Can you describe the flickering? Is it the actual image blinking on and off or what?Just launched on Xbox One. The TV was flickering everywhere. Is this the game or my set going bonkers?
Can you describe the flickering? Is it the actual image blinking on and off or what?Just launched on Xbox One. The TV was flickering everywhere. Is this the game or my set going bonkers?
No one is using the Vita as a second screen...?,I just tried and it does nothing,the Vita screen just says not in use right now...the E-manual says it's suppose to show game progress,Treasure maps and stuff like that...
I might be crazy... but my favorite parts of this game so far are the Easter eggs outside of the Animus.
Hey guys, how do I use heavy shot? (PS4 here).
Fire the side cannons without manually aiming. Once you've unlocked them, of course![]()
Any good way to get money quick? There's no auto-economy in this one like AC2 where it brings it cash for you and no send assassins around the world doing missions while you're out mini-game in this, right?
How do you unlock new ships in the meta game?
I am doing that, but in the mission where it asks you to heavy shot two ships, it isn't registering them...
Can you describe the flickering? Is it the actual image blinking on and off or what?
heavy shots are the fireball looking ones.
but i think some of these optional objectives just don't work or buggy idk.
Ok thanks.Royal convoys and White Whales. The social/community version of the Convoys get you 10k Reales a piece, while White Whale skins sell for 4k each.
Board them in the main game and select the "send to fleet" option!
Royal convoys and White Whales. The social/community version of the Convoys get you 10k Reales a piece, while White Whale skins sell for 4k each.
I'm guessing you need to be max upgrade to take out whales? I tried and was doing piddly damage with harpoon at level 2. Got it down to about 50% HP after like 5-10 mins and then it destroyed the ship.
Had to turn my PS4 resolution down to 720p to avoid the constant flickering. Annoying, but not a massive issue. Anyone else having this problem?
Also my season pass from PS3 didn't transfer. Waiting to hear back from support.
There's a companion app for iOS/Android tablets. Does the manual explicitly say you can use the VITA for this?
Can anyone else connect to Uplay?
I want to sign in and get all my free shit.
That would be my only complaint as well.Game is awesome! there is so much to do.. just a little too heavy on the "FOLLOW" missions for my taste in the main story.
I can't, and haven't been able to at all (I only started trying yesterday mind).
Anyone else get constantly sidetracked destroying frigates/brigs/man o wars for their loot while going from point A to B?
I swear sometimes I wind up fighting ships for an hour straight just to cross a little part of the map. Can't help myself, must get all those upgrades
I agree, it gets really old after awhile. Being able to loot all the stuff without boarding would have been great. Having to board them every single time for the full spoils gets extremely tedious.yeah, before i look at them at envy but now i feel like i can fuck them up.
sadly this really enlarges the issue with ship combat. the whole weak and then board system is quite repetitive, especially if you gotta do it back to back.
They need to offer at least 2 more ways to commandeer an enemy ship.
I agree, it gets really old after awhile. Being able to loot all the stuff without boarding would have been great. Having to board them every single time for the full spoils gets extremely tedious.
I'm pretty sure its more efficient to sink ships completely and just board the hunters to drop wanted level. Only time I board ships is if I really need a particular resource. You get full Reals from a ship if you sink it or board it though.
With regards to the tailing missions, they are a bit of a problem. The idea of tailing and eavesdropping in an assassin's creed game is good, but the way they're approaching it needs work. Usually there are characters talking and important story stuff going on during these sections, but you're running around like a mad man trying to find a hiding spot so you miss what's going on. I would rather take the challenge out of these sections and make them more cinematic, allowing the story to unfold.
Gif made from my previous uploaded clip from the PS4...
Ending Spoiler:
That scene at the end with all of Kenway's old buddies, good and bad sitting around a table having a drink hit me right in the gut. Dont know why but damn lol.
Also a little disappointed that there is no trophy for hacking every computer or getting each sticky note.