no, you're OK if you've been exploring and haven't slacked off with friend requests from shop owners
that last point I made is more like allowing you to cheese your 2nd run. my mistake for giving you the impression that friend events affect overtime directly.I haven't slacked off per say but I definitely didn't trigger all flags. orz. Forgot where half of 'em were. XD
that last point I made is more like allowing you to cheese your 2nd run. my mistake for giving you the impression that friend events affect overtime directly.
me getting all endings save one on my first run let me sleep through the second run. saved time irl![]()
Does the music selector include Updraft from E&L? It's one of my favorite normal battle themes and I'd enjoy it more than Rorona's battle theme.
Updraft is there.
nope.Is there any point to submitting more assignment items after the bottom stars have reached ten?
So just started playing this properly (not had time to recently) and I noticed on the first assignment requests section.
Gathering's description, it says "Synthesize 10 times during the term."
Uhh... woops to whoever messed that up lol.
It's like that throughout the rest of the game.
So is there any point in keeping original Rorona when I get this monday?
Man, some of the bosses in overtime... what the hell. I think I'll save those bosses for my second playthrough.
Man, some of the bosses in overtime... what the hell. I think I'll save those bosses for my second playthrough.
stack of paperwork detailing your ingame scheduleMy copy of the game should arrive on Monday. What should I expect?
Okay so after hitting 100% popularity there is no more reason to do side quests right? Aside from friend requests.
Are trophies still not syncing with the server? That's all that's holding me to get back and aim for that platinum.
I hate it, didn't they hold up the european release because of trophies?
Year 3, Month 3. 64% popularity, only Cordelia and Sterk's ending flags triggered. The pressure is real.
I suggest synthesising aYear 3, Month 3. 64% popularity, only Cordelia and Sterk's ending flags triggered. The pressure is real.
I suggest synthesising agoddess statue and use the decorate option to set it up. It makes you get higher popularity for completing tasks.
no, gotta do more quests for herYou only need to take the popularity hit for the first Cordelia quest to trigger the flag, right?
Make a bomb that has one of its higher tier effects. Should work. Save beforehand if it doesn't.
Like a Bag Bomb with Spiky instead of Uni. Something like that.
Finally got my copy from Amazon today.
I hope you enjoy the game, let me know if you get sexy Sterk costume.
Ok so when are they annoucing Ayesha +
I was hoping it was the surprise Q3 game, but since that's not it, I think we won't get it until next year.
sell it at costKudos to for shipping me a replacement order so quickly when the first one went missing, at least. (And yes, one of those is going back to Amazon.)
Oh wow,has an ending now? Neat.Esty
Oh wow,has an ending now? Neat.Esty
I forgot how obnoxious Lionela was >.<
I don't think I dislike a single character from Rorona... Except maybe Cody.