So, I like Keijo quite a bit, enjoying it for its pure absurdity. I feel like its story is a bit by the books if you strip away all the boob and butt unique battle mechanics and such, fitting into a pretty standard shonen formula both in characters and narrative.
But while doing Twitter promotion for my Wife and I's review website, I was contacted by someone who asked me to join a Discord on Keijo, with the intent of discussing it.... What's to discuss? Curious, I joined anyway.
It's so odd. The guy set up this community to discuss the series, and feels it's one of the greatest anime of all time as far as I can tell. There's a few other users who feel the same way, frustrated that the world hasn't accepted the majesty that is Keijo. There's been talk/worry about Keijo's sales, encouraging people to buy the Blurays when they hit, voting in Japan only polls to try and bolster its popularity (Mind you, I don't think we really know how popular it even is in Japan till those sales first hit.)
But as for actual discussion, would you believe it, there is none! Daily messages mostly consist of people asking each other if they've finally watched the latest episode or not, or asking each other's favorite character, or reminding each other it's the best anime ever, ecchi or not. Oh and that Ecchi needs to become more dominant/accepted by the overall population.
Anyway, just thought I'd share, I found it interesting seeing an entirely different side of the fandom, one predicated on Ecchi's acceptance and wholly invested in Keijo like it is, indeed the savior of anime. They're nice guys though, just, not sure what there's really to talk about with Keijo lol.