Unknown One
That GX kid in the dual challenge. His exodia deck was mad cheesy. Infinite draw loops to exodia when he has two heart of the underdog on the field.
Anyone got a idea where M-X-Saber Invoker is at all? Last card I need for my Madolche deck
Anyone got a idea where M-X-Saber Invoker is at all? Last card I need for my Madolche deck
How is this game even selling?
I don't recall any advertisement for it and wouldn't have known of its existence if not for this OT. I don't think it shows up on the PS store either in the "new releases" section.
Online isn't completely dead but it's not full of lots of players either.
Its right in the OP, YGO is the top selling cardgame in the world, so players will naturally buy it to test their decks for a low price,no manual gameplay like DN, no bugs and horrible art like Pro.
The rest is nostalgia, and curiosity for the new series/cards
that's my guess.
Edit: oh yeah, forgot Yaiba plays with X-Sabers, makes sense they'll save those for the Arc-V DLC
Can someone help me build a dragon deck? Should I just keep buying cards from Kaiba?
Are the draft and sealed play options worth it? Do you keep what you draft or does it all depend on wins? Not sure if I've got the skill to win but I wanna try the option.
The companions always get weird changes, but everyone else is usually fine. Axel Brodie was much better than austin, particularly.I didn't pay much attention to anything past 5Ds but the GX name changes were awful. Chumley Huffington. Might as well call him Fatass Manboobson.
The companions always get weird changes, but everyone else is usually fine. Axel Brodie was much better than austin, particularly.
I find it funny that the XYZ example isn't actually in the game (it's from a pack coming out in early August). Good first OT though
It is in the game.
So does this game have that code system that lets you put the card you own in the game or do you just have to straight up collect the cards you own in game? I'll probably play this game to probably get me back into yu-gi-oh
Pot of greed is banned.I dont get shard of greed, why would anyone want that over a regular jar of greed? Pretty dumb card, unless im missing something
Wat? I see the ai use it wll the time, unless you're talking competitive play which i dont really care for, just play for fun. But ok i see why now, basically they had to nerf itPot of greed is banned.
Edit: not sure if you meant to say jar or pot of greed. >.>
In real life it is on the banned list for tournament play so that's why they made new cards that seem crappier. You're not allowed to use it anymore.Wat? I see the ai use it wll the time, unless you're talking competitive play which i dont really care for, just play for fun. But ok i see why now, basically they had to nerf it
This one:
Played YGOPro
It runs so fast compared to the slowness of this game, lol. But the presentation/menus is not that great.
Aw man, I finally have a deck that I felt comfortable taking into ranked so I just did my first ranked match and I get matched up with someone who doesn't seem to understand how a lot of the cards work and didn't build a great deck. I won without him ever even summoning, that makes me feel like a huge dick :/
What makes it worse is that afterwards I wanted to help him out, he used a Dust Tornado to try and negate the activation of one of my spell cards, I was going to tell him the difference between negate and destroy but then I see that his profile says his only language is German.
5D's ZEXAL and Arc-V have fucked up names for the mains?
Akiza? it's like someone misheard "Akizayoi" and decided to leave at Akiza, Ryoga to Reginald? Reiji to Declan? Yuzu to Zuzu? Doesnt make any sense if you leave Yusei Fudo, Yuma Tsukumo and Yuya Sakaki.
Others are good but unecessary like Kotori->Tori. or Gongenzaka->Gong
Jaden is the only understandable one, as "Yudai" sounds like "You Die" or "Jew Die" but why not just call him Yuki? Jaden destroys the "Yu" tradition in the west?
Ok grandpa has level limit b, just need gravity bind. I looked online and no one seems to know where to get it
Ok grandpa has level limit b, just need gravity bind. I looked online and no one seems to know where to get it
So is there any kind of option to animate the cards, like the show typically does?
A few iconic cards like Blue Eyes and Dark Magician have attack animations, but otherwise no. Honestly, it'd be crazy expensive to animate even 1% of all the monster cards in the game, and that's assuming you don't want spell and trap animations as well
There is no code system. It's a great re-introduction game as the last one I had played was Tag Force 2 on PSP so I have missed plenty new stuff to now discover and enjoy.
Ok grandpa has level limit b, just need gravity bind. I looked online and no one seems to know where to get it
500ish animations should be possible imo
I decided to build a deck that is completely broken against the AI, an Exodia deck that is even more cheap than Seeker's. I usually win by my third or fourth turn. XDIt feels good to blow through the challenge duels with my own deck. C: