Got the Putty Squad platinum early this morning. My goal for the year is to finally reach 100 platinums and Putty Squad was #25. Only 75 more to go!
Also, I'm counting this as my first PS4 platinum. Sound Shapes doesn't really count because all I had to do was sync save files.
That's.... 75/8 = 9 platinums in a month?
What are you going to play?
I've got a batch of easy games lined up, as well as some titles where I only need a few more trophies to plat. All I need is to get my PS3 fixed so I can cut through the backlog.
Probably gonna make Danganronpa my next plat.
Edit: I just realized how much time I would have to contribute based on your math. Yeezus :/.
Aim for 75![]()
Just got Sly 3 platinum. Really enjoyed it, despite everyone saying it's not as good as the first two. Preferred it to 2 actually.
Anyway that's my 4th platinum of the month. Gonna start Sly: Thieves in Time tomorrow and see if i can make it 5![]()
After a week of daily missions I finally got the Platinum in Defiance the other day.
I had a lot of fun with the game right up till the latest update 2 weeks ago. The game now scales the enemies to not only your level but the levels of those around you. Basically when you are alone the enemies are fine but in a group they become bullet sponges. In a MMO type of game this is not fun as it's now better playing alone!! If it is not changed I expect the game to die before the start of the second season of the TV show in June.
I loved Defiance - and I'm going for my Platinum as well - but I don't log in often enough. Every time I do there's some new change and I have to readjust how I've been playing. Congrats on the plat though; I'm dreading doing those multiplayer trophies!
100% - Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery. Not worth the time.
Managed to unglue myself from FFXIV long enough to play some other stuff. Working on Dark Souls 2 as well as finishing off my last of the eight God of War plats, of which I got #7 yesterday. Only one left!
Did you run into any issues with trophies not unlocking in the Vita collection?
Platinum #69 - Deadpool
And yes, GAF, I did that on purpose. Gonna try to finish street fighter x tekken on ps3 next
Is the game at least enjoyable? I wanna get it as a guilty pleasure.
Decided my next plat will be De Blob 2, seems easy enough.
General 2014 thread seems fine. Of course, you're the one that'll have to tally up a whole year's worth of points for the end of year awards.![]()
For all that is holy, if going for the plat is your only intention of playing the game, follow a guide to get every collectible in the game in one go. Save yourself the nightmare of having to scour through enourmous rainbow-colored levels to try and find one single easy to miss pickup that'll have you spending hours looking for like it happened to me.
Only two trophies left until I've 100% Guardians of Middle Earth. Then I'm probably gonna get the last Section 8: Prejudice DLC trophy on my list. Once this GameSpy nonsense is over I can get back to platinum hunting.
List of Platinums I'm Aiming For:
Borderlands - Just need to turn on a second controller and do the coop trophies.
Call of Duty: Ghosts - Veteran run through and a few of the Extinction trophies left.
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - Need the collectibles and a few miscellaneous singleplayer trohies.
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - School mode plus some other stuff
Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 - This one's going to take some grinding, but I want to platinum the series before I play Producing Perfection.
Spelunker HD - Just need all of the Picture pieces and to complete the coop levels. But I can do that all solo.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 - Need to beat it on the hardest difficulty, do the challenge trophies and then clean up whatever's left.
So yeah, that's my goal for the next two to three months.
Yeah this game spy shutting down has thrown me for a loop too.
I don't know what epic is trying to do with UT3 on the PS3 so I've been trying to do the online trophies.
I just know that I'm never going to 100% stuff like Midnight Club LA.