Wait so this game doesn't have real multiplayer? It just went from first day to second week. I'll be getting ragnarok and need for speed before this.
yeah I thought we were getting regular mp...I'll wait on it now.
Wait so this game doesn't have real multiplayer? It just went from first day to second week. I'll be getting ragnarok and need for speed before this.
Something I dont understand though about the plot. We are obviously "playing" the game as someone in an animus seeing as there are animus stuff all over the game including interfaces and such. If so, then who are we playing as?
Also, something occured to me, warning speculation spoiler ahead:since the ones that came before might have left relics in temples across the world, it occured to me that Aveline goes to an incan temple in this game.
I'm really hoping since they are in New Orleans they delve into some supernatural stuff.
Something I dont understand though about the plot. We are obviously "playing" the game as someone in an animus seeing as there are animus stuff all over the game including interfaces and such. If so, then who are we playing as?
I've never given a shite about that. I just like the climbin' and the stabbin' and the runnin' and the stabbin'.
Hopefully no mention is made of the present day sci-fi shenanigans that was present in all the others.
Oh but I like that sci fi, conspiracy stuff. Oh well.
Something I dont understand though about the plot. We are obviously "playing" the game as someone in an animus seeing as there are animus stuff all over the game including interfaces and such. If so, then who are we playing as?
Also, something occured to me, warning speculation spoiler ahead:since the ones that came before might have left relics in temples across the world, it occured to me that Aveline goes to an incan temple in this game.
You're in the Animus. AC3:Liberation is a commercialized version of the Animus, and you're experiencing some other person's genetic memories. Why is Abstergo allowing people to play as an Assassin when they're a front for the Templars? That's part of the mystery.
And Aveline does visit.MUayan ruins
The ot is closed so I guess I have to ask here;
I'm thinking of getting a vita (for this game, mainly) but my main psn account is set to a country that doesn't have a PS store. I do download stuff from another country's store on my ps3 and play it on my main (store less) account but will I be able to do this on vita?
Kinda skeptical about this one, but it LOOKS so good. And the thought of playing AC on the go seems awesome.
I just hope the gameplay and polish is up there with the main franchise, or at least close to it.
Yea, it's pretty sad how we're all so used to being burned that we're skeptical until hearing impressions from gaffers which has eased my nerves a bit. Their quietness on MP kind of told me that wouldn't be that great, but the SP looks more and more amazing each time I see a video. Them being relatively quiet about the game in general (better this last month but still not a lot of videos of it) and it being a Ubisoft handheld game made a lot of people wonder if this would suck or not, but it's slowly changed people's minds with each and every media release.
I'm glad they're hush on the story, but I'd love to see more videos.
After playing a while last night, it looks like the single player campaign is a fully fledged "big console" campaign. Main story, side missions, collectables, weapons, inventory, pickpocketing, etc... Plenty of things to do.
The world feels alive and populated. Sometimes you'll see more than 20 civilians on screen at once, in other zones it will feel more deserted: it just feels right. It's more than people walking directionless. There are plenty of animations like dogs scratching their backs, leaves falling, dust, people working in the street. There is plenty of attention to detail.
Parcouring has many different animations, zones where you can climb, vistas, etc... I like the jump button. It is not needed when parcouring, it is used to enlarge the movements Aveline can do.
Multiplayer still not active, so i can't tell you. There are near goodies.
There are some framerate dips. For the most sensitive of you, this could be a problem. It's not for me.
The only negative for me, is the compression of audio. The OS is excellent, voices, sounds and ambiental noises are well designed, but with compression they lack punch and the whole package feels less epic. Of course, this will mostly be appreciated if you play with headphones.
Definitely a must buy.
Didn't some gaffer say something about asynchronous multiplayer? If so my hype for this game is gone. I want a full AC experience.
After playing a while last night, it looks like the single player campaign is a fully fledged "big console" campaign. Main story, side missions, collectables, weapons, inventory, pickpocketing, etc... Plenty of things to do.
The world feels alive and populated. Sometimes you'll see more than 20 civilians on screen at once, in other zones it will feel more deserted: it just feels right. It's more than people walking directionless. There are plenty of animations like dogs scratching their backs, leaves falling, dust, people working in the street. There is plenty of attention to detail.
Parcouring has many different animations, zones where you can climb, vistas, etc... I like the jump button. It is not needed when parcouring, it is used to enlarge the movements Aveline can do.
Multiplayer still not active, so i can't tell you. There are near goodies.
There are some framerate dips. For the most sensitive of you, this could be a problem. It's not for me.
The only negative for me, is the compression of audio. The OS is excellent, voices, sounds and ambiental noises are well designed, but with compression they lack punch and the whole package feels less epic. Of course, this will mostly be appreciated if you play with headphones.
Definitely a must buy.
Glad to see I'm not crazy!
Btw I was hating the swamp (I hate all swamp levels since forever) but then night happened:
Gorgeous game!
wow, it looks so good
Wait so this game doesn't have real multiplayer? It just went from first day to second week. I'll be getting ragnarok and need for speed before this.
I don't really play much multiplayer games, I usually play them for the story.
Personally i would wait just to have a fresher experience.I might have to spend the nights this weekend playing revalations more just to ease my excitment lol. I totally got bored of rev but Im getting a rather large need to play some AC while I wait for AC:L to turn up.
I could go back to brotherhood and do all the extra bits I guess. I did really enjoy brotherhood after all.
Part of me is even tempted to get bloodlines despite all the terrible things I hear about it.
Hype does strange things to a person.
Yup, me too. Don't really care what multiplayer is like but i'll give it a go. Definitely more interested in it than i would be in console AC multiplayer, which i greatly dislike
Personally i would wait just to have a fresher experience.
Glad to see I'm not crazy!
Btw I was hating the swamp (I hate all swamp levels since forever) but then night happened:
Gorgeous game!
Welp! it's going to be a long wait.....After playing a while last night, it looks like the single player campaign is a fully fledged "big console" campaign. Main story, side missions, collectables, weapons, inventory, pickpocketing, etc... Plenty of things to do.
The world feels alive and populated. Sometimes you'll see more than 20 civilians on screen at once, in other zones it will feel more deserted: it just feels right. It's more than people walking directionless. There are plenty of animations like dogs scratching their backs, leaves falling, dust, people working in the street. There is plenty of attention to detail.
Parcouring has many different animations, zones where you can climb, vistas, etc... I like the jump button. It is not needed when parcouring, it is used to enlarge the movements Aveline can do.
Multiplayer still not active, so i can't tell you. There are near goodies.
There are some framerate dips. For the most sensitive of you, this could be a problem. It's not for me.
The only negative for me, is the compression of audio. The OS is excellent, voices, sounds and ambiental noises are well designed, but with compression they lack punch and the whole package feels less epic. Of course, this will mostly be appreciated if you play with headphones.
Definitely a must buy.
I want this, but feel I really should get the others played first, have 1,2 and Revelations on the PS3 and not played any of them, always seemed to play the Uncharted series instead.
Think I will get them done and maybe pick this up after or between should it get a sale price at some point.
Hope that's the case as AC2 and Brotherhood are really the only two worth playing out of the first four. AC1 (especially) and Revelations are much less enjoyable, I thought.I have AC 1 and revelations on my PS3, but never played them.. Yesterday I browsed the PSN store. I´m a Playstation Plus member. I went to the Assassins Creed discount site. Both AC2 and AC Brotherhood ( the games I don´t have yet) are listed as Free for me (plus).. AC1 and AC Revelations are not listed as free, only as a discount with added Plus discount
So I set the games to download yesterday.. it might just be a "Full Game Trial", but the store clearly lists them as "Full game".. so I guess I will see tonight when the download finishes (if it will finish tonight, I also tried downloading Killzone HD, after 4 hours it was at 72% and it just snailed away..)
Can anyone check on the store (if you are a Plus member). Go to the Plus section, and go to Full game trials, are AC brotherhood and AC2 listed as full gametrials..? and is Revelations and AC1 not listed,.?
Yeah, that was what I was afraid of. Thing is, all my friend list and trophy data (that I'm not interested in getting again, like ffxiii platinum) is on my old account. I guess Sony isn't getting my money for now.
Put a couple of hours into the game last night and I'm extremely impressed at how polished the game is. Awesome job Ubisoft. Love the character, the setting, the voices (other than the compression), the visuals, the UI.
Right, but they do it for IP's that they own. SCEA will put it every time they get an exclusive, even if it's only exclusive content (like AC Brotherhood).
Put a couple of hours into the game last night and I'm extremely impressed at how polished the game is. Awesome job Ubisoft. Love the character, the setting, the voices (other than the compression), the visuals, the UI.