Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
It's like the Beach Blonde with the big tits you know has a Double Digit IQ. Damn fine to look at but not much else going on. I wanted to like this game but after 6 hours it is a snore fest. The whole "Imagination Land" angle slows an already slow paced game down to a snore fest. I have played board games with more action. With that said, it is a fantastic piece of art to look at. I am running a 4070 so can only run Path Ray Tracing outside of the woods but it is a fantastic piece of art in motion. The Woods themselves in the opening scene is breath taking and all I could think of was having a Friday the 13th game in those same woods. Then Going indoors the lighting and artwork is just superb. Even scenes when Allen first leaves the tv studio into the city neighborhood is a jaw dropper. Lighting a Flare or shining a bright light in dark scenes is kinda a magic touch on my Qd-Oled tv. It really is a Jekyll/Hyde situation. Looks like Tarzan but plays like Jane.
** some spoiler warnings ahead **
The Story was a mess in the first game and continues on an even more bizarre rabbit hole than the first one. Maybe I am not bright enough or maybe I am not taking the same kind of Acid the story writers wrote but good luck making sense of the Main plot. It's easy to understand the little things but the overall plot is a completely hot mucking mess. The Whole Dark place and the doppelganger, along with Saga who just somehow just knows things and never really explained. A dead guy gets up with no heart early in the game. Attacks and kills 2 cops and nearly Saga herself. Instead of calling in the cavalry like anybody would, they make the decision to go alone and chase this Huge Zombie with his dick hanging out in the woods at night by themselves. Cliche smart people making dumb decisions. The game has moments of action and maybe it gets better later in the game but I am 6 hours in and it is a real drag.
She is a looker though: For reference I am playing on a moderate 4070 system. I can still pay this game at 4k Dlss Peformance with all settings on high and path ray tracing (outside the wooded area) and getting close to 60fps. I am sure it looks even better on more capable systems.
Youtube has a bit of compression but here are some samples.
** some spoiler warnings ahead **
The Story was a mess in the first game and continues on an even more bizarre rabbit hole than the first one. Maybe I am not bright enough or maybe I am not taking the same kind of Acid the story writers wrote but good luck making sense of the Main plot. It's easy to understand the little things but the overall plot is a completely hot mucking mess. The Whole Dark place and the doppelganger, along with Saga who just somehow just knows things and never really explained. A dead guy gets up with no heart early in the game. Attacks and kills 2 cops and nearly Saga herself. Instead of calling in the cavalry like anybody would, they make the decision to go alone and chase this Huge Zombie with his dick hanging out in the woods at night by themselves. Cliche smart people making dumb decisions. The game has moments of action and maybe it gets better later in the game but I am 6 hours in and it is a real drag.
She is a looker though: For reference I am playing on a moderate 4070 system. I can still pay this game at 4k Dlss Peformance with all settings on high and path ray tracing (outside the wooded area) and getting close to 60fps. I am sure it looks even better on more capable systems.
Youtube has a bit of compression but here are some samples.

Alan Wake 2 - Screenshot-Galerie |
Stöbere durch 31 Screenshots, Artworks und Wallpaper zu Alan Wake 2 - Survival-Horror von Remedy Entertainment / Epic Games für PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S.

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