20 more minutes or so, and we should be set!I might order a Harpie's Pet Phantasmal Dragon just because that art is fantastic.
Still refreshing PSN here...
Sounds like a good plan.Should we get a list of gamertags and PSN names going?
I'm binglescat on XBL.
Should we get a list of gamertags and PSN names going?
I'm binglescat on XBL.
PSN: Thel_Vadam
Add me bros!
I'll probably be getting this, love me some YGO.
PSN: MGOzone
You don't even have your own account? Tsk tsk.My GF's muship, I play on her PS4![]()
Notification poped up but clicking it doesn't show a friend request, I tried sending you one and it doesn't show up for me :/You don't even have your own account? Tsk tsk.
All of you guys are added.
Freaking PSN. I'll see if I can send it again.Notification poped up but clicking it doesn't show a friend request, I tried sending you one and it doesn't show up for me :/
Last game I played was Tagforce 4/5(was focused on the 5D's story) and remember using Lightsworn and Blackwing decks. Are they still as OP or have they been nerfed? (Judgement Dragon anyone?)
- SkuiiHydra
- Thel_Vadam
- muship
- MGOzone
Quote the list and keep it updated I guess?
- binglescat
- Fallout Phoenix
Duh fuqFreaking PSN. I'll see if I can send it again.
EDIT: It won't let me. =/
You are the hero we need.Maybe put our GAF names in parenthesis?
The game still isn't up for me. ;_;
Is a normal deck still viable right now? More specifically, the deck where you had a tonne of 2 star monsters or something. It had like a magic card that boosts their attack by 3k and plenty of other trap cards for low star monsters. It wasn't exactly an amazing deck but beating people with low leveled normal monsters can be pretty fun.
Cool. I've been out of the game for some time and am not aware of the current meta. I remember quitting because of dark world and inzektor decks. Fuck those.Afraid not, most decks now focus on having a consistent theme, as all your cards of the same theme combine into complex combos.
The arrival of Synchro and Xyz monsters also hurt the approach you describe, as getting a monster full of boosting equips, can be countered by using your monsters to Xyz or Synchro a monster with card removal effects, and these are usually the most popular.
However.Many traps and spells from the old remain the best at what they do, like Mystical Space Typhoon, Torrential Tribute and Mirror Force. Some even get new versions to be even more diverse, like the new "Blazing Mirror Force"
Even so, many themes work with level 2 monsters getting stronger through spells, Synchro and Xyz. A very famous one is "Baby Raccons" :3
You get a few cards for winning single player duels and you get enough in game currency with a win in any mode to buy at least 3 packs.how do you earn new cards in this game?
- SkuiiHydra (SkullHydra)
- Thel_Vadam (ArchedThunder)
- muship (Fj0823)
- MGOzone (macklelol)
- Davidfoundation
Quote the list and keep it updated I guess?[/QUOTE
- binglescat (Rizzi)
- Fallout Phoenix (Fallout Phoenix)
Btw adding you guys later in the morning seeing as it's 4:30 am lol
- SkuiiHydra (SkullHydra)
- Thel_Vadam (ArchedThunder)
- muship (Fj0823)
- MGOzone (macklelol)
- Lomaso (MrJohnSherry)
Quote the list and keep it updated I guess?
- binglescat (Rizzi)
- Fallout Phoenix (Fallout Phoenix)
Gonna be streaming this for an hour or two before work (Xbox One version) if anyone wants to stop in and see how all the new mechanics work. If you guys have any questions or want to see how anything works let me know!
Game is great so far, I love getting to reenact all the famous duels from the original series.
Probably like 4 or 5 hours.Do we know when this hits the PSN in the US?
Am I the only one getting this on Xbox?![]()
My pan username is AaronThePaladin for those who want to add me.
On another note what type of decks do people here like to use? I've grown attached to lightsworns personally, but I'm looking to experiment with other archetypes as well this time around. Looking forward to trying out a super heavy samurai deck since I really liked the archetype in arc-v