Picked this game up last night for my Vita. I've completed the first kingdom task with 19 days to spare. I've additionally completed the bingo thingy and Rorona and Cory are both level 6. I suppose at this point I'll just kill time exploring the areas which have opened for me.
All that is to say that I'm really enjoying my time with this game. I wish someone had expressed to me how much I would like these games sooner. Once I've finished a New Game+ playthrough of this one, I'll be looking into getting the other Plus titles on the Vita.
It's only Totori and Meruru correct?
So in the mines and catacombs, my bombs won't blow up the rubble blocking the path. Is it because they need to be higher quality or do I need to use specific bombs?
My first playthrough took me about 15 hours, but i already knew what i was doing and how the mechanics worked so there's thatI often only have an hour or so to play a game in the evening, most of my current RPGs crawl int hat short of a window. Any chance this game is different? Also what is the average total play through time?
My first playthrough took me about 15 hours, but i already knew what i was doing and how the mechanics worked so there's that
Need an answer about Elixir. I thought Elixir supposed to have KO recovery effect? But I guess not for this version? I have HP Rec XL, HP Healing L, and Ailment Rec. on mine.
You can, but it varies based on ingredients. Depending on what you use you can get aliment recovery or KO recovery, IIRC.
Finally getting around to putting in some quality time with Shin Rorona Tensei. I forgot how likeable Rorona was at the beginning of the trilogy, when she was just an insecure girl and not a) an insane moron or b) ten years old. Pretty sure I'm already doing better than I ever did in the original Rorona, though the optional quests and the rewards for doing them are probably helping with that. The combat is so simplistic compared to more recent Atelier games, though, that it puts me to sleep sometimes. And boy do I not miss the bit where if you don't bring the right bomb to the party, you'll just waste munitions trying to blow up some stupid rock in a dungeon.
You don't need to fill in all 10 stars
What have you tried? Should work if you hand in a high level, high quality item with good traits.
Think I handed in a 120 quality Spring Cup with no traits sitting in my container and got 6 stars minimum. If you've been keeping your battle strategy up, just hand in your wholesale'd Elixir. No way that doesn't top off 10 stars.
Well I'll be....I have 8 stars filled. I always assumed you needed to fill in all 10 stars or you'd fail the assignment lol.
I think I made a huge mistake going to Overtime. I didn't trigger any of Iksel's item events and I'm now stuck unable to synthesize some items because I don't have access to those exclusive materials. Is it still possible to synthesize anything good without those materials? I'm looking at my list and a lot are crossed out because I can't synthesize something like a Crimson Dye. This seriously sucks since I was planning to spend Overtime synthesizing the best equips and items in order to breeze through my second playthrough. I kinda lost interest the moment I got those recipes from Meruru since I can't synthesize any of those items.
I think I made a huge mistake going to Overtime. I didn't trigger any of Iksel's item events and I'm now stuck unable to synthesize some items because I don't have access to those exclusive materials. Is it still possible to synthesize anything good without those materials? I'm looking at my list and a lot are crossed out because I can't synthesize something like a Crimson Dye. This seriously sucks since I was planning to spend Overtime synthesizing the best equips and items in order to breeze through my second playthrough. I kinda lost interest the moment I got those recipes from Meruru since I can't synthesize any of those items.
I wouldn't call her a moron.An absent mindedly insane genius? An incidental weird genius? She's a lot like Mark, who is sort of in his own little world most of the times.
I definitely agree that she was very likeable in the first game. She didn't seem to mature that much in Totori, whereas Totori did in Meruru.
Even my favourite Rorona moment in Totori makes her look kind of awful. The later games don't treat her very well at all.
Spent the whole day going through the overtime section.
Failed the overtime section.
Feels good, man.
smh if you don't think Rorona hits her absolute peak in Totori
bah..what traits don't transfer to weapons? i've created a mineral seed with power hitter, defender, speed star and rainbow power so that it would create ores with the same traits. but only power hitter and rainbow power can be transferred to the ingots. wasted a few hours creating those seeds. the boost versions of those traits transfers..but not the final versions..![]()
Just on the last few months of the regular playthrough. Where's the best place to level grind? I've got that experience booster decoration already.
Ok so I have a question about Totori, I know there is a separate thread for it but it has been dead for months now.
I'm at year 3 and
I just got enough points for the diamond ranking. I thought this game was only 3 years just like Rorona but to my surprise it is actually 6. My question is, what the heck do I do now? The next adventurer rank is 900 points away and I'm just basically left to my own devices. Is there a special place I need to go to figure out what happened to Totori's mom or am I just grinding character endings now?.
Just on the last few months of the regular playthrough. Where's the best place to level grind? I've got that experience booster decoration already.
BTW, what do you get for completing esty's final request? TheI made is too nice to not use.gorgeous dress![]()