To be fair it was ZoE2 that everyone worried about. ZoE1 got confirmation of a stable 60 FPS for both versions as I recall, and wasn't the entry everyone cared about most.Don't feel bad. They've moved on to overreacting about something else.
To be fair it was ZoE2 that everyone worried about. ZoE1 got confirmation of a stable 60 FPS for both versions as I recall, and wasn't the entry everyone cared about most.Don't feel bad. They've moved on to overreacting about something else.
Enders 2 is not a difficult experience. I don't understand this at all.
I am still trying to find solid info on if European Extreme is included because I want it to be...I dunno, challenging. Maybe I played too much of it years and years ago, though.
Although if it's running 25% slower than it used to I have no idea how much more difficult that's going to make things. :\
Saw the tracklist on the back of the sleeve in this video at about this time, and we have this post showing the Remix tracklist and Japan's LE pack in CD tracklist.So how many tracks are on the U.S. Remix Edition CD? Hearing conflicting reports on the track list compared to the Japanese one.
You die easily and enemies are relentless
To be fair it was ZoE2 that everyone worried about. ZoE1 got confirmation of a stable 60 FPS for both versions as I recall, and wasn't the entry everyone cared about most.
Oh, I won't disagree there, though the FPS became a much more concerning issues when it actively correlated with game speed rather than simply being another aspect that looks nicer. It seems to be basically a solid port limited less by active incompetence and more by hardware and maybe being unwilling to make certain compromises.Fair point. I still feel like the comparisons to SH:HD collection were ridiculous. There are people out there that think that this collection is "garbage" thanks to misinformation and hyperbole.
... Why the fuck didn't they just give the Japanese CD? If I want the Remix I can always import it from Japan or buy it for $9.99 from iTunes and get the whole thing. I guess the last track could be some Drama-type thing, but they could've just snipped that off.
Strange, all of them seem to be purchasable on my end. Though I'm in the US for whatever that's worth.It must have been licensing stuff to do with Beyond the Bounds having that one singer there or whatnot. Also just making it different for the sake of it so consumers have a reason to get the Remix Edition CD? I remember only really liking the BtB remix from the previews they had so I guess I can get it from iTunes and save myself $30+.
Edit: Or not. The only single track available is the Vivid Transparency remix. Blah.
3-5 for the first, 5-10 for the second if I'm remembering right.How long are these games?
ZoE2 at normal is a very difficult experience for me. You die easily and enemies are relentless and its not fun. Playing it on Easy is much more fun.
Strange, all of them seem to be purchasable on my end. Though I'm in the US for whatever that's worth.
It just seems like a poor compromise. They can't or don't want to provide the Japanese CD, even with a track or two switched, so instead they release a version of the Remix CD... with what looks like 5 tracks sliced off. And we can just buy that on iTunes. Unless I didn't look close enough and this is a hybrid of the two it seems like it'd be better to either give the Remix CD fully, or swap out problematic tracks with those from the Remix CD, seems the Reboot one has at least one track from it anyway.
Though that artbook alone seems worthy of the extra $20 anyway.
You're just making me want to play it more despite the piss poor performance.
Hey man, play whatever's fun for you. No biggy.
I'm still waiting on my copy, but the fact that normal is giving you a such a hard time is making me worried for how much more awkward the game must play at the speed it's running at.
Guess I'll find out when the mail stops being horrifically shitty.
Yeah, I'm guessing so since it asked for confirmation on Beyond the Bounds when I clicked on the main page. Try there, and if it doesn't work then I guess you need to get them all.I'm in the U.S. too, and it does have each song buyable on its own in the album page, but when you click for tracks to buy individually it only shows Vivid Transparency for some reason. They all say you can buy them, it's not they're called "Album-Only" so maybe it was just an excessive button they forgot to take out.
I don't know how the OG games run in comparison to this but this game looks good to me. It doesn't feel all chuggy like some games get when frames dip and all that. I'm zipping around in Zero Shift like a boss slashing at hella enemies without much slowdown.
I ripped my copy of PS2 ZOE2 earlier today and tried the PSX2 emulator.
Geez, it has loads of slowdown even on my rig, a 4.2Ghz i7 6-core and an unlocked ATI 6950 2GB graphics card.
Thatfight was killing me last night, especially near the end of it when he fired off all those projectiles.Vic Viper
I lucked out against him. On Normal I just kept spamming those freezing move. Worked like a bucket of Lucky Charms.
Bow down to the PS2. Truly a beast.
Back in 2001, though, they actually looked pretty decent.
Damn, the performance on PS3 really is bad. The game speed being tied to the framerate really makes this issue all the more severe.
They would have been better off locking it down at 30 fps at this point.
Oh. Can't really think of any slowdowns that happened during the fight for me. However, there was this bit of freeze loading every time I transition from one area to another. Hell, after I laid the final blow on the final Anubis fight the game stopped for a minute, gave me my trophy, then after a few seconds went on with the ending. Was this a common occurrence (sans trophy of course) in the PS2 version?No, no, I mean that the fight slowed the game down so much that I was cringing and asking myself "What is going on here?!" I did the exact same thing you did to beat him, lol.
he was actually talking about the new sunrise intro done for the collection. it's pretty terrible![]()
You should know that this my first time playing this game. Speed isn't an issue when I was playing it, I play fighters like Blazblue and stuff so I'm cool with fast stuff. Its just that the enemies come at you hard and every enemy seems to do a ridiculous amounts of damage, with the third Nephtis fight being my breaking point. I think I would of snapped my disc in half if I had fought Anubis on Normal.
I hope all my upgrades can get transferred to Normal. Oh how I would love to fight Nephtis with Zero Shift.![]()
No way ZoE 1 is 60 FPS. I'm paying the PS3 version and there are noticable slowdowns. The game is still enjoyable though.To be fair it was ZoE2 that everyone worried about. ZoE1 got confirmation of a stable 60 FPS for both versions as I recall, and wasn't the entry everyone cared about most.
Oh. Can't really think of any slowdowns that happened during the fight for me. However, there was this bit of freeze loading every time I transition from one area to another. Hell, after I laid the final blow on the final Anubis fight the game stopped for a minute, gave me my trophy, then after a few seconds went on with the ending. Was this a common occurrence (sans trophy of course) in the PS2 version?
No way ZoE 1 is 60 FPS. I'm paying the PS3 version and there are noticable slowdowns. The game is still enjoyable though.
I honestly don't know if you can rock the other Jehuty forms playing on Normal after clearing on Easy first. I have never taken that route in a save file before.
If you think Anubis is bad, oh man. When the fight is really long and you can only really move against him when it's absolutely safe in Hard mode, oh lordy is it satisfying. ;_;
I think it might just be the PS3 version, it happens every single time I get a trophy that leads to a cutscene. Don't remember anything like that in the PS2 one.
It's weird cause I thought my game froze on me at first.![]()
Anyone knows what the patch did? Or is it still Japan exclusive and no one got it?
Well crap.No way ZoE 1 is 60 FPS. I'm paying the PS3 version and there are noticable slowdowns. The game is still enjoyable though.
... Shit. This is making me wonder if maybe comparisons to SH HD aren't TOO unwarranted afterall? :/Oh man, the entire section from the Train Chase up to saving Ardjet runs really poorly. Like, really bad. It seems like they could not get anything in this facility running well in any capacity (is it due to graphical effects of the lava, the multiple floors? I have no idea). Luckily, the fortress seems to be running a lot better.
... Shit. This is making me wonder if maybe comparisons to SH HD aren't TOO unwarranted afterall? :/
Sounds like ZoE may've needed that more, ironically.They are
Content wasn't completely redirected in ZoE
So did I! I've had the MGR Demo freeze on me about three times and ZOE1 has frozen on my friend. So I thought, "Why the hell not? Let's make it all three!" Thankfully that was not the case.
Seems like it was JPN exclusive.
Also, this fortress section is kinda sad in a way. There are definitely moments where the game runs at pretty damn close to 60 fps and the speed of the game is noticeably faster. Now I'm at a cutscene between Dingo and Lloyd where Dingo's eye, and everybody's mouth is covered by some glitching black box. This is minor, but Jesus, ZOE2 isn't even that long; did High Voltage play test this?
... Shit. This is making me wonder if maybe comparisons to SH HD aren't TOO unwarranted afterall? :/
Wait, so that glitchy stuff isn't apart of the original game?
It's mainly that glitchy black box thing that's setting off alarms, as that DOES sound like it comes pretty close to "teeth in eyes". Then again that may well be easier to patch out, and isn't as freaky looking anyway (though that DOES work in SH's favor).Unless ZOE2 pulls something on the level of "teeth textures in eyes" and that lake scene, (which I know it probably won't), SH HD is still a light-year from this.
It's mainly that glitchy black box thing that's setting off alarms, as that DOES sound like it comes pretty close to "teeth in eyes". Then again that may well be easier to patch out, and isn't as freaky looking anyway (though that DOES work in SH's favor).
Unless ZOE2 pulls something on the level of "teeth textures in eyes" and that lake scene, (which I know it probably won't), SH HD is still a light-year from this.
It's weird. I don't remember ZOE2 being especially difficult. It was so many years ago, though. I guess we'll see.
I'm picking this up tomorrow just to confirm 360 is the technically better version?
The more people keep posting those numbers the more it makes me think that I should just get the PS2 versions.
Warning: Game looks nasty on a LCD Monitor.
Are you sure you have your settings right? I'm rocking a LCD and its gorgeous.