Even then there is still tons of great stuff, I still think there is hope for 2017 though.you are only going to have code geass recap movie(s)
a true return to code geass won't be until 2018 or 2019 so I wouldn't even bother counting it since recap movies are rather meh :/
Even then there is still tons of great stuff, I still think there is hope for 2017 though.
the recap movies will be at least 3 months apart, and the sequel won't come out until after them.
we have no release date for the first movie, which makes it at least 3 months out, meaning there isn't enough time in 2017 for all 3 movies to release as well as a sequel.
Half of the episode was just Gackt trying to do his sexy voice and molesting the protagonist in his sex dungeon. I say "trying" because he can't still voice act for shit.
My anime season has consisted of Yuri on Ice, Kiss Him Not Me, Nanbaka, Drifters, and Natusme. Don't judge me... >_>
I think this episode was a major dip in visual quality. There was good 'motion' and I was for instance delighted when Majime's glasses slipped while bowing, but at the same time many of these bits suffered from too much off-model animation for my taste. Additionally, some of it was slightly choppy.
Lastly, some of the shots were downright ugly to a degree that even episode 4 didn't really lower itself to.
To post my previous example:
I therefore simply cannot praise that episode's animation when there were too many trade-offs. In fact, I did the opposite *shrugs*
Hello everyone
I am alive and just wandering around here now as I am slowing down watching anime to a crawl and playing some 3ds games. What did I miss here?
Poco's Udon World ep.8
Still sticky sweet. Poor Hiroshi striking out with big sister, lol. Looks like the new job could be fun.
Hello everyone
I am alive and just wandering around here now as I am slowing down watching anime to a crawl and playing some 3ds games. What did I miss here?
Hello everyone
I am alive and just wandering around here now as I am slowing down watching anime to a crawl and playing some 3ds games. What did I miss here?
Hello everyone
I am alive and just wandering around here now as I am slowing down watching anime to a crawl and playing some 3ds games. What did I miss here?
Your anime upgrade is almost here! Weve been working hard on our new site to make streaming, shopping, and sharing an incredible experience and were ready to share it with you.
As a part of our rollout process, Funimation.com will be down starting at midnight Central Time on December 7th. This will affect all of our operating regions: US, Canada, UK and Ireland. Sites affected include Funimation.com, FunimationNow.uk, and FunimationNow.ie.
what did you last watch?
I am okay but much stress out because of the holiday rush I am in (don't want to talk too much of my job but it come down to managing a physical and online shop in Canada and it's December which mean....HOLIDAY RUSH). Still feel tired even though I step out where I live to oversea to recover for a bit). Still, kinda miss what happen here.....even if it kill some people.Hey, welcome back buddy. I hope all is well!
I am still okay. Still tired but okay. Would like to watch you people watch but my time is either taking over from work, handheld games, and just normal life outside here. Also, I sense more bad things in this forum which I never know....might not be a bad thing....Welcome back, John Blade! Glad to hear you're OK.
The world has changed. Yeah...
Thanks. Doing okay just need something to watch in my collection.Yo long time no see! Glad that your doing well!
NaNa - END
So uh. Wow.
So the female lead is what a lot of people might call a "basic bitch" or the kind of girl who keeps getting involved with "jerks" except the show actually goes into her self-aware thought process on this.
Is it advisable to continue the manga from where the anime left off?
Just wondering, did you finish Wolf Rain. Did read some of your impression at the beginning but never have a chance to see your final impression of the show.
When you put it like that I guess you make a point, so at earliest winter 2018?
NaNa - END
So uh. Wow.
So the female lead is what a lot of people might call a "basic bitch" or the kind of girl who keeps getting involved with "jerks" except the show actually goes into her self-aware thought process on this.
Is it advisable to continue the manga from where the anime left off?
Y'all literally wrong about The Great Passage ep 8.
Here's some facts:
- Posting random stills isn't relevant, especially when you're discussing animation.
- Neither is saying something if "off-model" - that's the same avenue of argument that people make when they want to whine about the Pain fight in Naruto. It's not what we're talking about.
- We're talking about animation, which means we're talking about how things move, how that's conveyed to the audience, and what feelings or impressions that movement illicit within you.
There are plenty of individual pieces of animation in The Great Passage 8 that really convey a lot of information to the audience.
How about Majime's nervous panic? This is the most senior lead on a project that's being running over a decade, and yet he's still fundamentally the same character that we met at the start of the series, and this short scene is all you need to see that:
Or how about this scene at the 'Welcoming Party'? How better to convey the struggle Kishibe has when Majime confronts her with information that doesn't mesh with her world-view. She literally has to bolt like a frightened animal:
Or even this small scene discussing how important it is to have correct paper in a dictionary. I think there's something pretty fundamental that we all experience when we physically manipulate 'good' paper in a magazine or book - it just 'feels' right. But how to convey that in animation? Or, more importantly, how to convey paper that fails to reach that standard? Again, the animation in this episode comes through beautifully in capturing these micro-details:
To add to what Jexhius said, observe the natural way Kishibe struggles unsuccessfully to hold back tears, or the nuanced motion as she carefully turns her hands back and forth while contemplating and her sudden burst of energy as she propels herself up upon a burst of inspiration, or the way Nishioka's thumbs deftly dance across the smartphone screen when texting. Go back and watch the scene before the second excerpt Jexhius posted, when Kishibe is drunk and her body and hair weave back and forth naturally as her defenses are lowered enough to express her insecurities. The whole episode is filled with expressive character acting like these moments, and it would be a shame to throw all that out because a few shots aren't as attractive as others. Episode 8 is a totally different situation from episode 4 with its solo KA. Episode 4 had barely any motion, and what motion was there was robotic and stilted. Episode 8 is full of motion - since it was handled by Doga Kobo, an appropriate comparison would be, say, Love Lab 12. Now I do think a few shots that people have fixated on will be touched up for the final BD version of this episode, but even if they weren't I think going off model is worth an episode overflowing with elaborate character animation.
The attention to nuanced and detailed character animation was something I appreciated about Kuroyanagi's previous show, Shounen Hollywood, and I'm pleased to see him carry over the same sensibility into a show with a better schedule and more animation talent.
Garo -Divine Flame- (Movie)
That was pretty fucking good. It's a short film, less than 80 minutes long, but it's tight, exciting, and really pretty. It takes place a few years after the TV series, it acts as both a sequel and also a sort of original story. The best thing about it is how it doesn't try to be too epic or over-complicated to deliver some sort of "true finale" to the series after the events of the series. It's just another tragic dark fantasy story in the world of Garo which involves Leon and Alfonso investigating something and having to stop a horror, but it's suitably expanded in scope from the sort of story an episodic tale in the series would have told, yet at the same time it doesn't feel like they're dumping a ton of extra stuff in to make it comparable to the finale of the series.
Visually, it's more than on par, but I really appreciated how it wasn't "omg the fate of the entire world is at stake as something tries to destroy the entire kingdom". Instead it's a more personal story relating to the characters themselves, and what it means to be a divine knight, and what it means to protect what is most important to you. There are lots of fights in the movie, they're all really nice, the direction is stellar, and the camerawork is almost too elaborate at times. The team was burning with passion and clearly poured their all into it. Anyone who enjoyed the second half of Garo the Animation, especially the sword fight between Leon and Alfonso, will be very pleased with the sort of action the movie has.
It's also worth noting that there are bare tits, and they have nipples on them. This is the true power of an anime movie, as we have learned from films and OVAs in the 80s and 90s. In fact the film opens with a naked lady humping a guy, before something terrible happens to them. Luckily for us, nothing terrible happened to the production of this film and it looks and sounds awesome. MAPPA power!
The ending of Wolf's Rain was brutal... Not in a bad way brutal, just it was rough for the cast and everyone involved. I really liked it though!
This sounds like what I was looking for. The only question I have is:does the film handle the return of German in a graceful manner or does his resurrection (or whatever it is) comes across as forced?
It's interesting. I think out of all the possible ways they could have thought of on how to bring the character back for the film, this is probably one of the better choices. It obeys the laws of the setting, it's not a cheap twist, and it doesn't undermine the events of the series. I'm not really sure if the film -needed- it, but it being what it is, I thought it was interesting with regards to what is possible in the realms of the franchise, and it didn't bother me.
Sounds good enough. (And I'm not sure if you saw the interview with Maruyama that talked about this: but yes, this film actually did need it. The producers mandated that this character had to be brought back for the film because his popularity among fans was too big to ignore. Maruyama said Kobayashi was very annoyed.)
No, I know that it was a mandate. What I meant is, I don't think the film really needed it from a creative standpoint, and the same story would have worked without that element. But they did not sell out and betray the essence of the series while handling that mandate.
I hope they realize that Gintama live action is stupid and do something really fun with it. Like have the voice actors show up and dub them or something.
Garo -Divine Flame- (Movie)
That was pretty fucking good. It's a short film, less than 80 minutes long, but it's tight, exciting, and really pretty. It takes place a few years after the TV series, it acts as both a sequel and also a sort of original story. The best thing about it is how it doesn't try to be too epic or over-complicated to deliver some sort of "true finale" to the series after the events of the series. It's just another tragic dark fantasy story in the world of Garo which involves Leon and Alfonso investigating something and having to stop a horror, but it's suitably expanded in scope from the sort of story an episodic tale in the series would have told, yet at the same time it doesn't feel like they're dumping a ton of extra stuff in to make it comparable to the finale of the series.
Visually, it's more than on par, but I really appreciated how it wasn't "omg the fate of the entire world is at stake as something tries to destroy the entire kingdom". Instead it's a more personal story relating to the characters themselves, and what it means to be a divine knight, and what it means to protect what is most important to you. There are lots of fights in the movie, they're all really nice, the direction is stellar, and the camerawork is almost too elaborate at times. The team was burning with passion and clearly poured their all into it. Anyone who enjoyed the second half of Garo the Animation, especially the sword fight between Leon and Alfonso, will be very pleased with the sort of action the movie has.
It's also worth noting that there are bare tits, and they have nipples on them. This is the true power of an anime movie, as we have learned from films and OVAs in the 80s and 90s. In fact the film opens with a naked lady humping a guy, before something terrible happens to them. Luckily for us, nothing terrible happened to the production of this film and it looks and sounds awesome. MAPPA power!
Freaking love Takao and Arpeggio of Blue Steel, instant purchase
Sword of the Stranger/BONES destroyed!!!Garo -Divine Flame- (Movie)
That was pretty fucking good. MAPPA power!
It is worth a watch, but half of it is original content that's going to be made completely irrelevant since it's going to start back as if that original second half never happened. But you should watch it, it's fun.Is Blue Exorcist worth a binge watch to jump into S2?
Don't expect Beethoven, but it is a fun supernatural school shounen show. S1 kept me entertained throughout.Is Blue Exorcist worth a binge watch to jump into S2?