what B2G1??
Buy 2 get 1 free.
what B2G1??
If you have a Target close why not get both and then find a third game for B2G1. That is what I plan on doing.
I've played the game, and this rings true. At least for when you get into battles. Framerate will probably be similar to Uncharted. 30fps when you are just running around, 25fps when you are in battle.
There's lots going on in ac3l. What android games are you using as a benchmark?What's the deal with sub-native resolution in most vita games? This isn't an issue with mobile devices with similar or worse hardware. The few games on my tegra 3 andoid tablet that actually take advantage of it have better textures (and filtering) and run at 1280x800. And the tegra 3 is a POS. Plus the ram is slower in mobile devices. On top of that you have all the android os overhead and other apps running in the background. Is there some kind of weird bottleneck in the Vita hardware? I was hoping it would have been all sorted by now. Very fustrating, but I'm still gonna pick up the ACIII vita bundle next week.
Sounds better than PS3 performance then.
How long is the story?
Ice cold. Also true.
Yea, I hope they take the MP out PSB:AS too since competitive MP somehow isn't ideal for a handheld.Just because it's a handheld doesn't mean people can't handle a 10 minute game. If anything, the short AC MP would be perfect for it since it doesn't take long to play a match. The Vita handles MP quite well and I wouldn't say it's not ideal.
Like asynchronous if you will, but saying the MP wouldn't be ideal for the Vita is a little weird since plenty of other games prove it can handle it well. You're not going to play 5 minutes of SP and then stop all the time. There's nothing different about that with MP unless you want asynchronous for the 3G usage.
The old handheld ideas philosophies shouldn't apply anymore. This is a time where handheld's SHOULD have MP because it's possible. If they want to go that route, it's fine, but they definitely should have spoke up sooner.
There's no way this game doesn't eventually make its way over to PS3 via PSN or as part of some AC:III collection blue ray.
Hopefully it remains a Vita exclusive. That would be awful if it made its way over to PS3.There's no way this game doesn't eventually make its way over to PS3 via PSN or as part of some AC:III collection blue ray.
Hopefully it remains a Vita exclusive. That would be awful if it made its way over to PS3.
Sorry, I must have inadvertently struck a nerve.
I fully support "full" MP in handheld games. PS All-Stars pulls it off fantastically, Resistance BS worked well when you could connect to a game and I'm sure NFS:MW will be still awesome with four cars.
But I was speaking specifically to AC's multiplayer from both Brotherhood and Revelations. Both games had very robust MP systems with six or more players. The "hunter" mode where you tried to assassinate another player and used crowds to blend in was really cool. I'm not sure the Vita could pull that off without the devs shoe-horning it in and downgrading the experience. If they don't have the time to do MP justice for Vita, I'd rather see some sort of asynchronous mode that is still fun and competitive.
This sounds like borderline port begging.
Well said, man. Well said.My thoughts exactly. Vita needs exclusive support. The hardware has all the tools it needs to support full features games. It's just a question of a developer taking the time the master the hardware's capabilities.
I'd like to believe that the GoW Origin games were ported to PS3 from PSP because the PSP hardware lacked the tools to fully emulate the console games. Namely a second analog stick and visual quality.
AC3:L is arguably a first generation Vita game. I hope the Vita audience continues to grow so we can see what second and third generation games look like.
Sorry, I must have inadvertently struck a nerve.
I fully support "full" MP in handheld games. PS All-Stars pulls it off fantastically, Resistance BS worked well when you could connect to a game and I'm sure NFS:MW will be still awesome with four cars.
But I was speaking specifically to AC's multiplayer from both Brotherhood and Revelations. Both games had very robust MP systems with six or more players. The "hunter" mode where you tried to assassinate another player and used crowds to blend in was really cool. I'm not sure the Vita could pull that off without the devs shoe-horning it in and downgrading the experience. If they don't have the time to do MP justice for Vita, I'd rather see some sort of asynchronous mode that is still fun and competitive.
Well said, man. Well said.
The most important thing for Vita are exclusives that take full advantage of its capabilities. And Vita needs as much of them as possible.
I'm not really fond of them putting proper AC multiplayer into Liberation but your reasoning seems kinda rubbish. There's no reason why they couldn't pull off the proper AC multiplayer modes in the game, they're already pulling off proper AC gameplay after all.
The reason why I don't think it's a good idea is based on the idea that the vast majority of Liberation owners will almost certainly be getting AC3 as well, so there's not much point giving them the same exact multiplayer twice. Maybe it would've worked if AC3 PS3 and Liberation were cross-play but since they're not, then I'd rather Liberation bring something different to the table. I'm really interested now, in seeing what it is.
Except us PC folks that were wanting a quick fix to last us the month delay. I just thought they'd put their own twists on it and make it sort of different but still competitive third-person gameplay.
Do side missions exist?Yes.
Does the game have a jump button? I heard that III was going to use one.
Do side missions exist?
Do you need to play past games to get/enjoy this game??
Is this in your possession at this exact moment?
Could someone with the game post the trophy list? I'm interested to see what's there. You should just be able to sync your trophies, manually update your profile on PSNProfiles.com and then post your profile. That is, if the trophies sync and PSNProfiles works properly.
Do you need to play past games to get/enjoy this game??
Likely no, new protagonist with her new story.I have never played an ac game, will this be a problem?
I have never played an ac game, will this be a problem?
I can, but give a little time to finish the intro.
I think someone asked earlier, the game does disconnect you from PSN while playing the story. Loading times are a little irksome so far.
the ac story is split into two parts, modern day sci-fi coupled with a historical side. the historical side of this can be enjoyed without the other games because its set in a new location and comes with a new protagonist.
but the modern day story which has spanned 4 games so far, comes to an end in this fifth entry, and it plays a pretty big part of ac3 according to ubisoft.
There's lots going on in ac3l. What android games are you using as a benchmark?
Liberation isn't supposed to be connected to the overarching modern day stuff IIRC.
Liberation isn't supposed to be connected to the overarching modern day stuff IIRC.
Did I miss something in the OP regarding that?
Could someone with the game post the trophy list? I'm interested to see what's there. You should just be able to sync your trophies, manually update your profile on PSNProfiles.com and then post your profile. That is, if the trophies sync and PSNProfiles works properly.
Hm, it doesn't seem to register properly. Do you need to get a trophy for the list to appear? In any case, I'll just do it the hard way!
No story spoilers.