Dedication Through Light
Only thing I dont like with Jump Festa animes is sometimes the VA's switch for the main tv anime, so we end up not getting KENN in key roles (like Assassination Classroom
Any recommendations on some good cost-for-value deals from the Right Stuf sale? One thing I was eyeing were the Kaleido Star sets; looks like a lot of content for just under $30 and it's by a pretty well-renowned director/writer combo in Sato and Yoshida.
I cannot bring myself to watch Watamote.
I finished it and it was one of the hardest watches of my life.
Then I read the manga and the best bits and characters weren't even covered and now I want a season 2.
Sengoku Basara S2 1
This really does start exactly where S1 left off, clever. Doesn't waste any time throwing out the new big bad either. Whereas Oda was a force of hell, Toyotomi is portrayed more as a force of nature. He doesn't have the same malevolence as Oda and his underlings had, but rather is dominated by stoic resolution, not to mention awe-inspiring power. With hints already being dropped about Toyotomi's backstory, it looks like this'll be a more complicated story than season 1's pretty straightforward Good vs. Evil.
Meanwhile, the relationship of fists and yelling between Yukimura and Takeda has risen to a new level of greatness.
Looks like Blood Blockade Season 2 got announced.
One of the problems with Eupho S2 is that the music aspect seems secondary to drama. Whereas S1 had nice depictions of the struggles and joy of learning an instrument and such, this season has lost almost all of that. Now we just have this formulaic approach where someone isn't playing to their best due to drama and once resolved, they're now acing it. As Hosanna has mentioned, its particularly cheap to portray it akin to "Oboe-san can finally play very expressive after making up with Nozomi!"
I mean the narrative currently is clearly "band plays badly because Asuka stuff" and the same applies on a smaller scale for Kumiko with her sister.
When performing there's still the great attention of detail but as far as the narrative goes, the music element is almost entirely displayed by generic drama, instead of being at least intertwined with that better.
Kekkai Sensen is the shit and if you don't agree you can take your equally valid opinion and get outta my face
Ok, I'm even more confused now as to how this world works.. Granny is best girl, just calling it now!
So yea it's made up almost entirely of the Exodus staff.
It's one of my favorites from last year but the changes in the staff kinda scares me.
Ok I was able to translate the remaining names except who the editor is. Whatever.
Black Clover Jump Festa Special Staff
Director:Takeshi Noto
Script: Takamitsu Kouno
Character Design: Noboru Jitsuhara
Prop Design: Futoshi Oonami
Art Design: Kaoru Aoki
Art Director: Yoshio Tanioka
CGI Director: Eiji Inomoto
Color Designer: Ayumi Ikeda
Photography Director: Yuuichi Tsuzuki
Composer: Yuya Mori
Sound Director: Toshiki Kameyama
Sound Effects: Hiromune Kurahashi
Ending Theme: Dream On by Angela
Animation Production Studio: Xebeczwei
Animation Production: Xebec
So yea it's made up almost entirely of the Exodus staff.
I finished it and it was one of the hardest watches of my life.
Then I read the manga and the best bits and characters weren't even covered and now I want a season 2.
Though I have little positive to say about the manga, I'm happy that it didn't get cursed with being produced by Toei. I don't wish that fate on any mangaka...except maybe Kōji Seo.
Ok I was able to translate the remaining names except who the editor is. Whatever.
It's one of my favorites from last year but the changes in the staff kinda scares me.
Which changes in staff? Do they still have Rie Matsumoto?
Well that's a strange coincidence; that word also describes my interest in another season starting now.
But maybe you liked classics by the new director like The World God Only Knows and Tokyo ESP!
Well, I hope that's the case. IBO has, well, let's say worn out it's welcome in the Toonami thread, and another middling Gundam show immediately replacing it would be a real drag.
Looks like Blood Blockade Season 2 got announced.
Expectations for an Exodus sequel sinking lower and lower with how the staff is booked on other stuff.
Expectations for an Exodus sequel sinking lower and lower with how the staff is booked on other stuff.
Orga and Kudelia are... pretty interesting characters, haha
Are they though? I mean this is a Jump Festa special, basically an OVA that they screen at the event in December. It's more than likely done by now and probably didn't take long to make. The bigger barrier has always been Yamato 2202. During Yamato 2199, Habara said that it was the main reason why Exodus was delayed, because they had to work on that instead. Now that Habara has taken over as the director of 2202... lol.
Lol since it came up on the last page, and id agree standards for romcoms now are pretty low, what's worse? Romance in modern shoujos or romance in Gundam?
Cause Gundam is still the winner for me.Tomino confirmed worse than George Lucas.
I finished Fafner Exodus. It was so good I don't know what to say. I want to write something substantial about it, but I'm too overwhelmed by how it managed to end without tripping and falling on its face at the finish line because things got so messy. Somehow it managed to move everything into place regardless, and the ending was really satisfying.
I finished Fafner Exodus. It was so good I don't know what to say. I want to write something substantial about it, but I'm too overwhelmed by how it managed to end without tripping and falling on its face at the finish line because things got so messy. Somehow it managed to move everything into place regardless, and the ending was really satisfying.
Is the Ghost in the Shell 25th Anniversary Edition the non-George Lucas'd version?
You guys sound like you're in a cult!