Do you count fairy death? If not, then I haven't died yet.
No, mine was a legit death. Each hit from the boss took 2 hearts off, and I only had 2 fairies with me. My fault for not being prepped really
Do you count fairy death? If not, then I haven't died yet.
Just beat the game, quick question though. Didn't I read somewhere that at the end of ALBTW there would be an answer if Majoras mask would be remade?
The different movement is probably messing with his head. Link can aim the sword in any direction unlike the 4 directons he can swipe in lttp
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but does anyone else think that Zelda Wii U might actually be a sequel to Majoras Mask? With the reveal of Skull Kid as an assist trophy in Smash Bros. 4, the reference in ALBW, the teasing about a possible Majoras Mask 3D... It just has me wondering. The structure of MM certainly would work well with the more open structure introduced in ALBW and Aonuma hinted you would be able to chose dungeon order in Zelda Wii U. He also mentioned the possibility of more than one person being able to play... Imagine some sort of co-op or competitive feature where you use masks to become Zoras, Gorons, Dekus, etc. I dunno... it could be cool. I'm sure whatever they end up doing I will enjoy though.
Just finished the game on normal setting. Loved thr storyline, but definitely needs to put the weapons back in the dungeon. Had so much rupees to burn in the end, that I just played minigames on end. This is my first game that I literally was addicted and finiahed over a 2 week time, given my hectic work schedule. Nintendk definitely knows how to make games and bring nostalgia back. I might just play Ocarina of Time 3DS now
Finished Link Between Worlds this morning. Good game, but not this amazing 10/10 game that everyone has been dancing and waving about. Think a lot of people have been blinded by nostalgia.
I don't think a lot of the new ideas worked that well.
The renting of items is a pointless mechanic.
- The game is not hard enough to make the renting mechanic work. I only died 4 times. My deaths occurred at bosses during the beginning of the game when I only had a handful of hearts. As you can complete the dungeons in any order, it means that the difficulty in all the dungeons is the same. There is no ramp up of difficulty as you progress through the game. In fact it gets easier. This is because you can upgrade you sword to do more damage and your tunic so you take less damage. However these upgrades are not hidden away in side-quests or areas of the map for you to explore. Instead they are found in chests within the dungeons. This means that there is this power creep as you get much more powerful in the natural course of the game, and as you can complete the dungeons in any order, the later parts of your game are not more difficult to compensate for your increased power. You just power through one-shotting everything.
Bullshit. Play through the Ice Dungeon as first dungeon in Lorule and then Thieves Hideout immediately after and then tell me they had the same difficulty with a straight face.
The dungeons do have a varying difficulty.
It incentivizes not dying.I would have been happy if they had just made the rentals and purchases more expensive.
One thing I really don't understand is why they couldn't let you pay Ravio's little bird helper thing to keep your items when you die instead of having to go clear back to your house to get them again.
It incentivizes not dying.
The downside of dying should be that you lose your rupees, not having the game pointlessly waste your time.
Say you lost rupees when you died instead of the bird taking your items, wouldn't the game be pointlessly wasting your time by forcing you to go rupee grinding? Wouldn't that be even more annoying?
Its nice to get all the weapons up front, but the rental system is pretty flawed in a game where you're rarely in danger of death and the game throws money at you like candy. Not sure if I need this idea to come up in the future.
Need dungeon help this puzzle is probably obvious but I can't figure it out. Dark Dungeon Spoilers:I'm at the Dark Dugeon, boss floor. I've managed to get the beams of sunlight onto these switches except for the top left one. There's a room to the lower left with a moving platform and three switches but I can't get to them. What am I missing?
every dungeon in lorule has a special item in a big chest.
two of them are the better armors.
The answer is in the second room just after the entrance. It took me a loong while to.
There's a room in that dungeon that I have no idea to get also...
Does the compass show the chests? Guessing not.
Polished this bad boy off last night. Lorule Castle was a decent challenge. I had to use two blue potions to take out. I never did find the Red Mail, and as I posted previously in the thread, I didn't find the Pegasus Boots until I had one dungeon left before Lorule Castle. I'm missing two hearts. I can think of three heart pieces that I missed:YuGanonI also got about 75 maiamais. I did use a walkthrough once to find thethe chicken dodging game, the baseball game, and the dash game. Maybe there's another one in the timed rupee hunts?, only because I wanted to confirm that there was one big chest in each dungeon.Hylian shield
Yes it does.
Strongly disagree.
You still got a lot of items in the dungeons, it's just no longer those you need for the puzzles (for the most part). Doing it this way makes the open structure work. Do you go for sword upgrades? Do you want to take less damage sooner? Do you want to be able to explore all parts of the world first? Putting items in the dungeons just means the order you do them in becomes trivial and has no bearing on anything.
I disagree. Having the items in dungeons can also be used to achieve an open structure. You can separate the dungeons into main story dungeon and item dungeon.
Please elaborate.
How does that not force me down a "I must complete this item dungeon in order to access this story dungeon" path?
Quick question. I havent played Link to the Past since fall 2007, should I do a quick playthrough of that before I start this, or go straight for the Link between Worlds.
Quick question. I havent played Link to the Past since fall 2007, should I do a quick playthrough of that before I start this, or go straight for the Link between Worlds.
Bad opinion.Fuck Mother Maiaimai and that stupid song though.
Mother MaiMai's song is one of my favorite songs in the game.Fuck Mother Maiaimai and that stupid song though. And fuck Octoball Derby too.
Just finished the game. Collected all but 1 1/4 heart containers. I hate when that happens lol. Fantastic game that I didn't want to end. Fast, smooth, and responsive. The biggest fault, and this is with most Zelda games, was that it was too easy. Never came close to dying except maybe in one or two occasions. I just rushed every boss battle. Boss battle should be more strategic and not simply find the puzzle of beating them, and the rest in cinch. I will tackle Hero's Mode after playing a few other games.
Funny that this game brought me back into gaming. I actually swelled up a littlelol. Not sure how long it took me to beat it but it felt relatively fast.when Hilda saw the triforce at the end
Fire and Sand arenas so you can use the rods and then the bracelet.Halfway done with the streetpass challenges, but everyone I run into has a bee badge so I can't get that pesky golden bee final blow achievement :/ Anyone know what arenas you could potentially use Rovio's bracelet?