The feels man.. lots and lots of feels 
I was crying
I was crying
Could someone clear something for me please?
One of the Secret Files states that the passwords to disabling the bombs do have a meaning, but the only hint to finding the pattern is +1. What is the link in each password?
Oh and how did Dio get to the moon?
You should go to the spoiler thread ASAP.
BUt i'll answer a question :
Dio got to the moon because he live there, there are several facilities with people , the location of the experiment is only one of those.
Why didn't I know about the JUMP feature??? Argggggggh
At least this will make the rest of the game progress much faster.
Wait, were you starting from the beginning each time and redoing all the puzzles again?
Blimey. VLR is a damn long game as it is; I don't want to think how long it'd be if you had to go all 999 and restart it each time...
Could someone clear something for me please?
One of the Secret Files states that the passwords to disabling the bombs do have a meaning, but the only hint to finding the pattern is +1. What is the link in each password?
Oh and how did Dio get to the moon?
My god this game is psychic..."Not even Jupiter can find a lost opportunity" I chose Betray the first time...wonder what the dialog'd be if I started with Ally...
random question, can I jump around on the flow chart to specific parts in the game to redo decisions to go about the different paths, instead of always going down the whole path from A-Z? I can still get all the trophies that way, correct?
i still haven't played it and now that i have time again i can't find it anywhere.(EU)
i still haven't played it and now that i have time again i can't find it anywhere.(EU)
One other question.
If I wanted to skip the puzzles. can I just enter the codes into the safes and still get the true ending and trophies, or do I have to complete everything at least once?
The safe codes are randomly generated for each person's game, so you can't just look them up on the internet.
The codes are randomized, but you only need to solve each puzzle room one time.
Just got this on PSP Vita through PS+. Still have to play through 999 anyway, so I won't be touching the game for a good while, but was wondering how the 3DS version compares.
I kind of like the possible idea of the 2D art being presented in 3D, and the dual screen functionality(if any), plus having both games on a single console. Any differences to be aware of?
From what I've heard, it's rare. But there have been cases of the save glitch appearing in other puzzle rooms.I heard the saves can get corrupted outside of the PEC room? Is this true?
It's totally worth it and I think it's mandatory to figure everything out.
wait a minute, there is english voice acting for this game?
On the US version, yes. In Europe Rising Star Games didn't want to take the risk and only bought the license for one voice track. They asked their fanbase and most of them wanted the Japanese language option.
ah, i doubt i would have switched anyway. 20h in and i would have missed the bunnies incredible VA.
I wish the EU version had English voice acting too![]()
eh. the japanese one is awesome and none of the clips of the english one convince me that much.
the game so far is awesome, the only thing i really hate is the stuttering on the 3DS version and the dot that walks through the map and then he stops everytime at a door and waits till it upons. ugh, just skip to the room you wanted to go. A personal critic is that many puzzles are color based, which are unsolvable for a color blind person. i had to look up the solutions many times.
haven't seen any ending yet on those are some of my "theories"
- K is either a robot or a clone of someone, us interacting with him as a human is him passing the turing test. K can be controlled by zero since he's a robot.
- The game is not, as they believe a couple of days later, it's a couple of years later and they all were frozen for a long period of time (they all refer to sigma as "old" looking and he thinks he's 22, you also never see his face. Why only he aged? i dunno.
- the killed lady was a participant of the game, somebody else is not
- the game is some kind of schrödingers cat shit, were humanity is both extinct or not unless somebody opens the door and confirms it. (They were killed by that Virus thingy)
- I hope the kid dies, that is no theory, it's just something i want. Fuck the kid.
mostly based on nothing tho.
I'm writing this down so you can all snicker at the shit I'm not getting.
erm i have all archive files but the secret thingy didn't trigger. can i just youtube that ending?
You have to beat all rooms on hard to get that ending. The 3DS version has a bug where it defaults the difficulty of the first room (elevator) to easy, so you may check this room again.
The commentary stops when the ending starts. Also, to anyone else that is reading this the link has huge spoilerserm i have all archive files but the secret thingy didn't trigger. can i just youtube that ending?
The commentary stops when the ending starts. Also, to anyone else that is reading this the link has huge spoilers
thanks man, that english VO sounds horrible tho.