Is there confirmation that the PS4 version is 60fps + 1080p?
I believe it is only 30fps/1080p lazy port is lazy.
Is there confirmation that the PS4 version is 60fps + 1080p?
How 'open' is the ocean? Can you just stop the boat and dive in the water like GTA V or is there a 'transition'?
Can you 'beach' your boat, is it like pulling up to an island and you just jump off the boat and go to the island or is the 'boat' and 'land' parts separate?
there's is some strange story stuff that you would miss by not playing previous games, but i don't recommend playing all of them. id say read a wiki or watch a walk-through or something, much easier. if you feel you like these games id recommend playing 2 and brotherhood, maybe revelations, depending on how much you like the main character Ezio.
EDIT: the story for AC4 is probably pretty disconnected from previous AC games, but the present day stuff links the series together. if you don't care about the present day stuff (which to be honest you shouldnt), you should be good at starting with AC4.
you can stop your ship wherever you want and jump in the water. but you wont be able to dive under the water anywhere, only in specific spots.
i don't believe you can beach the boat, when it hits land it crashes, and presumably breaks after enough hits.
but yes you can stop your ship near an island, jump off and reach the island, no load screens or anything.
How 'open' is the ocean? Can you just stop the boat and dive in the water like GTA V or is there a 'transition'?
Can you 'beach' your boat, is it like pulling up to an island and you just jump off the boat and go to the island or is the 'boat' and 'land' parts separate?
you can stop your ship wherever you want and jump in the water. but you wont be able to dive under the water anywhere, only in specific spots.
i don't believe you can beach the boat, when it hits land it crashes, and presumably breaks after enough hits.
but yes you can stop your ship near an island, jump off and reach the island, no load screens or anything.
I have not played it but fromt he descriptions it seems the answer to the second question is that it is a mixture. The few large cities have a load, but small islands do not, so you indeed just stop, jump in the water and walk on land freely.
I believe it is only 30fps/1080p lazy port is lazy.
Just watched the Giantbomb QL and it looks so fun, makes it feel like you're an actual pirate of that era. Don't know if this has come across already because I avoid nearly all videogame preview coverage.
And holy shitthat 5th wall. I was actually stunned when Vinny popped out of the animas and began to explain what was going on. Fucking brilliant, from that bullshit (especially in ACIII) to kind of making a satire of itself. Awesome
I was on the fence before but now this easily makes up for the delay of Dogwatch.
Any direct feed of the PC version with all the Nvidia effects yet?!
You got it backwards. My point is I want more of the "tinfoil-hat mumbo jumbo." The reason folks got sick of it is because the team got bad at writing it. Unfortunately, that also means that what used to make the games special has also gotten bad. Now it's just a big, overblown, feature-packed action game like every other AAA release these days.Puh-leez, Assassin's Creed has always been tinfoil-hat mumbo jumbo. The first game was just more stoic in its presentation.
You got it backwards. My point is I want more of the "tinfoil-hat mumbo jumbo." The reason folks got sick of it is because the team got bad at writing it. Unfortunately, that also means that what used to make the games special has also gotten bad. Now it's just a big, overblown, feature-packed action game like every other AAA release these days.
The fact that this thread has been so focused on the game's technical merits (and shortcomings) tells me that the writing and setting are no longer the reasons people play these games. I was hoping AC4 might mark a return to form (strong world design and sharp, fun paranoid fiction). But based on what folks are liking and not liking in this thread, it looks like I should stop holding my breath and just let it go. Too bad.
Well this might be the first AC title that I'm actually having cash flow problems. All the chests seam to give out penny's and pick pocketing pretty much gets you caught. Still better than the broken economies of the last 4 games.
can you buy ingame gold with real $ in this?![]()
How's the Wii U version? I mean, FPS, resolution and performance wise?
The ipad app is kinda cool, actually. I like being able to read the different animus data that I've found in game while away from my console.
Only when there's nothing else to talk about.Most threads about games revolve around technical merits.
Well this might be the first AC title that I'm actually having cash flow problems. All the chests seam to give out penny's and pick pocketing pretty much gets you caught. Still better than the broken economies of the last 4 games.
I have a question:
As a newcomer in the series. Is necessary play all the previous Assassin's Creed games before to play AC IV?
Well this might be the first AC title that I'm actually having cash flow problems. All the chests seam to give out penny's and pick pocketing pretty much gets you caught. Still better than the broken economies of the last 4 games.
Only when there's nothing else to talk about.
This pleases me. Money meant absolutly nothing in previous AC games and you had all you needed by the middle of the game.
Woah that actually sounds good. The economies were a joke in the older ACs due largely to how easy it was to get money relative to the rather low prices of everything in stores. It must feel weird to actually have a reason to do many of the junk activities in an AC game.
How does the game handle the sci-fi aspects? Not the present-day stuff, but the things that Kenway would interact with (like the Apple and other ancient tech in previous ACs)? Is that stuff still around, or is it more just straight piratey action?
I believe it is only 30fps/1080p lazy port is lazy.
So I'm debating on getting this for PS4 or for PC... I've played only a little of the previous iterations in the franchise, but I think I remember rumblings of how the Assassin's Creeds ports to PC were pretty terribad in the past? Am I mistaken on that account? Just want to know if it's worth checking it out on PS4 or if the PC will be a safe bet.
word screw those people up here trying to ruin our fun.Played for about three hours, and so far I think it's really fucking good. Despite what some may say about AC games just being the same thing every year, it's hard to say a pirate game set in the Caribbean isn't a fresh experience. Just got my ship, and I'm already getting a boyish wander of just sailing the seas with my crew, it really is pretty cool.
Also I'm laughing at some of the responses and condescending remarks about these games somehow being about bombast and "catering to the lowest fruit" on account of pirates "being more familiar." You don't like the setting? Fine, you don't like the direction the series is heading? Than fine, but keep you holier than thou superiority complex out of constructive criticism.
Won't know until the PC version was out. 3 was a shitty and poorly optimized port but it still managed to do better than 30 FPS. It all depends on the PC you have.
My PC can easily handle any game coming out for the foreseeable future, I'd wager. But since there's additional content for the PS4 version (I think like an extra hour of content, yes?), and Target has the B2G1 deal going on the week of the 10th, thought about making this the free game I could get.![]()
Well if you don't care about the visuals and there is nothing else you want to get, why not I guess.