Eww.Regarding the Garo movie, one thing I really noticed is how influenced the action is by Marvel live action films.
Eww.Regarding the Garo movie, one thing I really noticed is how influenced the action is by Marvel live action films.
It is worth a watch, but half of it is original content that's going to be made completely irrelevant since it's going to start back as if that original second half never happened. But you should watch it, it's fun.watch it
Also the arc season 2 is going to cover is really really good.
Don't expect Beethoven, but it is a fun supernatural school shounen show. S1 kept me entertained throughout.
So I should get it all done if I watch 1 a day for the rest of the month and be ready to take on S2 hmm.. Sounds like a mini "Let's Watch" lol.
Anyone else planning on doing the same?
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - 36
Say what you want about this episode but next week's preview text brought me mad hype, especially as it happens after such omnious music and Kira's seeminglyunbeatable position.
Diamond is Unbreakable indeed.
If you watch S1, be sure to watch the movie.
How do you guys post screenshots of anime on here? Do you use a special program on PC? Does the share button work with PS4?
I tap print screen, go to paint, paste, save and find a place to upload it. Either imgur or pinterest and copy image address. Is it the best way? Who knows but it works.How do you guys post screenshots of anime on here? Do you use a special program on PC? Does the share button work with PS4?
How do you guys post screenshots of anime on here? Do you use a special program on PC? Does the share button work with PS4?
How do you guys post screenshots of anime on here? Do you use a special program on PC? Does the share button work with PS4?
Kiritobread eventually learned to not hotlink images. Like we all do
It's a dark fantasy action adventure story with an emphasis on character development and interaction. The main story itself isn't wholly unique but well done and it has an an absense of the usual anime tropes and usual unlikely happy endings (almost everyone in the story lives a shitty life and most events don't end particularly well but they learn mature and move on which is refreshing for these sorts of action anime).What is the appeal to Garo? so much praise and discussion surrounding it has my curiosity.
It's a dark fantasy action adventure story with an emphasis on character development and interaction. The main story itself isn't wholly unique but well done and it has an an absense of the usual anime tropes and usual unlikely happy endings (almost everyone in the story lives a shitty life and most events don't end particularly well but they learn mature and move on which is refreshing for these sorts of action anime).
Also sex is treated as a rather casual thing with reasonably realistic representation of it in comparison to usual anime fair with a relative absense of the usual male gaze.
One of the best shows of 2011.I miss people hotlinking, because it was free advertisement for [C] - The money of soul and possibility Control.
Is Blue Exorcist worth a binge watch to jump into S2?
Ping pong Megumi is coming! Woot!
Your Lie In April 1-4
Welp, this is starting off pretty god. Too bad the very first thing I ever heard about this was how it ended lol
It's doing a lot of things I generally like in romances and stories in general. I like how the initial interest is in his sports friend, not him. I like the overabundance of symbolism (especially that of the black cat). And I also happen to like classical music, so the sound track is A+ for me by default. The real question is if a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, will I be ugly sobbing at the end of this?
This guy has all of my respect, he knows what's best.
Are you trying to trigger me?Diebuster 1
Wow. This is so Trigger.
Your Lie In April 1-4
Welp, this is starting off pretty god. Too bad the very first thing I ever heard about this was how it ended lol
Y'all literally wrong about The Great Passage ep 8.
Here's some facts:
- Posting random stills isn't relevant, especially when you're discussing animation.
- Neither is saying something if "off-model" - that's the same avenue of argument that people make when they want to whine about the Pain fight in Naruto. It's not what we're talking about.
- We're talking about animation, which means we're talking about how things move, how that's conveyed to the audience, and what feelings or impressions that movement illicit within you.
Finally best girl will have her moment, stolen so many times.Ping pong Megumi is coming! Woot!
dinner party cont.
Majime's slightly deformed hand aside, the first shot has very nice movement for Kishibe and it's fluid to boot. Second shot could be as great if the legs' proportions weren't out of whack.
It's noticeable even without looking at single frames, which is frowned upon for that kind of animation. I'll still post them to show just how damn thin those lower legs are before someone's going to tell me there's no way to notice it in motion.
parting cont.
Perfection. Authentic hand positioning and nicely detailed and very fluid animation for the finger movement. This sort of shot cannot really convey any emotions but is wonderful to look at anyways.
"I'm gonna put a STOP to this. I'll destroy all of the Titans... Every last one of them!"
For real; that guys laughing response was very fitting right there. I wish I could find a gif of that laughing response...
I think we fundamentally disagree on what the ideal of animation should be. Someone earlier in the thread referenced Shinya Ohira and Windy Tales in reference to this cut, and that is an apt comparison. I love Ohira's work, such as this Windy Tales scene or this scene from a Tales of the Abyss cutscene, and he has an extremely loose, freeform approach to character designs, not bothering to keep body proportions consistent even within his own animation, let alone consistent with other animation within the same work. The individualistic expressiveness seen here is something I highly admire, and it's also seen in this cut from The Great Passage. So I totally embrace Kishibe's legs not being perfectly proportioned there! The ability of individual animators to express themselves differently without needing to perfectly conform themselves to the work of everyone else in commercial anime is one of the reasons I am particularly fascinated by and take pleasure in Japanese animation.
In general, I am quite happy to take rough but expressive motion over a series of perfectly crafted still images. But then, I'm someone who finds a bit of human imperfection in art appealing.
Just one more thing:
This kind of shot can and does convey emotions. Specifically here, it illustrates Nishioka's fluency with smartphone technology and his poise and adaptability as a person, as well as his ability to know exactly what he wants to say and say it. This feeds into the contrast between him and Majime, who is easily flustered, uncomfortable with technology, and struggles to find the appropriate words to say to others.
Megumi is love.
I think we fundamentally disagree on what the ideal of animation should be. Someone earlier in the thread referenced Shinya Ohira and Windy Tales in reference to this cut, and that is an apt comparison. I love Ohira's work, such as this Windy Tales scene or this scene from a Tales of the Abyss cutscene