Soo many fools out there.That a handheld game won GOTY seems to be what makes their blood boil.
Question regarding the collection quest:
What is going on at 100? I received the upgraded lantern/net from the game up north in Lorule. Is there an upgraded tunic or something at 100? It's not another iteration of the Master Sword, is it? I've poured over this game for awhile and am like 4 squid guys short but don't know if I want to take the time or not since I only play in short bursts, so I often time start looking for them, find nothing, and then quit discouraged
I'm really glad I got this game. Worth the whole 3DS purchase in my opinion. Plus it washed a lot of Skyward Sword out of my mouth
Skyward Sword got 9's everywhere, yet people seem to hate it. I haven't played it but that seems odd to me.
I don't understand the point of leveling up some of the items/weapons. Like for instance the sand rod. It's not like it makes more sand.
Skyward Sword got 9's everywhere, yet people seem to hate it. I haven't played it but that seems odd to me.
The sand pillars are apparently permanent until you use it again. Yeah, not very useful.
But the upgrade on the boomerang made it actually useful. So there's that.
I have 99 Maiamais. Although I also don't have whatever the 10th item is that can be upgraded.
Actually you do =P
Oh. Well I guess I should look for that last one. It's in the Lorule swamp somewhere. I looked around, but I haven't even heard the squeak yet, and it's not that big of a place.
It's the Zelda cycle. When the new Zelda is unveiled the hate will probably move there and SS will suddenly be universally loved.
what is the point of upgrading weapons?
i couldn't even tell a difference between most, then again I barely even used any of them outside of dungeons.
Except it won't because SS was shit and the Cycle doesn't exist.
3D Zelda games have just gotten worse with every installment. So the last one always seems better by comparison.
I dunno, I liked SS a lot more than TP. Also, MM is not worse than OOT.
Skyward Sword got 9's everywhere, yet people seem to hate it. I haven't played it but that seems odd to me.
So I'm halfway through the final dungeon I chose to tackle and I have to say that this game is phenomenal. They start the game with a reasonably short intro scene and then basically put you right to it. The pace that Link moves at is fantastic, he's speedy enough that traveling doesn't feel like a chore but when you have to make a longer trip the warp points are almost perfectly spread apart. The ability to tackle dungeons in any order is probably one of my favorite changes. I tackled them in the non-traditional order and it was fun to go through a complicated one and follow up with a comparative cakewalk.
Now, the cons. The problem of many weapons not seeing much use outside of their dungeon is still present. Personally I never saw it as that big of a problem because I didn't mind but this time around I really did end up using my items a lot more outside of their dungeons. This issue still remains though. The big one for me was the lack of meaningful sidequests, Skyward Sword had the same problem. In the context of this game, something "simple" like (mild NPC spoilers). The other complaint I had with the game is that the world was essentially ripped from A Link To The Past. Having already played A Link To The Past, I feel like I lost the sense of exploring a brand new world. Although it's true for new players as well because the entire map is laid out but I still had that deeper knowledge about the layout and went in with preconceived expectations.helping the merchant man in the cave reunite with his wife or having the rumors told by the guy in the woods culminate in something more than just rumors
It's the Zelda cycle. When the new Zelda is unveiled the hate will probably move there and SS will suddenly be universally loved.
The sand pillars are apparently permanent until you use it again. Yeah, not very useful.
But the upgrade on the boomerang made it actually useful. So there's that.
I have 99 Maiamais. Although I also don't have whatever the 10th item is that can be upgraded.
I think you should re-evaluate why you put Wind Waker on this pedestal of yours. It really is a game with a lot more issues than any Zelda game ever released. terrible pacing, insane amounts of sailing, terrible fetch quest, most of its dungeons are mediocre at best, and lacks in content. What it has going for it is graphics, music (what Zelda game doesn't have this going for it?), great final boss, interesting set of characters, and interesting story.Ok... So LBW is out. Where's all the SS praise?
Bottom line is SS is a very flawed game. TP didn't get a ton of love when SS came out either because that game was flawed too and the Zelda cycle doesn't exist.
Link Between Worlds should destroy the Zelda cycle myth once and for all, because it is far superior to every Zelda since Wind Waker, and that seems to be the consensus, too. People were shitting on SS right of the bat. That doesn't seem to be the case with LBW.
Link Between Worlds should destroy the Zelda cycle myth once and for all, because it is far superior to every Zelda since Wind Waker, and that seems to be the consensus, too. People were shitting on SS right of the bat. That doesn't seem to be the case with LBW.
Hey guys, I just finished Turtle Rock in Lorule. However, there is a missing chess in the main level, 1F that doesn't appear to be where my compass indicates. I know in B1 there is also a similar chess which containsbut I cannot figure out what needs to be done for the 1F one. Any help would be appreciatedHylian Shield![]()
iirc you gottakill all the enemies in the room for it to appear
I think you should re-evaluate why you put Wind Waker on this pedestal of yours. It really is a game with a lot more issues than any Zelda game ever released. terrible pacing, insane amounts of sailing, terrible fetch quest, most of its dungeons are mediocre at best, and lacks in content. What it has going for it is graphics, music (what Zelda game doesn't have this going for it?), great final boss, interesting set of characters, and interesting story.
I think TP is much much better than Wind Waker since it is in a very simplistic way, an OoT redux with its only major flaws being the boring opening and tear collecting.
SS for me is a blur, so I need to replay it to give any opinions on it.
Whoa let's not get too crazy now, Link Between Worlds is a fun game but it also has it shares of problems too, like it leaning far to heavily on Link to the Past, rental items, dungeon puzzles, freaking Ravio, etc.
If I loved 3d dot game heroes and the only zelda games ive played is one of the ds zelda games and didn't like it (because of forced touchscreen controls) and only about a hour of OOT because it kinda bored me, would I like this game?
The DS Zeldas are very different from all the others, and the 3D Zeldas are different from the 2D ones. This one does not have touch controls and it's very fast paced. OoT doesn't have as slow a start as the other 3D Zeldas, but LBW lets you loose even much faster. (Although LTTP has probably the best intro of them all.)If I loved 3d dot game heroes and the only zelda games ive played is one of the ds zelda games and didn't like it (because of forced touchscreen controls) and only about a hour of OOT because it kinda bored me, would I like this game?
- Twilight Princess did not have long tutorials dialogue. I don't even remember any tutorials except maybe the Slingshot part which was fairly funny. Opening sequence was really long as I've said before. It easily had the best partner character (Midna). Has 8+1 (good to great, City in the Sky is easily one of the best in the series) dungeons. Did not feel padded. Twilight Princess ties to keep balance in the time between dungeons. It does have some long cutscenes, but for the most part it isn't a problem, and AFAIK, you can skip them.-the pacing isn't that bad in Wind Waker. The game never felt slow to me, with the obvious exception being the triforce quest. This isn't the case with Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. Those games had overly long cutscenes, overly long tutorial dialogue, opening sequences that lasted far too long, bad partner characters (Fi especially)... the list goes on. Those games were slooooooooooooooooooow. The sailing was never a problem for me, especially after getting the warp song. The changes made in Wind Waker HD also speed things up significantly.
-Wind Waker's fetch quest ain't got SHIT on TP and SS's fetch questS.
-I never understood the hate for the Wind Waker dungeons. While I wouldn't call any of them the best in the Zelda series, the Tower of Gods, Wind Temple and Earth Temple were very strong. It definitely doesn't lack in content, either... you ever try to get pictographs of every character? lol
To me, Wind Waker had two major flaws:
1. Triforce quest/end game. It just really wasn't fun going around buying charts and looking for chests at the bottom of the ocean. The boss battle rematches weren't so hot either. Even though they touched it up in the HD version, it's still something that can be improved upon imo... or they should have just taken it out of the game altogether.
2. The game was very obviously rushed. An extension of #1, really. Wind Waker very clearly had a dungeon ripped out of it, and that sucks.
Besides that, I really think the game is sublime. The art style is far and away the best of the Zelda series, and in my opinion it is the best looking game EVER made. The music is also amongst the best in the Zelda series, far better than anything TP and SS offered.
Finished the game yesterday.
Well done, Ninty, I never expected a single second that Ravio was Lorule's Link, I said damn.
The dungeons are really well-designed too (on Turtle Rock so far). Btw I have a question about the Maiamai babies, how do you get the ones on top of trees?
I think you ram the trees with Pegasus Boots dash?