Platinum #9 | Megamind
Platinum #10 | Pixar Up
I got the Wonderbook Book of Spells for $19.99. Came with Move controller, camera and game. There's a guide to get the Platinum in that game in under 2 hours.
It is if I remember it correctly impossible to finish the game in more than 2 hours. The game just is that short.
On Evil Within XB1 I have 1153 kills but I don't have the One Man Army achievement (for killing 400 enemies). I have the challenge for killing 1000 enemies, and I have the achievement for killing 200 enemies. But nothing for killing 400 enemies.
I've posted on the Neogaf OT, on, on the TrueAchievements thread specific for this achievement, and I've tweeted BethesdaSoftworks. I really hope someone has some kind of solution.
On ps4, the trophy where you have to get 5 stealth kills in a row just wouldn't pop. What I did was backed up my save files, then delete them from the system, started a new game, got 5 stealth kills in a row. Trophy pops. Than delete that save and put my original saves back on the system.On Evil Within XB1 I have 1153 kills but I don't have the One Man Army achievement (for killing 400 enemies). I have the challenge for killing 1000 enemies, and I have the achievement for killing 200 enemies. But nothing for killing 400 enemies.
I've posted on the Neogaf OT, on, on the TrueAchievements thread specific for this achievement, and I've tweeted BethesdaSoftworks. I really hope someone has some kind of solution.
Weird maybe your save file got bugged or maybe some kills don't got registered. Maybe keep more killing enemies until it unlocks? Worth a shot.
Also i have been trying to platinum Hitman 2 HD but man does that suck, that game hasn't aged very well.
On ps4, the trophy where you have to get 5 stealth kills in a row just wouldn't pop. What I did was backed up my save files, then delete them from the system, started a new game, got 5 stealth kills in a row. Trophy pops. Than delete that save and put my original saves back on the system.
I would try that. Start a new game/save and get 200 kills.
There's an achievement for completely upgrading Sebastian so you might have to upgrade all the bolts. I think you should get enough gel on your second playthrough especially if you get all the locker keys.Thanks guys. I'm doing a mop-up playthrough on New Game+ Casual to get miscellaneous achievements and all collectibles/upgrades. So far I think I have lucked out as I was able to get the Full House achievement (kill 5 enemies with each Agony Bolt type) in Chapter 3 and I heard that achievement was buggy. Hopefully the 400-kill achievement corrects itself. I don't have the heart to start on a brand new save file to go for another 400 kills. Right now I am on casual and ridiculously overpowered with high health, high stamina, and lots of ammo and powerful weapons, and I don't want to revert back to start-of-game strength.
I have two questions unrelated to the 400-kill achievement:
1) Do I have to upgrade all the agony bow types (explosive, freeze, etc...) for any achievement?
2) Will I collect enough green gel in my New Game+ Casual playthrough to fully upgrade my abilities/stock/weapons? I have this bad feeling that I will end up still missing upgrades by the time I finish my mop-up.
Woot! The One Man Army achievement just popped after doing a stealth kill early in Chapter 3 on New Game+.
Finished up Far Cry 4 and was able to trade it locally for Shadows of Mordor the very next day. Not sure what to play next. I started Far Cry Classic but I also got Wolf Among Us and Lego Hobbit for PS4 today for cheap. Also need the 100 days trophy in Minecraft PS4. Wife likes watching detective/mystery games and is off work till Jan 5th so It maybe Wolf or I might use some X-Mas gift cards to find a copy of Sherlock Holmes PS4 tomorrow.
Umm have you considered the Phoenix wright games by any chance? You do detective stuff in in. Probably not the easiest game to watch on a screen tough
I recently joined MetaGamerScore and thought I'd join GAF's official crew. I'm not necessarily a trophy hunter but I'd like to participate anyway. Mind if I join?
Awesome. It's asking for a passphrase though. What do I put in there?
I need this as well.
You're on the list but your score is recorded starting next month.
HERE IT IS (quick and dirty, will make it nice during the weekend)
Passphrase is shown by quoting this post
Also joined metagamerscore, looks cool.
I did some digging in previous threads and found this.
Quote this post or my post and you should see the password.
Still waiting for a response to this, so I might as well just ask if you're the same Lord of Castamere I'm seeing on that website. If you look at your "Firsts", specifically for Dragon Age: Inquisition, you'll see that we're usually on the same list. LOL
Also joined metagamerscore, looks cool.
I did some digging in previous threads and found this.
Yeah that's me. I just set up and scanned everything yesterday.
Yeah that's me. I just set up and scanned everything yesterday.
I'm trying to get some trophies in Need for Speed: Most Wanted for the PS Vita, and one of them is for having 5 friends who've also played it.
So if anyone wants to help me get it/needs help getting it.
Add me!
PSN ID: Raven-Valor95
Yep! And Thank you for helping me(and that goes for everyone else who sent a FR) I've now got the trophyI've got the game, so can I help you out just by playing the game for a couple of minutes?
I'm thinking about going after the Grand theft auto V platinum next, but heard there are several glitched trophies.
I'm just in front of you in the ranking with a very small lead.
Purchased walking dead season two for 6.25, then since it wanted to import my save from season 1 (only played that on ps3) decided to double dip and play that again first. Haven't got a boost to my trophies like this for a while...
Next up Watch Dogs or The Evil Within. I'm kinda debating which will be harder; the mutiplayer trophies in WD, or the one hit death mode in TEW.
Whoo! Got my first platinum for the new year, thanks again for helping out everyone
AKUMU mode is 20 times harder than the Watch Dogs MP trophies IMO!
Yup. Many GTA V trophies are glitched on PS4, but I managed to unlock most of them by playing offline and repeating the mission/activity. Every glitched trophy popped right after.Yeah, I would think twice before going for that Platinum. So far, three trophies have glitched for me: The Altruist Cult trophy, the Rampage trophy, and the Bail Bonds trophy. The Altruist Cult and Bail Bonds trophies I eventually got by fulfilling the requirements another time, but that's impossible for the Rampage trophy.
So if you do decide to go for it, you should have A LOT of saves to roll back to.
Can anyone help out with Killzone Mercenary? I need to get tranq-ed and recover.
I've sent you a friend request, it's a trophy that I also still need.
Congratulations dude, I'm planning on joining the inFamous First Light Platinum club soon as well, but for now I'll have to settle with the inFamous 2 platinum I just got after a ton of XP grinding.