VLR is roughly speaking a 30 hour game
Although... like... 5 hours of that is fucking corridor running animations
(I'm exaggerating. A little)
Can't you speed them up? I remember being able to.
It is pretty annoying. Served a purpose in the end, though.
I think you can only if you've seen the exact same map animation before. In other words, if you've seen the animation taking you from the crew quarters to the lounge, the next time you go from the crew quarters to the lounge you'll be able to speed it up.
Ah, okay. That would make sense. Thanks.
I really should go back and replay the game, but my backlog says otherwise at the moment.
VLR is roughly speaking a 30 hour game
Although... like... 5 hours of that is fucking corridor running animations
(I'm exaggerating. A little)
So what you're saying is, I'm going to be unlocking all the endings in a span of like five hours?
Oh man. I don't know if this is a spoiler since it shows up literally as soon as you start playing the game, but I just noticed how the Memo section says"Brain Memory" at the top.
Actual spoilers:Also one time while googling images of this game a screenshot showed up ofI also already got to the part where Sigma's hand bled white. I've also seen the explanation about Gaulems and the Chinese Room.Sigma with an eyepatch and robot hands.
Please tell me you've played 999.Just started this game and finished my first voting poll.
Damn, where has this game been my entire life? It's like Saw (the movie) but even better! I like the way this game has a very mature feeling to it, with people dying and stuff. It just feels so awesome.
There's not many games these days with a mystery like the one in this game. All these questions I have... I like it! And I've only just started, this gon b gud.
Also, I probably would have never played this game if it wasn't for PS+. Thank god for PS+, because this game - to be honest - looked like some kind of niché jp game when I saw it in the story and I know I'm not alone... a lot of people I know (with PS+) don't download this game because they a) think it looks like a weird game (from trailers etc) b) never heard of it and c) think it's a very difficult/hard to get into game.
What puzzles are you talking about?I don't think the people who made this game realize how shitty American math and science education is. They're throwing out shit that's supposed to be "junior high level" that I never ever learned in school.
What puzzles are you talking about?
Not even puzzles, just the storyline. Half the characters here seem like geniuses.The password decode puzzle after getting the key from Dio's end. Also, once you've started that puzzle, you can't review the directions.
Yeah, in 999 too the characters were very good with numbers. I'd need pen and paper in order to figure stuff out they were doing easily in their heads.
It's hexadecimal and I don't know why you're writing it in spoiler tags.
Anyway, the characters did all the calculations so fast in their head, because otherwise the narrative would drag. And seriously, it's not even complicated math.
Well crap. I gott a password fromending but can't look at it again anywhere.Sigma's
Yeah, some of the passwords you have to physically write down somewhere (or in the game's notes). You should be able to look it up if you don't want to replay the ending, the codes are the same in every copy.
Looking back, it's probably best I started this game doing the leftmost pathIt's the most significant path and is also the most confusing for someone just starting the game.(the one that leads to the Lion lock and Luna's ending).
I did the same, maybe it's designed to be the path most people would take.
Okay, after all is said and done the only plot twists that got me were the ones concerning Sigma himself. All the other ones had enough clues leading up to them beforehand.
Not even Luna's ending?Okay, after all is said and done the only plot twists that got me were the ones concerning Sigma himself. All the other ones had enough clues leading up to them beforehand.
You're fine, you'll hit a cascade of full endings in a moment, it's deliberately designed that way
@Jintor: just wondering: do i need to finish all paths to get to some sort of ending? Or is there one (or more) particular path that i need to do? I really want to reach some sort of ending but the amount of paths to be done seems to indicate i'll need plenty more hours to go.
I thought she might be a Gaulem/robot when she started talking about robots..
But man, Luna's ending really moved me.. the feels...It seemed the ultimate irony that the most human character in the game isnt actually human.. the "robotic calm with a human face" line was probably a big clue... it was beautiful
I was crying
Wow, got to my first two endings
The two at the right, one where you betray Phi to get 9 Points, but then get knocked out, it said "Game Over...."
The other one where Phi betrays you, says she got "back" on you for betraying her the first time and then escapes and kills you all, ends with "To be continued...."
So, I guess they repeat a cycle over and over? Or are aware of alternate realities? Wow, this game really does it right, now I need to see the other endings
If so, I'm also curious if picking betray first, then ally will make him instead do a monologue in the ally route
Anyway, about the game... what is the best way to enjoy the story? Entire paths at once or skipping around constantly? I'm more inclined with the former.
Yes, that is correct.
You might want to check that quote and the spoiler tags in it... Thank the funyarinpa nothing major is showing, but just be careful. :/