where do you see your hours played? I didn't see that on the final screen.
Check 3DS activity log
where do you see your hours played? I didn't see that on the final screen.
Check 3DS activity log![]()
For the pegasus boots:
Hint 1 :You can get them once you've gotten the smooth stone thing back to the zora queen
Hint 2 :Who's acting differently in Kariko?
Hint 3Telling you where they are :shady looking guy who runs fast has them
Hint 4Telling you how to get them :jump into the wall while away from him, walk up to him within the wall and pop out to catch him
blue mail is a chest item in one of the lorule dungeons.
For the upgraded sword, you need to. Three can be found in lorule dungeons, and one is the prize of a lorule mini-dungeon.give two ore pieces to someone for one upgrade, and then two to someone else
First person to give ore to :hyrule blacksmith
Second person:lorule blacksmith
I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so want to join the party here but can't get to dat eshop. At least the Zelda XL looks sexy.
Just finished the game.
Now, I have to think of other reasons to keep the 3DS. Feel like this was a one and done.
I'm not finished yet, but are many people of the opinion that, outside the 100% goal and hero mode, there's no real reason to replay this and probably worth trading in?
I'm not finished yet, but are many people of the opinion that, outside the 100% goal and hero mode, there's no real reason to replay this and probably worth trading in?
Just finished the game.
Now, I have to think of other reasons to keep the 3DS. Feel like this was a one and done.
I'm not finished yet, but are many people of the opinion that, outside the 100% goal and hero mode, there's no real reason to replay this and probably worth trading in?
Super Mario 3D Land
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Mario Kart 7
Zelda: OOT 3D
VC titles if you like Zelda: Link's Awakening DX, Oracle of Ages/Seasons,etc
What reason is there to replay any other game after you 100% it on hardest difficulty? I mean......
This is the second 3DS I've purchased. First one I had Luigi's Mansion, Mario Kart, and Mario 3D land. Really didn't get into it.
This time I got the Zelda model just for that game, but there really isn't anything else on the horizon.
Still one of the best games I've played in a few years. Best Zelda game for me since the N64.
If you like jrpgs and dungeon crawlers there's a lot of games to play, if not might as well sell it back.
Just finished the game.
Now, I have to think of other reasons to keep the 3DS. Feel like this was a one and done.
Just finished the game.
Now, I have to think of other reasons to keep the 3DS. Feel like this was a one and done.
Huh?Just finished the game.
Now, I have to think of other reasons to keep the 3DS. Feel like this was a one and done.
You can't think of a single other 3DS game you want to play? O_O
You can't think of a single other 3DS game you want to play? O_O
You must have very specific tastes then.At the moment, no. I'll probably get excited for something when PAX East rolls around again.
You must have very specific tastes then.
Have you played the 3DS version of OOT?
Started playing yesterday, finally reached. So far I've enjoyed it quite a lot, although the identical overworld is a bit of a disappointment.the dark world
I can't help but wonder if I really love this game or if some of my love comes simply from nostalgia.
I just beat it. I really feel that I would have appreciated this game more if I didn't beat Link to the Past for the first time ever a few months ago.
- The game is way way WAY too fucking easy. I didn't die once during a boss battle. Not once.
- Some of the weakest dungeons in the series. They really didn't feel that "epic" nor did I get those "Aha!" moments after having the dungeon crawling come to a close.
If it's the one on the second floor in the middle thenHm. There is a room and a chest in thethat has me stumped. I've already cleared the dungeon, boss included, so it's obviously optional for the dungeon itself, but not being able to get to them are bothering me.Dark Palace
Theis kicking my ass, any advice? This is only the third Lorule dungeon I've done, afterDesert bossand I just can't do anything against this guy.the Thieves Den and the Turtle Rock or whateverI can't dodge his little flying dudes and his sand beam effectively at the same time, and the collapsing sand bridges keep trapping me in bad positions where I have to make a new one into a dangerous position
I spammed my sword at that boss. That was pretty much it lol.
heh same here. It was pretty much a race to the last heart container
You have a couple options. Upgrade the sand rod if you haven't. Also don't try and dodge the flying things, just kill them with your sword. You can also go to the the water dungeon and get its item which will helpblue tunic halves the damage you take
Hm, okay.
The one complaint I have about this game so far is that its the only game where I've felt that the Circle Pad was imprecise. I had trouble with theboss and with this boss where I feel like I have to push the pad too far before it recognizes that I want Link to turn around, so even if I see the flying things coming at me I'm not fast enough to spin and slash themTurtle Rock
That was the only puzzle in the game that I spoiled for myself. I don't think I'd ever have gotten it on my own.Hm. There is a room and a chest in thethat has me stumped. I've already cleared the dungeon, boss included, so it's obviously optional for the dungeon itself, but not being able to get to them are bothering me.Dark Palace
Hm. There is a room and a chest in thethat has me stumped. I've already cleared the dungeon, boss included, so it's obviously optional for the dungeon itself, but not being able to get to them are bothering me.Dark Palace
I finished most bosses on the last heart, but I rarely if ever brought healing items with me.
The people in this thread convinced me to get this game for Christmas. Unfortunately I went to Canada with family for the holidays and my 3DS charger didn't work.
However I just got one from the lost and found in the hotel, and can play the game one day late! Just started the first five minutes - initial impression: I didn't believe people in this thread, but it really does look so much better in motion and in 3d. It still looks horrible in 2D though. Music is already good, but Link's character model is horrible, lol.
Can't wait to get stuck in.
That was the only puzzle in the game that I spoiled for myself. I don't think I'd ever have gotten it on my own.