I don't know if this is possible but, can you check how big (file size) is the game with a retail copy? I plan to download this bad boy, so I wanna make sure I have enough space.
Same here, going to get this over PSN.
I don't know if this is possible but, can you check how big (file size) is the game with a retail copy? I plan to download this bad boy, so I wanna make sure I have enough space.
Regarding New Orleans size:
There's a bit more of space under that, so far I'd say I've seen 30% of the city.
This is 18th century too. It's not like the streets SHOULD be bustling with people. There wasn't the same population density as it was.
Oh come on. There's no need to defend this. The number of NPCs is lower than the consoles for obvious reasons. It's the limitation of the hardware.
It doesn't bother me in the least that there are less, but lets be honest about it.
Oh come on. There's no need to defend this. The number of NPCs is lower than the consoles for obvious reasons. It's the limitation of the hardware.
It doesn't bother me in the least that there are less, but lets be honest about it.
What country and what store?
Took this avatar if thats okay still
When are the reviews coming out btw?
The morning it comes out most likely.
This is 18th century too. It's not like the streets SHOULD be bustling with people. There wasn't the same population density as it was.
Fnac - BarcelonaWhat country and what store?
Fnac - Barcelona
Picked wrc3 and ac3l. Super Monkey Ball was already there too
Hmmm... What was the biggest flaw of the psp asscreed?
Yep lolFnac L'illa? I work there!![]()
The morning it comes out most likely.
the control scheme easily ..that bad the biggest flaw of AC : bloodlines , also the very poor ennemy actions
Whilst the Vita is less visually impressive than I'd first hoped, it's seriously impressive still. Leaps and bounds ahead of anything on the 3DS.
Very excited for next Wednesday.
I'm not an urban expert or anything, but I found this: http://www.demographia.com/db-nyuza1800.htm
Not as many people, but cities were smaller. No, if anything cities were denser back then. Remember, back then your main mode of transportation was your feet.
By 1700 New York had a population of almost 5,000 and it continued to grow rapidly. By 1776 the population was about 25,000. In 1800 New York City had about 60,000 inhabitants.
I borrowed AC: Bloodlines purely for the bonus stuff for ACII.
I actually played it for a bit, as well, and it was just terrible.
Regarding New Orleans size:
There's a bit more of space under that, so far I'd say I've seen 30% of the city.
I'm not an urban expert or anything, but I found this: http://www.demographia.com/db-nyuza1800.htm
Not as many people, but cities were smaller. No, if anything cities were denser back then. Remember, back then your main mode of transportation was your feet.
Everything looks quite a bit better on the actual screen too. A lot less jaggies.
What is it with the severe trilinear filtering artifacts present in some Vita games? Most consoles games don't bother with AF but this looks MUCH more aggressive than most games released these days. They would have been better off skipping mip-maps altogether (at least on the ground textures).
Read that paragraph and looked at the shot about 10 times and i still don't know what you're talking about.
Look at the wood boards/rock wall (I dunno what it is) the character is standing on. As they move away from the camera they become a soupy, blurry mess.Read that paragraph and looked at the shot about 10 times and i still don't know what you're talking about.
Look at the wood boards/rock wall (I dunno what it is) the character is standing on. As they move away from the camera they become a soupy, blurry mess.
We are arguing about historical figures on population?GAF sure takes discussions in some interesting directions, that's for sure
Whilst the Vita is less visually impressive than I'd first hoped, it's seriously impressive still. Leaps and bounds ahead of anything on the 3DS.
Very excited for next Wednesday.
Oh god, why do I always forget this thing exists!
*checks digital manual*
I'm not an urban expert or anything, but I found this: http://www.demographia.com/db-nyuza1800.htm
Not as many people, but cities were smaller. No, if anything cities were denser back then. Remember, back then your main mode of transportation was your feet.
Wait... So there is no versus multiplayer per se? I'm confused...
btw, you're one of the several people on GAF that I blame for getting me into the series by pushing me to play AC2.![]()
It seems like that MGS PeaceWalker thing where you could send your troops on missions, but you have more control over what to do with those troops.
The way it's worded makes it seem like there's something that we're missing. Maybe you take control of troops in Victory Nodes directly in order to capture them and fend off enemies.
I have no idea though.
Wait... So there is no versus multiplayer per se? I'm confused...
I've played the game, and this rings true. At least for when you get into battles. Framerate will probably be similar to Uncharted. 30fps when you are just running around, 25fps when you are in battle.I read elsewhere.. that the Framerate is something like 20-25 fps,..
I'm actually down for an asynchronous multiplayer mode. Straight versus, like the console version, wouldn't be ideal for Vita.
$hit, this or Most Wanted.... I just downloaded Little Kings Story and that game is sooo much fun so far! Dammit...