The patch is not out yet.
ah ok, thanks, I guess we have no ETA on the patch?
The patch is not out yet.
ah ok, thanks, I guess we have no ETA on the patch?
Are you getting that from an AC book or comic or something? Because it certainly wasn't indicated in the games. All of Ezio's training happened afterThe only thing his father ever referred to was "your special ability" which all of his offspring would have inherited.his father & bros. were killed.
EDIT: Although he and his brothers seemed to do the Leap of Faith just for fun... hmm, wonder where they picked that up? I may have to concede!
ah ok, thanks, I guess we have no ETA on the patch?
I've been looking all over for a date, all I can find is the 'soon' we were told in the initial announcement. I have a bad relationship with that word after an extended period of abuse by Sega of America.
Do the Sea Shanty note pages that you have to catch unlock anything? Do they unlock new songs that your crew will sing?
So apprently DLC is already on the way? I noticed on the PS4 AC UI icon that underneath it listed a few different things related to AC4 and of them listed a DLC called Freedom Something(i think its cry cannot check right at the moment). This is a game I have no intensions of dropping anytime soon, so im actually really interested in what kind of DLC they come up with for it.
Are you getting that from an AC book or comic or something? Because it certainly wasn't indicated in the games. All of Ezio's training happened afterThe only thing his father ever referred to was "your special ability" which all of his offspring would have inherited.his father & bros. were killed.
EDIT: Although he and his brothers seemed to do the Leap of Faith just for fun... hmm, wonder where they picked that up? I may have to concede!
It's Adewale's story.
His father kind of trained him in freerunning by making him run around town delivering messages and whatnot. Ezio and his brothers also climbed around a lot for fun. The city's announcers in Florence even mention this every once in a while, which is a nice detail. In any case, Ezio being a capable climber is infinitely more believable than Edward's "I'm a pirate and I can climb like a pro for no reason".
The series' decline in "what it takes to become an assassin" is something that really annoys me. Altair trained his entire life to become an Assassin, mastering the art of freerunning, fighting, blending in. That was cool stuff, and it showed that Assassins were special - it takes years of practice, skill and dedication and only a select few are good enough.
And now we have a washed up schmuck like Edward who has spent his life on sea and who has elite climbing/fighting skills for no reason whatsoever, who puts on a hood and wears a blade is now an Assassin. Not because he believes in the cause, but because he wants money and power [which is the exact opposite of what Assassins represent] and that sucks.
im starting to believe that patch will never come, that blog must have been a way to ease things a bit since at the end the truth about the game resolution would ended up coming out, give all the shit you want to COD and IW but at least they had their patch ready day 1, shame on you UBI
surely he has some assassin family or something... otherwise desmond shouldn't be able to channel connor... unless the native american mom was an assassin? hmmm..
hunh. my copy (ps3) must be special? i've had many instances where a body's drawn attention, & many instances when i've been swarmed (particularly when boarding enemy ships). can't say either things' consistently happened, but both've happened most of the time...
Well yes, you get swarmed quite a lot. But the enemies literally take turns in attacking you... In something like 40 hours of gameplay, only three times did more than one enemy attack me at the same time (which was easily countered by pressing the B button). There needs to be more depth in battles instead of them being a group of 1v1s which play out the same every time.
Edward doesn't need to have any Assassin blood in him. Everyone has many, many, many ancestors branching off in many, many, many directions. Being an Assassin was never a prerequisite for being able to be accessed through the Animus.![]()
I guess... its more fun if there was some path down all the way to desmond... but then did ezio or fuck, altair even have kids?
can assassins even have kids?
wait they only lose a finger.
a huge disappointment of 3 was the lack of any sort of 'altair's armor' that you get from doing side tombs and stuff. any of that in 4, or are armors stuff just new skins?
shouldn't we tweet ubisoft for an answer on the release of the patch? if enough people make some noise maybe they will say something meaningful about it
Okay so I just got a treasure map when you first get to an island and learn how to hunt. Is this treasure map specifically for this island? Because I can't make heads or tails of it.
Or do you get treasure maps that are for totally other areas?
uPlay Preorders, how do they work?
I got AC4:BF via the geforce promotion, but it doesn't show up in the uPlay client.
anyone else remember that ubisoft screenshot of a "new prince of persia" about a year ago? Tell me the 3rd image does not look like the character shown.
AGITΩ;90432908 said:I might be super late to the party, but I posted this on Miiverse a few day ago and wondering if anyone else noticed:
Do you get anything for collecting all the animus fragments?
Probably just reusing assets to save time.
AGITΩ;90434027 said:Nope, I was highly upset that I went out of my way to get them only to end up with an Abstergo Achievement.
Well technically 'soon after release' can be early December given the EU PS4 date.
uPlay Preorders, how do they work?
I got AC4:BF via the geforce promotion, but it doesn't show up in the uPlay client.
If I'm remembering correctly when I redeemed the codes it said something about being emailed the key on release date.
What time that will be is anyone's guess
Been trying to hold out on playing till the 1080p patch but ugggh. Its so tempting.
Help me GAF.
Been trying to hold out on playing till the 1080p patch but ugggh. Its so tempting.
Help me GAF.