Do you think they could could have "video game personalities being creepers/sexists/racists" in their Please Stop category?
Meh, if they can go five minutes without being patronizing pseudo intellectuals id watch more of their content.
the insecurity is positively dripping off this one
the insecurity is positively dripping off this one
Yeah if a person listens to waypoint and "patronizing" is the tone they take away from it, there's probably something else about them that actually bothers them.
yes!They're gonna be watching Overwatch SFM videos and talk about which characters do and do not fuck while watching them fuck.
Do you think they could could have "video game personalities being creepers/sexists/racists" in their Please Stop category?
Listen to them talk about Nick Robinson, nothing actually bothers me about any of them.
Listen to them talk about Nick Robinson, nothing actually bothers me about any of them.
So did they bring up the Robinson stuff on the Bombcast?
Seems like more of a Beastcast topic.
I reached the Minerva's Den category.
Send me your strength.
I believe Jeff said, and I quote, "Nick did nothing wrong"
Fake news! Sad!
I believe Jeff said, and I quote, "Nick did nothing wrong"
Serious question: what exactly bothered you during that discussion?
As someone who saw that situation happen on Twitter live + follows most of the people who were tweeting about it to begin with + hung out in the thread about it here the entire time it was open, I thought it did a pretty great job of covering the topic for both people who didn't know about it and for people who already did. None of it felt patronizing or navel-gazey to me, so I'd sincerely like to know where you're coming from.
So did they bring up the Robinson stuff on the Bombcast?
Seems like more of a Beastcast topic.
We ruminate on Hellblade's intimate handling of psychosis, gush about Mossmouth's new game reveal, take sides in the Splatfest civil war, lust after crates full of miniskirts, and check in with Scottish Ben, all on this week's Bombcast!
Holy shit, this PUBG has been amazing. Ben has gone full Baby Driver, while Vinny is apparently now a stone cold killer. I don't know how long this will last, as I'm only ~35 minutes in, but it's almost like they're...good at this game? I'm legitimately taken aback by the skill and composure on display.
I don't see how it's more of a Beastcast topic unless they're going to get Margaret's hot take.
I don't see how it's more of a Beastcast topic unless they're going to get Margaret's hot take.
I don't see how it's more of a Beastcast topic unless they're going to get Margaret's hot take.
Like me preface this by saying im a fan of most of waypoints work individually. I felt they took a rather naive stance about how things are black/white. Also the idea of explaining the basics of social dangers. But that just maybe the age of their audience.
I feel like Austin has the lay of the land in their podcasts quite a bit. Which is surprising because Patrick had a bad tendency to just completely override conversation in his early days on the bombcast.![]()
So did they bring up the Robinson stuff on the Bombcast?
Seems like more of a Beastcast topic.
Like me preface this by saying im a fan of most of waypoints work individually. I felt they took a rather naive stance about how things are black/white. Also the idea of explaining the basics of social dangers. But that just maybe the age of their audience.
And I can see your point regarding explaining the basics. But I think that is an age thing as well as like... some of this is vaguely uncharted territory; it's not new, exactly, but some of the social network reach and related dynamics involved are, and so on.
Don't engage the sock puppet
I love Peter Brown.
Unless i misheard i believe danielle talked about how she had to deal with sexual harassment as well, so i think their stance is entirely understandable.
Also I just figured out that a big part of why I like Murder Island is because it unites both east and west
Videos won't play with my adblocker on anymore? I pay these jabronis good money to not have to deal with the pain in the ass of turning off my adblocker every time I want to watch a video!
There is the burden of proof, to not completely decimate someones life on the word of c tier journalists.
Well, I mean you can feel free to WAIT FOR THE FACTS <tm>
But them taking a hard stance against something they are sure happened because they trust their sources isn't naive or patronizing.
If you don't trust their sources, fine. But they clearly do. You've got an "I told you so" waiting for you on the other side if they were wrong.
I love Peter Brown. When he is on with Jeff, old gaming magic talk happens and I feel like a blanket is wrapped around me.
Oh no i trust them, ive never liked SAbabylonian.