My kingdom for the F-15, F-14, or Typhoon.
I will take all of those planes. Too bad I'll never be able to stay in the top of the rankings for the x-02 :/
Well I went with the bolded title. The thread is up now, although it's really barebones: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=151869821
Valentine's day emblems available as limited drops for three days only! All emblems change missile smoke colour to orange.
I spent 20 stocked today to get Makoto's emblem. It was the last one so now I have the full Idolmaster set. In the process I also got two of the valentine's day emblems.
Well, welcome to the endgame I guess? I think Namco must already have a date for end of service and it must be soon. The power creep is getting ridiculous, Lv. 20 lower tier planes must be on the roadmap.
E3 announcement of AC3 remake, AC4/5/0 remaster, AC7(?) for fall release. BELIEVE
Wasn't the wyvern tournament one of the biggest whale hauls yet? There's no hints yet of a Mobius cash grab or the last few superplanes.
The Delphinus and XFA-27 price tags still floor me. Such blatant pandering has gone from disgusting to funny back to disgusting. I figured they'd be near peers of the Falken with similar bomber price tags.... The 27 does get extra pairs of missiles as its lvl 4 special weapon apparently.
At least rooms can be enlarged and have better descriptions now, my cries were answered on that front.
People have those planes already and it pains me to see it.So you can just get them from random missions, no real requirements?
And my new connection isn't letting me connect to any games... could 3MB be too slow?
People have those planes already and it pains me to see it.So you can just get them from random missions, no real requirements?
And my new connection isn't letting me connect to any games... could 3MB be too slow?
The planes are included in the set of the most rare random drops that are in gold boxes. I got Typhoon -Makoto- today. I don't think it's your internet being too slow, I'm having trouble signing on to the game. Unless you can actually access a list of matches and when trying to join a match from the list you can't connect. Earlier today I couldn't find any matches either, so I'm assuming Namco are having server issues.
It's definitely not just AC:I. Dark Souls II and SF3 both kicked me out more often than not, but at least I got a couple matches in SF3. It ran fine, no lag... but then I get randomly kicked off. Could it be a modem setting? A cursory glance seems to suggest 3MB should be fine for online gaming...
Finally finished a sortie. I guess if I get an Idol plane, it'll come out of the box?
That tension.Nothing yet.
It amazes me how this game is prettier than AC6, but it is a lot newer. Why couldn't this be AC7?
The Makoto... chooses its owner.
It amazes me how this game is prettier than AC6, but it is a lot newer. Why couldn't this be AC7?
Infinity is running on Ace Combat Assault Horizon's engine and while it looks nice it can have really bad dips in performance. It's especially bad in the SOLG Interception special raids where it definitely drops below 20 frames per second at times. I've also had bad framerate drops when the set of SP planes spawns at the end of B7R Dogfight Battle and start firing their missiles all at once.
Congrats! I'm considering using my saved up credits to level my Typhoon -Makoto- as I don't think I'm ever going to reach Lv. 15 with my ASF-X. It does have really low defense stat though, which might make it less viable in PVP especially considering that it starts at lower mobility (I think?) than the standard Typhoon too.
Good to see all this love for the best idol planeI've only got Makoto and whoever is the F-2. Typhoon -Makoto- would be a top 5 paint scheme without the pin-up art on the wings and tail. I might level it too just to have a more stylish low level plane for baby seal lobbies.Wish I'd called dibs first. Ha
I don't know which is worst, Falco squadron's emblem or this upcoming 13 day tournament.
Allowed aircraft: ATD-0, F-20A, X-29A, F-16XL, FB-22, YF-23, F-15S/MTD, T-50, Su-37, Su-47, F-20A -SN-, FB-22 -AR- (Aries? Accidental leak?), F-15S/MTD -SP-, Su-37 -13-, Su-37 -RN-, Mirage 200-5 -EX- and F/A-18F -BH
I'm kinda glad that infinity seems to be working out pretty well for Namco and Project Aces. It's giving me confidence for an AC7. Which is awesome since I don't want my favorite series to bite the dust.
Though am I alone in thinking that more companies should make arcade style jet action games? I know we have games like world of warplanes and such, but it's not the same at all. H.A.W.X was a decent start until they ruined it with H.A.W.X 2. We need some competition man. Like seriously.
Well, it's still active enough to fill rooms, so I'm happy.
How do they expect me to do the satellite mission without The Unsung War? Blasphemy.
Yeah, if anything it feels like the active playerbase has increased.
The Unsung War plays during Satellite Interception III.
There's 3 of them? Or you mean the last phase?
Recently sold my PS3. Any chance of this coming to PS4?
All Special Raid missions have three difficulty levels. The higher difficulty levels are more rare. Emergency ground, air and sea strikes do not, but they are limited time special raids. Moby Dick Pursuit and Stonehenge Returns both had a fourth difficulty level added later.
Sheesh. It was a fun progression in phases, but it felt empty without the echo of Cum historia...
It has too much scripting compared to the other special raids. You have to wait for AWACS Heavy Cloud to stop talking to progress to the next phase. Missed out on a S-rank on Satellite Interception II once because the artillery shell became an active target two seconds before timer ran out as Heavy Cloud was just blathering on.
I just got two gold boxes in a row, got Danketsu bomber and F-22A -Haruka-. I hope I can get the F-15E -Chihaya- before this event is over.
We're getting 18 days of forced sorties. This is just ridiculous.
Hate to say it, but I wish there was 19 days of forced sorties. Got my first ever SOLG 3 last night... that would've been a nice paycheck.
What was your average lobby score on that SOLG 2? I can't remember my lobby's make-up too well, but it was about a high 1800, 2 mid 1900, and a low 2000. We slaughtered the enemy Falken squadron and had a solid 30 seconds to listen to Heavy Cloud ramble about the core.
Keeping my fingers crossed for Chihaya and Azusa.
I got my Makoto after winning MVP, so there's probably a connection.
I'm starting to think it's just about impossible to earn the campaign credits using just traditional co-op. 3 might be my last.
Don't hate me Aerocrane, but I got F-15E -Chihaya- the other night.
Not sure if I've just had competent lobbies or not, but Dubai Assault (Hard) doesn't feel very difficult compared to Tokyo or Pipeline. I'm not even running stealth parts and I'm barely threatened by missile lock.
Not a fan of the color scheme, but having an easy Rafale would be nice. One of my favorite fighters.
Does Zero BGM play in any of the missions?
Keeping my fingers crossed that wasting some 3x fuel burns at the end of this tourney squeezed me into the top 5000. I was close anyway and figured why not. At the very least, I have more hanger queens with a F-16C -Mami- and a Rafale -Iori-.
I've become a Dragoon and upgraded to my first level 10 aircraft with the X-02. Short of buying a few level 5 special weapons, I'm about done with the research tree. My F-15E and Su-37 -13- are staying at level 9 unless I hit a jackpot.
I managed to get into a few matches with the number 1 ranked player in the last event for a few matches, and oh my goodness I can see why they're so high ranked. Dude rocked an Su-24 on Moscow Battle and absolutely destroyed everything. It was a challenge just trying to keep up, a fun one though! They absolutely know what they're doing too. It was only a 4 player lobby, but we destroyed the butterfly master in 15 seconds and the SOLG in around 2 mins give or take.
Honestly I was just impressed at how fast all of the targets disappeared.
I did manage to get ranked somewhere around 4300 for the event? I should log back on later and check my final rank.