I should say my thoughts on the Seaman review; it was pretty good. I haven't played Seaman myself, because I've never had much of any interest in digital-life games, and this video definitely didn't make me want to play the game, but it did a good job of showing how the game is, I thought. My only real criticism is that he's returning to the silly-conspiracy-theory thing a bit too often in his reviews; it was funny the first time he did that kind of thing, but while somewhat amusing, it's starting to get cliche because of how often he's used it. Also... is that froglike form the final evolution of Seaman, or is that just where he stopped playing? The video didn't make that clear. Otherwise though, good fun episode, I definitely liked it.
Alpha Omega Sin...Okay, I recognize that dude, but don't recall him in a Cinemassacre video. Must have missed that one. I only watched maybe two of AOS' videos years ago and it was purely about video games, so I dunno about his opinions outside of what's being said here.
I kind of agree with the notion that if someone holds toxic views on subjects like sexism and racism it's not too cool to help "promote" that person,
That's the main reason I brought it up, because I agree with this last sentence here. I strongly believe in free speech so AOS can say what he wants, but I don't like them giving him free publicity without mentioning any of the questionable stuff he says.
but I'm sure people like James are also incredibly busy, and aren't aware of some of this stuff unless it's explicitly brought to their attention. Like, I don't think James 100% agrees with everything AOS, or whoever else, thinks just because the guy is in one of his videos, you know? I would be more concerned if the person was a recurring presence on the shows. A "guest spot" and a recurring role are two different things to me.
Three videos, not one, as has been pointed out (the two-part room tour and the Jekyll & Hyde video). It isn't just one, I didn't mention it when it was just the first video he appeared in, which was the Jeckyll & Hyde convention-panel one.
But beyond that, that they might not know is a fair point, and yeah, it's entirely possible that they don't know. Do they actually watch his videos, or do they just know him in person because he also does Youtube videos? Sure, it could well be the latter. And no, I don't think James 100% agrees with him; not talking about an issue isn't agreement, it's not talking about it.
He was in video tour video where Mike showed off his room. He was also in the cast of people that played Jekyll & Hyde with James and Mike. I'm not really a fan of his, to be honest. He's consistently obnoxious in the videos I've seem him. He's quite vocal and tends to over take others in conversations.
Yeah, if it was just the one Jekyll & Hyde video I wouldn't (and didn't) mention it, but he's been in three videos now, because the room tour is a two-parter. And I do agree about the way he comes across in videos.
That being said, I really enjoyed the last AVGN. It was one of the better ones that have come out recently. Bootsy Plays... is a great idea, too! I've always liked when he's on camera, and the man really knows how to play video games. I don't mind Ryan, either. You can tell he's still a bit nervous on camera, but that's fine.
Yeah, the Bootsy videos are pretty good, it's cool to see someone so good at that super-hard game play through it. The strategy video is nice too, I hope he does more.
Too bad we never got this in the us
Sega being Sega, they manage to mess up good things so often.

I personally wouldn't have played it, but for the people who would, and I'm sure there are plenty of them, it's really too bad they didn't bring it over. Maybe a PC version would have been a good idea? Digital-life games seem more popular on computer than TV consoles...