Grimm Fandango
So these rewards/collectibles from the fleet minigame, where do I find them in-game? Are they just something to look at?
How does one get more fire barrels to use in Kenway's Fleet?
How does one get more fire barrels to use in Kenway's Fleet?
I would like to know this too. I used them all up during my first battles because I thought you are supposed to use them instead of letting the ships just shoot each other...
I would like to know this too. I used them all up during my first battles because I thought you are supposed to use them instead of letting the ships just shoot each other...
You get 1 fire barrel each time you help a friend with their fleet missions.
How do you even do this by the way? Just do the same mission at the same time?
If any of your friends are currently doing a fleet mission, they show up under the "ships in progress" tab. You can speed up their mission from there.
Ah cool. Looks like my ACIV playing friends aren't bothering then!
One of the treasure maps I need is a Fleet reward for beating "The Empty Cellar" - a mission in the Eastern British Colonies. However, looking at the missions for the Eastern British Colonies, the mission isn't there. There are 4 others though.
y is dis
Need to unlock the city the mission refers to by doing other fleet missions first. Look for the ones that say "WILL UNLOCK: (whatever city you need)"
If that city can't be unlocked yet, just do the missions that unlock other cities and you'll get there eventually.
Oh nice thanks. I shall get on that once my ships return after 30+ hours (whyyyyyyyyyy).
I do actually need to open more slots and pick up some new ships.
Add Hasney to PSN and I'll try this fleet mission speeding up gimmick from my phone app if I can.
I'll help you out too, bro. Add me: The_Sphinx
Fuck sakes only just discovered that this has multiplayer trophies.
Well that's put me off wanting to try and get them all.
Thanks, I'll add you once I get back on the PS4.
It sucks but I think I'll definitely go for them. Level 55 is bollocks though, AC3's requirement was a lot less and bearable.
Does Black Flag install for PS4? The back of the box says I only need 11MB minimum to play and it was instantly playable.
I thought they all had to install for PS4?
5 minute preview of Freedom Cry.
Looks awesome. I'm glad that Adawale. This DLC looks to be way more substantial than the SP DLC III got. Can't wait!get his own ship and you can upgrade it, too
Final Legendary Ship defeated. Top left one is a right cunt.
Now to finish off the last 3 or 4 sequences, do the modern day stuff and then all that's left are the multiplayer trophies and to 100% sync all the main sequences (I can do that another time).
I hope Ubi handles the whole slavery theme a bit delicately. They're not known for being very subtle, so I wonder how this will pan out.
Also, Adawale getting the EXACT same ship as the Jackdaw is a pretty big disappointment.
5 minute preview of Freedom Cry.
Looks awesome. I'm glad that Adawale. This DLC looks to be way more substantial than the SP DLC III got. Can't wait!get his own ship and you can upgrade it, too
Yeah, I stopped upgrading it after awhile, and focused on my ship. I thought there would be some missions involving the hideout, but it's really all just cosmetic and useless.One thing that's really weird and kind of pointless is the hideout upgrades. Like when I first got a hideout I was like YES, THIS IS AWESOME thinking they were incorporating AC2's city upgrades to build your own pirate hideout.
But there's really no point to it. You never really go to your pirate hideout and the upgrades are a bunch of boring stuff and caps off with the ultimate upgrade THE GUEST SHACK - CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE DONE WITH THIS SIDEQUEST.
Seems so odd and half-finished. They should've let you build up Nassau instead and change the design of the city or add economy stuff into it like AC2 where you fix up the city and get a % of all the pirate dough that's coming in or something. As is, it really just seems like a thing to suck lots of your money away when you should be using it to upgrade your ship instead.
One thing that's really weird and kind of pointless is the hideout upgrades. Like when I first got a hideout I was like YES, THIS IS AWESOME thinking they were incorporating AC2's city upgrades to build your own pirate hideout.
But there's really no point to it. You never really go to your pirate hideout and the upgrades are a bunch of boring stuff and caps off with the ultimate upgrade THE GUEST SHACK - CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE DONE WITH THIS SIDEQUEST.
Seems so odd and half-finished. They should've let you build up Nassau instead and change the design of the city or add economy stuff into it like AC2 where you fix up the city and get a % of all the pirate dough that's coming in or something. As is, it really just seems like a thing to suck lots of your money away when you should be using it to upgrade your ship instead.
I would love to know the answer to the last part as well; haven't been able to log on to the uplay servers for a few days on my Xbox One..kinda annoying.This game is so damn good on PS4. A shame I played it 40% on ps3. Anyway why cant I sync my assassins creed 4 app with my ps4? I also cant login via the uplay logo on the black flag main screen.
Just beaten the story. Man what a ride. Lovely ending but I agree that it's very abrupt. I feel like there should have been something a bit more fleshed out prior but the ending itself was fine.
I do have more questions though as I feel it doesn't answer too much.
I also feel that before they do a full on AC5 I really want a Haytham game to tie up the Kenway line's history. We know Haytham is a Templar in AC3 but I'm very interested in his story. I doubt they'd do it though and they'd have to leave out any piracy which would be sad (but inevitable as piracy ain't gonna stay in the AC games forever - in-fact AC4 is where it will probably be the last mainline game with it in).
Definitely gonna go for the platinum though.
Edit: Will actually check out this Aveline DLC before I continue on with AC4. See what it's about. Never played Liberation though and I don't care to either.
AC Initiates site for background story of Haythem. Apparently they did his story in a tie-in book or something. Not very satisfying but story presentation hasn't been their strong point for a while.
Why are there so many tail and eavesdrop missions? Does anyone actually like them? I swear every sequence has one
Everyone's been praising this game, so im very curious and tempted to pick this game up for my PS4. I tried Assassins Creed 2 when it was free on the 360 but never got into it, might be because its old? I don't really have a question, I just want some arguments before I go and buy it, even though I kind of already made up my mind.![]()