Like the hat?
Just got the jackdaw a bit ago. Love the way it controls/looks while sailing.
So ugly.
I thought most people were enjoying it? Most of the hate just stems from the people who hate the series, and have made it their duty to tell everyone how awful it is.
No, I'm a huge fan of AC2 and ACB and they're two of my favourite games ever, this game and AC3 genuinely suck.
Black Flag seems pretty good to me, better than AC2 and ACB imo.
This game was fantastic. This was going to be my first AC I was going to skip due to the fact, that the third let me down, so I decided to rent it, in order to get the story out of the way. I am planing on purchasing it now for the next gen due to the fact that there is so much stuff I had to skip in order to rush through it. I was only at 34% at sequence 11, which amazed so much that I had almost beaten the main game, with only this much done.
The game looks absolutely gorgeous, which I was surprised about it. The combat is pretty much the same as before, except two swords, and no dagger or hatchet. There is some glitchy movement, but I went in expecting that, so no biggy.
The storyline is pretty good, but you kind of question, why you are doing what you are doing, but that's besides the point. Edward has great characterization throughout this game, as does a few of the side characters, but the templars are utterly forgettable.
The present day missions, involve mainly little mini-games, with some information popping about what is going to happen next, but it really seemed like filler, though the emails about which locations are available are probably the most interesting part.
I will guess this will be the fifth game of the year nomination at the VGA's, which previously was open for interpretation.
This game was fantastic. This was going to be my first AC I was going to skip due to the fact, that the third let me down, so I decided to rent it, in order to get the story out of the way. I am planing on purchasing it now for the next gen due to the fact that there is so much stuff I had to skip in order to rush through it. I was only at 34% at sequence 11, which amazed so much that I had almost beaten the main game, with only this much done.
The game looks absolutely gorgeous, which I was surprised about it. The combat is pretty much the same as before, except two swords, and no dagger or hatchet. There is some glitchy movement, but I went in expecting that, so no biggy.
The storyline is pretty good, but you kind of question, why you are doing what you are doing, but that's besides the point. Edward has great characterization throughout this game, as does a few of the side characters, but the templars are utterly forgettable.
The present day missions, involve mainly little mini-games, with some information popping about what is going to happen next, but it really seemed like filler, though the emails about which locations are available are probably the most interesting part.
I will guess this will be the fifth game of the year nomination at the VGA's, which previously was open for interpretation.
Spent forever in Havana collecting everything and doing all the side stuff and finally got out to sea. Holy shit this game really takes off once you do so. I saw the huge map, the open sea and all the ships for the taking and just had a big grin on my face. Time for some ship upgrades.
Me too. It is a shame the game does not really reward you for gathering everything in the cities. I got all the chests, fragments, songs and did all of the assassination missions in Havana. I know you get a costume for completing every assassination mission, but still.
Can someone tell me if the emphasis on stealth is actually true? They say that stealth is important in almost every AC game and it never really is.
You fuckers and your "better than Brotherhood" comments got me to buy the game just now.
Interesting tidbit for those on the fence between the PS3 and the PS4 version: inside the box is a voucher you can use to get the PS4 version for 10 bucks off the PSN store. The only downside is that you can only play with the PS3 disc inserted in the PS4.
So just get the PS3 version el cheapo somewhere and you got yourself a copy of the PS4 version for 10 bucks too.
Played more over the weekend. I gotta say I'm loving this game, for sure on par with AC2/B for me and I absolutely loved those two. I love just sailing around, taking out ships and getting loot, also whaling etc. are a lot more fun then I thought they'd be, especially hunting thethere skin goes for 4,000!white whales
I'm kinda disappointed with the Wii U version. I'm running it off an USB stick, don't know if that's an issue but there are frequent, clear framerate drops everywhere while playing on TV.
Off-TV play is smoother, and I usually like to play my Wii U games that way, but also I'm noticing that the stream quality to the gamepad seems worse than my other games. It looks almost Onlive-ish, can't say for sure what's the problem.
Gonna upgrade to an external HDD this weekend to see if the framerate problem goes away. Doubt it, though.
I believe Nintendo said not to do that as it would cause issues. That could very well be the source of your issues.
Money is becoming an issue so I think I should be looking into whaling now. Would like to fully upgrade things before going forward. This game does have AC3 beat in all areas but the story for me. Though there is one section that really stood out to me and it reminded me of some of the best parts of AC3. That would be the death of. How that played out was pretty good. Parts of that mission reminded me of the Charlestown mission in AC3 where crap is just exploding around you. Hopefully that's the point where things will be picking up in intensity. There's been a lack of that in the game I think. At least for me.Blackbeard and the entire mission leading up to it. By the end I actually ended up liking the character more then I thought.
I'm pretty Sure black flag was way too far in development to have changed dramatically from 3s reception. The story is a mess because they basically said fuck it and strung along a plot that let them cover some basic themes and set pieces. Its just a slapdash of memories that build to you finding what abstergo wants.Agreed, the story is really disappointing and never really goes in any interesting directions. Excluding the modern day stuff, I though AC3 actually had a really good story. I think AC4 is so afraid to pace and build its self after the reaction to 3, that you're always left wondering who these characters are, why am I after these characters, why should I care about these pirates, what's going on, etc.
I'm really seriously considering getting this game for PS4 although I got bored within the first few hours of playing AC3 which I got for free with my graphics card. Does anyone know if the PS4 version is 60fps or 30fps. How would an I7 3770k and a slightly overclocked GTX 680 fare in getting a locked 60fps? With the PS4 version getting some extra content and just not having to deal with the UPlay launcher despite the game being on Steam I'm really conflicted. One on hand, I think I would probably get better performance and a better looking game on PC but with Target's B2G1 deal I might just get NFS Rivals, COD: Ghosts or NBA2K14, and get ACIV for free.
Best Assasins Creed entry so far. Even beating Brotherhood.
I'm thinking about buying Brotherhood but i'm worried i get burned out on Assassin's Creed when Black Flag comes out on PC.
Two questions, if ya'll don't mind me asking.
1. How much of the game is naval combat? AC3 was, what, about 10% naval combat? I'm hoping for more, like, a lot more.
2. Are there any silly twists or wacky future past alien things going on like in the past games, or have they swept that under the rug? A simple "yes/no" is fine for this.
Two questions, if ya'll don't mind me asking.
1. How much of the game is naval combat? AC3 was, what, about 10% naval combat? I'm hoping for more, like, a lot more.
Yeah, I've never really been much into the AC series and have never finished any of them. The only thing really drawing me to this game is the pirate stuff since I've been craving an actual pirate open world game and this seems to be as good as it's gonna get so I'll probably just ignore the AC stuff and play it like a pirate version of Far Cry 3.
So I read on the playstation blog that if I buy AC4 digitally off PSN the ps4 version will automatically show up for $10 for me in the store after the ps4 is released. Can anyone else confirm this? And also, if I were to buy the gold edition of the game, would I get a gold edition of the ps4 version?
Of course it beats Brotherhood. It doesn't take much to beat it.
I'm kinda disappointed with the Wii U version. I'm running it off an USB stick, don't know if that's an issue but there are frequent, clear framerate drops everywhere while playing on TV.
Off-TV play is smoother, and I usually like to play my Wii U games that way, but also I'm noticing that the stream quality to the gamepad seems worse than my other games. It looks almost Onlive-ish, can't say for sure what's the problem.
Gonna upgrade to an external HDD this weekend to see if the framerate problem goes away. Doubt it, though.