That "analysis" of Madden Wii is directly contradicted by Nintendo's own third-party figures.
But that aside, I just don't get how the gaming community (GAF, analysts, publishers, enthusiast press) have bought into this core/casual divide. They act like "casuals" are this mongoloid alien race that celebrates mediocrity above all else (a notion, ironically, contradicted by Madden Wii sales

The theory of Wii's "casual" demographic is one giant logical fallacy built on a mountain of smaller logical fallacies. It is the product of wishful thinking and selective observation. Like Bigfoot, the existence of the casual army can be proven only through indirect or circumstantial evidence. Consider what the gaming community "knows" about the casual:
1. Casuals lack sophistication and eschew complexity.
2. Casuals are easily hypnotized by cartoonish visuals and/or pop-culture iconography.
3. Casuals are miserly penny-pinchers who will buy the cheapest option first, regardless of merit.
4. Casuals are fiercely loyal to brand above all else and are allergic to the unfamiliar.
5. Casuals steal core babies in the dark of the night and secret them away to their underground lairs, where they enslave them and farm them for food.
These properties -- yes, they comprise a strawman argument, but before you start screaming about rhetorical flaws, ask yourself honestly if the strawman is really that far removed from GAF's notion of the casual -- are obviously exaggerated and contradictory. But I've seen casuals accused of so many things on this board. They've quite clearly been mythologized, and while accepting the unreal as truth may make "core gamers" feel better about themselves, it's a very poor underpinning for a business strategy.
Is it really that hard to understand why publishers who condescend to Wii gamers (by doing things like relegating only secondary, "casualized" versions of their IPs to the platform) are having trouble finding success there? It seems to me that publishers (like Nintendo itself) who take Wii gamers seriously are generally very well rewarded.