When the adventuresome duo of Adol and Dogi make an unnanounced visit to Dogi's homeland of Felghana, it quickly becomes apparent that things have changed dramatically since Dogi departed on a journey of self-discovery eight years earlier. Hordes of violent monsters roam the outskirts of town, there's an unsettling rumor of a long-dormant volcano suddenly becoming active again, and the lord of the land has become more and more tyrannical with every passing day, most recently depriving the land's citizens of their right to mine for the precious ore known as "raval" - a staple of the economy for generations. As Adol and Dogi befin their search for the source of Felghana's recent tribulations, they find each clue leads them more and more towards the disturbing conclusion that these events are all somehow linked. The closer they get to the truth, the higher the stakes, as the consequences of their actions affect not just Felghana, but possibly the entire world.

- Platform -- PC http://store.steampowered.com/app/207320/
- Genre -- Action RPG
- Release Date: 03/19/2012 (NA and EU)
- Publisher -- XSEED Games
- Website -- Official Ys: The Oath in Felghana Website
- ESRB -- T for Teen (Blood, Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes)
- Pricing -- $14.99 (US), 9.99 pounds (UK), 11.99 Euros (rest of EU), 299 ruples (Russia).
Other territories will have the price set automatically, but no region restrictions have been specified -- as far as we're concerned, this is a worldwide English launch.

(The following screens are from the PSP version, and they will be edited when I get my hands on some PC screens post-work)

(The following trailers are from the PSP version, and they will be edited when I get my hands on some PC screens post-work)

(The following reviews are from the PSP version, and will be edited if there are reviews specifically if reviews are done for the PC release)

Some quick details from XSEED:
- This release is based off of the original PC version of Ys: The Oath in Felghana, which means it does not contain the voice-acting or other additions present in the PSP version. It does, however, contain Steam achievements with unique icon art, leaderboards for story mode and Time Attack best times and Steam cloud support.
- Widescreen is supported, but as the game is designed for 4:3 resolution, all widescreen settings will result in a stretched display. We're looking into the possibility of at least partially addressing this via patch in the future, but as the game was originally programmed specifically for 4:3 displays, we would recommend using a full-screen resolution during your initial playthrough.
- Ys: The Oath in Felghana natively supports all Windows-compatible gamepads, and this is the recommended input device to use when playing the game.
Finally, my friends, let me leave you with this important piece of advice before you begin your journey, both in the game and posting of your exploits here...

*Much credit to Celedin for helping me with this thread.
**I realize a lot of this content is the same as the PSP version, but that's all I can work with. Banners/headers seem fine since they were not PSP specific, but will try to get new screens if someone can either take screens to put in the OP or if they release some. I could also put achievements in here if someone gets the list and PMs it to me. I'll spoiler tag it of course.