give players additional options previously unavailable.
- Rearranged Soundtrack -- Critically-acclaimed soundtrack also gets a full makeover as new songs have been added while original songs have been freshly arranged with mostly live instrumentation.

- Question -- Do I need to have played previous Ys games to enjoy this?
- Answer -- No, you can jump in whenever you want. The Ys games stand by themselves for the most part, with only recurring characters/references to other games
- Question -- It'll be on PSN, so can I play it on my PS3? If not, have they announced it to be playable sometime soon via my PS3?
- Answer -- No. This is a PSP title and can only be played on your PSP, and no hinting of bringing this game in any other format, outside of being available on the PC, has been made.
- Question -- Will the game have voice acting? English and/or Japanese? Can I turn it off if I don't like it?
- Answer -- Yes, the game includes voice acting, and has about 1900 lines of voice acting. The game will only feature English voice acting, but for those of you that aren't a fan of it, XSEED has confirmed there is a mute option.
- Question -- Wasn't there already a translation of the game for the PC version? Will we any of that?
- Answer -- Yes, while the game won't be word for word, they are using Deuce's fan translation as a base. So if you really enjoyed that one, don't worry.
- Question -- What kind of control method is there? Do I have to use the analog nub?
- Answer -- No, you can choose from D-Pad or analog nub for this game. Although, with the analog-nub, you can set it to register 360 degrees or limit it to 8 directions. Choose what fits you best.
- Question -- Are there multiple music choices?
- Answer -- Yes, in addition to the Oath in Felghana versions of the music, you can opt to listen to the PC-88 and X68000 versions of the music.
- Question -- Six difficulty levels? What?
- Answer -- Yep! It will have Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare, and an unlockable Inferno mode, which will be quite a challenge.
Finally, my friends, let me leave you with this important piece of advice before you begin your journey, both in the game and posting of your exploits here...

*Much credit to Celedin for helping me with this thread.