Ten's ending was nice butit was bit boring as it was all about Quark really :s A lovely story, but nothing more
You know pretty well that the true revelations in Ten's ending are before the ending itself!
Ten's ending was nice butit was bit boring as it was all about Quark really :s A lovely story, but nothing more
I know but still, thought thatthere'd be a bombshell like who he really is or something, perhaps thats the true ending...
I have a feeling thatTen is Junpei because it seems to be heavily hinting the old lady is Akane/June.. but why are they old when everyone else is young, when this game is only 1 year on...? *hurts*
Yo quck question, not super spoilerish but:
If you reach a locked ending, how do you know if you've reached the solution to unlock it?
When unlocked it turns green if not remains gray
I'm gonna have a hard time returning to/enjoying more traditional games and media after I finish this methinks.
Words of wisdom, bro!
After 999 I've been engulfed in the VN world, I just can't get enough!
I don't like Quark, he's just dull.
K is cool and awesome at times but can sometimes be a jerkwith his "I'm doing this for the greater good" stuff, and even he killed someone (OK the end justified the means maybe...)
Bwahahaha. I was already laughing when you saidClose toending and THIS is the suspense I love! The game hasn't really delivered on the mind fuck yet, and I don't expect it to before the true end, so I was kind of waiting for this -finishing K'sLoving this route!mystery, murders, suspense!
e: oh oH OHOH MAN I HAVE TO START A NEW PLAYTHROUGH RIGHT AWAYI spoke too soon! What the fuck was up with that ending,
Bwahahaha. I was already laughing when you saidI love these reactions.you had almost finished K's ending but didn't expect the mindfucks yet. Little did you know...
K (thoughts):
What the fuck
What the fuck
What the fucking fucking fuck?
Is K Sigma's cloooooooooone?
Go back and get them man.Ah, my heart stopped for a moment. Got a game over inroute even though I have all the story locks open. Re-jumping to that lock fixed it though. Weird.Sigma's
Are the gold files/whatever either needed for the true end or do they contain information you're going to need, in either puzzles or in understanding the story? There's a few rooms I don't have the gold file from.
Do you actually NEED the gold files, or do you just need to complete every puzzle on hard mode?
Go back and get them man.
The latter I think.
Sigma's endingwas just weird - robot arms, WTF! Be prepared for Luna's ending - I was cryingIt's beautiful man
It was sad.... the feels*cries*
was it happy or sad? I want to be adequately prepared if it's sad :V
Well, there will certainly belots and lots of feels.
Seriously, just play it. It's one of the game's most memorable moments.
I know this isn't the 999 thread but I just wanted to vent my frustration for getting the terrible sub ending twice. :/
I'm pretty sure I know what to do.