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Which versions are available in Europe atm besides Steam ?
This looks exactly like my kind of game, but the C64-sized pixels in the screens are putting me off. Has anyone played the PS4 version on a 50" or larger TV who would care to comment?
Playing it on a 39" and I don't think it'd look much different on anything bigger.
And yeah I think I'm gonna be stuck on stage 2-5 for a bit.Timing knife throws to stop arrows while trying to run under spikes? Are you freak'n kidding me?
So far I have all the gold skulls you can get up to 2-5. Same for coins with one of the unlockable characters. Sucks that they share the same pool of lives though. I seriously did spend about 25 lives and not even getting the key in 2-5. Down to about 900 lives. =l
Looking for some honest advice here. I'm not sure if I want to pick this game up right now, but I'm interested. What I would like to know if whether this is a proper linear action platformer, or if it's something closer to Super Meat Boy. Are there simply tons and tons of levels where your objective is just to grab the key and escape while there are traps everywhere, or is there an actual feeling of progression in the level design, with enemies, bosses, power ups, etc? I've watched the trailers but I can't really tell.
Looking for some honest advice here. I'm not sure if I want to pick this game up right now, but I'm interested. What I would like to know if whether this is a proper linear action platformer, or if it's something closer to Super Meat Boy. Are there simply tons and tons of levels where your objective is just to grab the key and escape while there are traps everywhere, or is there an actual feeling of progression in the level design, with enemies, bosses, power ups, etc? I've watched the trailers but I can't really tell.
Yeah, I also find it pretty fair. For the most part, you are given plenty of time to sit and plan your next move, and complete a section. Sort of a platformer Dark Souls. Patience and persistence required.
I see, thanks for the impressions. It sounds like something I might want to play eventually, but probably not at the moment. I guess I'll keep waiting for Shovel Knight to get a release date.... >_<
You could always pick up the supremely awesome Scram Kitty in the meantime.
Is it on Steam?
Nope, it's only on WiiU afaik
Is it on Steam?
Wii U only unfortunately, as Pikma said. Sorry, thought you had one.
I'll have one when there's a Zelda game on it. Or maybe if Monolithsoft's game actually comes out. Not really a great investment for me at the moment.
Which versions are available in Europe atm besides Steam ?
To clarify a bitsince 0 fucks were given
Can I play this on Wii U, Vita or 3DS in Europe?
That Scram Kitty looked more interesting than it's name btw
Two questions:
1) How do I unlock new characters/modes? I'm at 4-3 right now with 4 golden skulls...I assume it's just by collecting more golden skulls?
2) What actually happens when you lose all your lives? They won't make you start all over again...will they?
Seriously fuck 4-3. I have died 132 times by now.
Scram Kitty is terrific. And I don't know about Vita, but since I give many fucks when you ask: no Wii U or 3DS in EU...yet.
Really tempted to pick this up... how easy is it to pick up for a few minutes and put down for a bit?
Lol sounds good to me.Game design-wise, very easy. Levels are technically short and saving is automatic
Gameplay-wise, very hard to put down. I keep going to play it for "a few minutes" and then playing for an hour because I can't beat the stupid level because of those goddamn blocks right at the-WHY IS THERE A SPIKE THERE?!
Two questions:
1) How do I unlock new characters/modes? I'm at 4-3 right now with 4 golden skulls...I assume it's just by collecting more golden skulls?
2) What actually happens when you lose all your lives? They won't make you start all over again...will they?
Apparently the developer has said that "something special" happens when you loose all 1001 lives but that they don't expect many players to actually see it.
Hmm...assuming it takes 2 seconds a life, it should only take around 30 minutes to grind down and see what happens...
Apparently the developer has said that "something special" happens when you lose all 1001 lives but that they don't expect many players to actually see it.
I'll take one for the team and do this when I get home.
Edit: So when I got home, I was already down to 780 lives (thanks to 4-3 and 4-4) so I'm already in a good spot.
The quickest way to die is by choosing "retry stage". Probably takes a second or 2 depending on how fast you can press start and choose it.
When I'm away from my 2DS, I'll load up 4-3 and let the game auto play and die. In this stage, you begin on a block that crumbles automatically and you'll fall into spikes. This process from beginning to end takes about 5 seconds.
At the moment, I'm down to 407 lives. Almost there! I'll probably take a video/screenshots when I'm down to 1 life.
This game sounds great but the $15 price is putting me off just a bit. I'm not one to normally bitch about that, but it feels like we've had an awful lot of really solid retro-inspired 2D platformers the last few years and I really need something that screams "this is different" to me in order to pull the trigger.
Can you guys explain the MP please?
The trailer doesn't really tell me much
40 more lives to go....
It always says "You are dead" when you die but just a second ago I think it said, "RIP in peace".
You dead yet? lol =p
Ok...so...lost all my lives and this is the screen they show afterwards:
But I notice that from now on, I only have 2 lives, lol.
Didn't unlock anything thoughIf there's something else, I haven't come across it.
But I notice that from now on, I only have 2 lives, lol.
Didn't unlock anything thoughIf there's something else, I haven't come across it.
Didn't unlock anything thoughIf there's something else, I haven't come across it.