James, Mike and Ryan play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the N64.
The game looks truly awful.
The game looks truly awful.
No, it's an average to above-average game. It's a fine Tomb Raider clone, and the N64 version looks great (Factor 5 did the port and they did a really good job with the graphics!) and has better controls than the original PC version, too. James and Mike are just bashing it because it's complex (it's an action-adventure game which requires exploration), requires you to actually learn the controls (something they don't bother attempting to do), etc... and they don't want to bother actually learning how to play, so they insult it instead. This is a REALLY bad video; there are other videos on their channel as bad as this one, but not many. And of course the graphics look quite good on a CRT, they only think they look bad because they're playing on an HDTV.James, Mike and Ryan play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the N64.
The game looks truly awful.
That was infuriating to watch. How can three people who've been playing games their whole lives not think to use a health item or read the manual.
Compared to the Tomb Raider Revelations on ps1 released the same year?, this looks like a muddy mess. (edit : they probably both look pretty dated actually..)
That was infuriating to watch. How can three people who've been playing games their whole lives not think to use a health item or read the manual.
No, it's an average to above-average game. It's a fine Tomb Raider clone, and the N64 version looks great (Factor 5 did the port and they did a really good job with the graphics!) and has better controls than the original PC version, too. James and Mike are just bashing it because it's complex (it's an action-adventure game which requires exploration), requires you to actually learn the controls (something they don't bother attempting to do), etc... and they don't want to bother actually learning how to play, so they insult it instead. This is a REALLY bad video; there are other videos on their channel as bad as this one, but not many. And of course the graphics look quite good on a CRT, they only think they look bad because they're playing on an HDTV.
The game got average reviews from people who actually learned how to play it:
Do you mind listing which ones? I think you know why I want to know, it's because you are A Black Falcon and I've seen you're posts here and there, which is why I value your opinion.there are other videos on their channel as bad as this one, but not many.
James, Mike and Ryan play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the N64.
The game looks truly awful.
No, it's more like their playing is awful, how the hell do they not realize they were poisoned for all that time???James, Mike and Ryan play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the N64.
The game looks truly awful.
That's often true, but not always -- consider that they actually did a complete playthrough of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire on James & Mike Mondays... yeah, it's Star Wars, but it's not exactly one of the more-loved Star Wars games.They never play "well" unless it's a known game, it's part of the show...
The two that immediately come to mind are, first, that old AVGN episode where the bashes Castlevania for N64 for that part where you have to carry a bomb, and he makes it look really hard and it's exploding constantly and then he says how bad the game is and quits, or something like that; it's been a while. In reality, you basically need to be INTENTIONALLY messing up for what's happening in that episode to happen. He either was hopelessly clueless or misrepresented the game on purpose, either way making the game look a lot worse than it is -- it's actually a good game, or at least I think so!Do you mind listing which ones? I think you know why I want to know, it's because you are A Black Falcon and I've seen you're posts here and there, which is why I value your opinion.
There are also FAQs for the game online, for those without a manual,. which is probably a lot of people considering that the game was only available online or in Blockbuster (as a rental at first, only sold off later by the stores) and was not sold at retail. (They didn't know this, obviously, with how they talk about saving up your money for this game...)Well I was halfway through the video when I wrote that. I have never played this game before, so just by watching them I was confused by the draining health as well. But yeah, it was because of a snake bite, and there is antivenom in the inventory menu. They probably could've learned that by looking through the instruction manual, if they had one.
Good point.The game does also look worse because they did crank the brightness way up, so the colours do look really washed out. I didn't even notice that the game was suppose to be dark until they started complaining about the games gamma.
The movement controls do take some getting used to, but the original PC version was even harder to control by all accounts, so the N64 version is improved there in comparison... but sure, it'll take a bit of practice to get used to whipping, jumping, etc. That is the case in Tomb Raider games too though, the controls aren't immediately intuitive. I'm not a Tomb Raider fan so I don't love Infernal Machine either, but it's certainly not a bad game.The game does look like a cross between Tomb Raider and Zelda OoT, but the jumping controls do look kinda clunky, even more so than the original Tomb Raider, it seems. Their attempt at jumping out of holes looked so painful, but they seemed to have gotten the hang of it. Too bad they couldn't figure out the antivenom in the option menu.
James, Mike and Ryan play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine for the N64.
The game looks truly awful.
It's obvious even if you've not played it. Snakes are kinda known for venom, and the mechanic of venom draining health wasn't new at the time the game came out. And yes, the platforming can be clunky, and imperfect, but for the time, it's pretty great. And they complain about Indy's voice actor, but it's the same VA from Fate of Atlantis, and even though he's not a perfect Ford sound-alike, he's always done a good job in the role.Well I was halfway through the video when I wrote that. I have never played this game before, so just by watching them I was confused by the draining health as well.
That was infuriating to watch. How can three people who've been playing games their whole lives not think to use a health item or read the manual.
It's obvious even if you've not played it. Snakes are kinda known for venom, and the mechanic of venom draining health wasn't new at the time the game came out.
... What? Your healthbar immediately starts blinking with a skull, symbol of poison, as soon as you get poisoned, and then you start losing health as your healthbar continues to blink a skull on it! It couldn't be much more clear what happened, to anyone actually paying's not that obvious in videogame logicthe "you have been poisoned!" status effect should be told better and have a separate icon on screen like in Final Fantasy games and whatnot before this.
He couldn't beat the yellow devil and he complained the whole time. He even tried to cheat with the pause trick but couldn't do it.
Shame on him for trying to cheat. He loses some old school points for that.
YouTube streams aren't archived are they?
James and Mike fail quite regularly at games in their attempt to paint games as "shit" for their audience. It's just that not every game they do this with is a hidden gem that hardcore fans are familiar with, so it goes unnoticed.
Excellent post...James and Mike fail quite regularly at games in their attempt to paint games as "shit" for their audience. It's just that not every game they do this with is a hidden gem that hardcore fans are familiar with, so it goes unnoticed.
A great example of this is their jaguar CD review when they play battlemorph. Their entire "review" is them bitching that someone actually made a sequel to cybermorph, then ramming into walls saying "It's not like starfox!" before turning it off.
No shit it's not like starfox. It's more like descent. They had absolutely no idea how to play. It's like a series of small rooms connected with tunnels, and each of those rooms have objectives leading to the bigger, overall level. Keys in one room, doors in another. It's mission based, too, kind of like goldeneye, with side missions they can optionally do.
Absolutely all of that beyond them. They turned their ship's engine to full (you can control how much thrust you have - both forwards and backwards) and then rammed into walls and were like "why can't I keep going forward??"
The show is funny, but they suck at video games and they do quite a few interesting games a huge disservice. Thats not to say everything they play is great, but they're not a very good barometer of these games.
Another really, really good example of this, which was an actual AVGN episode, is the Lester the Unlikely episode. That's a game that plays more like Flashback, Oddworld, Another World, Heart of Darkness, etc. Instead he tries to play the game like super mario bros and bitches the whole time about how it's not like that.
Ugh. Is anyone else getting tired of Mike's constant stream uploads? I'm unsubscribing already, I'll keep an eye on this thread for whenever the next AVGN episode drops.
Mike needs to stop leeching off James' channel and make his own already so he can realize how unpopular he actually is.
To be fair, he may make mistakes when it comes to playing certain games (though many games are quite crappy), but the fact he didn't realize that they were bitten by a snake and didn't notice their health draining down due to it until later in the episode shows that they aren't even paying attention to what's happening, which is what you would want to do when playing a game(definitely for the 1st time). At least in most episodes he has his full attention on the game(though wanders off at times), but not for that N64 Indiana Jones game. They didn't test the controls like you would normally do when you play a game you haven't played before(which is what he usually does in AVGN episodes as often he explains what the controls are).It's been this way for almost a decade, so I don't understand why people still get up in arms about it (unless they really like the Indiana Jones game and want to protect it from undo ridicule or something).
Ugh. Is anyone else getting tired of Mike's constant stream uploads?
... What? Your healthbar immediately starts blinking with a skull, symbol of poison, as soon as you get poisoned, and then you start losing health as your healthbar continues to blink a skull on it! It couldn't be much more clear what happened, to anyone actually paying attention.
Where the game fails is in persisting this state past death. That's ridiculous, and I can't think of any action-ish other game that persists a state like that. I was paying attention to the video of the game, possibly more than they were paying attention to the game themselves, and I was still confused why they kept starting off already dying.
It shouldn't *matter* that they didn't notice that they were poisoned until it was too late. What matters is that what happened after that was incredibly confusing and frustrating.
Well, Pip Boy is so unimaginative, so no wonder it will be chore to play..or watch at least.
Lol people still use the pause trick on him?He couldn't beat the yellow devil and he complained the whole time. He even tried to cheat with the pause trick but couldn't do it.
Shame on him for trying to cheat. He loses some old school points for that.
Another really, really good example of this, which was an actual AVGN episode, is the Lester the Unlikely episode. That's a game that plays more like Flashback, Oddworld, Another World, Heart of Darkness, etc. Instead he tries to play the game like super mario bros and bitches the whole time about how it's not like that.
Truth, I loved that game and your comparisons are spot on. At one point in the review he even notes it's more like Prince of Persia, but that doesn't stop him from shitting on it for being different anyway.
At least his complaints about Dark Castle were slightly justified as both the Genesis and CDi versions were panned at release for not controlling well, or being as responsive as the original version on mac. Doesn't change the fact that he tried to play this and Lester like an action platformer though, rather than a cinematic platformer.The fact that he does mention that it's like prince of persia and still shits on it MAY be because the game controls like shit.
Mike needs to stop leeching off James' channel and make his own already so he can realize how unpopular he actually is.
He's not leeching since he's as much owner of that as James is but that doesn't mean we can't critizice him and yes I agree, I'm growing tired of his stream uploads.Ugh. Is anyone else getting tired of Mike's constant stream uploads? I'm unsubscribing already, I'll keep an eye on this thread for whenever the next AVGN episode drops.
Mike needs to stop leeching off James' channel and make his own already so he can realize how unpopular he actually is.
Yeah no shit. When they're not playing it for laughs (i.e. AVGN) and it's a serious playthrough it gets very very frustrating. Seriously, his whining about the button config of MM Legacy was so difficult to swallow when you know he could've changed it but since I didn't saw his stream Live I can't tell him he's being a clueless asshole.I'm getting real giddy right about now because people are starting to criticize this James & Mike series, I was just afraid of getting swarmed so I was waiting for someone else to say it first.
Look at the comment section on the Indiana Jones video, hilarious.
"It's like watching my granddad trying to play a video game."