This has been my first Assassins Creed since AC2 and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. I could do with less collecting of Animus fragments (typical Ubisoft) but hell I didn't even mind some of the collecting in this mostly because of the world and how much I enjoyed running around/sailing about in it. In Far Cry 3 it just annoyed me. The best things about it were by far and away the naval combat and the satisfaction of just upgrading your ship and gradually how your ship just destroys more and more ships with ease. By the end of the game, with a fully upgraded ship, you're a powerhouse.
Overall just off the top of my head for me it would be:
Treasure Maps
Kenways Fleet
Naval Combat (ship and boarding)
Underwater sections
Templar Hunts
I did not care about the modern stuff at all. It annoyed me when it occurred and just took me out of the game. I know that it's a part of the series but I didn't like it in 1 and 2 and I don't like it here either.
Combat's pretty basic. You have a few options but it could really do with more weapons.
It feels a bit rushed/unpolished. I really wish Ubisoft would give the series more of a chance to breathe. It's very unlikely an overhaul will occur anytime soon due to how iterative it seems to be. I would love to see the naval and Kenways Fleet gameplay expanded upon (though it looks like the ios/android Pirates game next week might do that)
Too much collecting. I didn't mind doing it for a few things such as collecting buried treasure and even to an extent the mayan/templar suits (or upgrading in general) but fucking hell Ubisoft I don't need to collect 200 animus fragments.
Reduce the tailing/eavesdropping. I can understand having a few like that but I lost count of how many times I had to do this.
Overall I had a lot of fun with it (got 40hrs of gametime I thoroughly enjoyed) and would probably buy a Black Flag 2 (or another pirate game at least). Apart from that I'll try and play through Brotherhood, Revelations and 3 eventually, already got them all cheap on Steam.
Not tried the multiplayer and probably won't bother tbh.
I found a location that had a man o war guarding it. When I first noticed it wasn't another frigate I was like "oh fuck turn around turn around!" but then I noticed it was already almost destroyed somehow, like it only had about 20% health left so I fired some mortars and a few normal shots and luckily disabled it. Basically got a free man o war added to my fleet
I got 7 of them in my fleet so far

Hoping to unlock all the docks and fill them full of man o wars. A great way of getting diamonds for Kenways fleet is to take over man o wars and then salvage them when you next access Kenways Fleet. You get around 600 - 700 diamonds per salvage.