This is going to be amazing when you will reach new endings. I can't wait for your reactions.
... So THAT'S what you were feeling all along PurpleMaster/Jintor/TheBatman/others veterans ?... More. I want MORE.
wutK's ending is just is he sigma's clone? I get the old lady is Akane, I suspected it from the beginning...
I dont like Quark, but K is cool.
wutK's ending is just is he sigma's clone? I get the old lady is Akane, I suspected it from the beginning...
Man that is not at all what I thought when I got that ending. I had gotten a couple To Be Continueds that gave me some ideas about Sigma that were incorrect though.
No not yet (havent hit a character ending yet, 15 hours in) but I'm thinking....
He unsettles me and seems to know too much...
I'll go through the Blue Door with K as I want to find out more about his story, but then the Green Door is the Garden which I did already so it should be easier....
I'm stuck on theGaulem Bay roomTheres a robot man in the room, and I found a rusty key, a chevron shaped thing, a nametag with Harold written on it, and a flat battery, but cant find anything else to help me like a power cable or work the control panel?. I found the poster on the wall, maybe thats an anagram of some kind...?
Some of the dialogue is hilarious, eg Alice in the lounge - "Look at this soft skin and gorgeous face. You want to touch it don't you boy?" XD
Man that is not at all what I thought when I got that ending. I had gotten a couple To Be Continueds that gave me some ideas about Sigma that were incorrect though.
Try to think about what B, L, and R could each mean.
Edit: Oh, you're on the right track.R does indeed mean right and B both.
Go on, go on!
This is really just the beginning, my friend!
So I was motoring along, clearing story branches and getting endings and things. I had Dio's and Tenmyouji's endings along with a variety of Game Overs and some. I had last saved just after completing theunresolved To Be Continued'sand had just finished voting in the AB Game thereafter when the game threw an error and booted me back to the 3DS menu.Treatment Center
Now when I try to load my save it goes black and locks up. That's 25 hours gone, and my options are to either a.)read the rest of the endings online or b.)wait a long time and try and forget most of the game before starting over. (Or, distantly, c.)hope for a patch)
Anyway it was fun while it lasted and I'm just sorry I didn't get more of my mind blown like some of the other folks here.
Did I mention I love this game?
WAIT WHATI was reading in the spoiler thread that Kyle switched switched place with someone at the end? I don't remember seeing him when Sigma and Akane were about to go to the moon.
Did you get all the gold files? There's a secret ending!