Could this be the best looking UE3 game since, well the tech demo 'Samaritan'?
Looks like Rocksteady are pushing it to new limits.
Looks like Rocksteady are pushing it to new limits.
FWIW, you might want to try setting your DNS to Google's ( and That's not a surefire fix but it's worth trying.Sony never disappoints ...
Premium service.
so yeah i just checked my receipt and didnt get the red hood missions...
damnt it gamestop....
I can confirm manual setting the dns to google ones & will improve the download speed. It somehow bypasses the stupid psn throttling.
So how much content is in the game? i've read that it's 10 hour for the main missions and another 10 for the optional ones.
So.. who's feeling the Batmobile. Seems there is a lot of focus on it and not sure if i like it or not yet.
Looks super blurry.Any early Xbox One impressions?
Looks super blurry.
Any early Xbox One impressions?
Looks super blurry.
What? This is odd. I'm playing it, and it doesn't look blurry to me. Far off LODs do, sure, but certainly no more or less than the videos I've seen of the PS4. Could be a lower resolution, but I'm playing it on a 37 inch TV, and I can't tell at all.
Xbox One version looks great, has a stable framerate, seems excellent. So.
still pissed that they put this in bundle with the 970 weeks after i bought mine..it would have been ok if they just substituted the game..but they just added it to the package..
Both were hampered by the BM's poor mid-air controls and janky track design.
If you're in mid-air, you're doing it wrong. Unless you're performing a straight jump of course, in which case you should just let the Batmobile do its thing and land.
.Use verrry slight steering while driving along walls, and apply your afterburner to loop across tunnel ceilings without falling
It's been taking me a while to warm up to this game for some reason, but after some big events fairly early on, I'm definitely on board now.
So far the Batmobile combat itself doesn't bother me. It's more the "I've gotta get the Batmobile to this location to progress!" that does. Just seems a bit forced and not as flowing as the previous games because of it in some areas.
But I dig the Batmobile as just another tool a whole lot. Really makes you feel even more like Batman. The controls are a bit awkward, but I'm getting used to them.
Harley was basically just linked challenge rooms with a story. Wish it were longer because playing as her is fun.Soo uuh.. The harley dlc has cutscenes and stuff? Not just challenge rooms linked together?
Breaking News: People have different opinions, user Vaga is shocked!
The combat in this game is starting to bore me to tears. Good that the franchise is ending, it's about time.
Still loving the combat myself, but I skipped Origins so maybe that helps.
And I wouldn't count on this being the end of the franchise...
Thought it was funny, no need to be an ass about it.
The combat in this game is starting to bore me to tears. Good that the franchise is ending, it's about time.
There are a couple of "tricks" that have a big impact on PSN download speeds:
- Don't play a game
- Don't have multiple downloads at the same time
Best tip is just to put it in standby mode, for some reason download speed increases quite a bit.
Anyone know if there is a skin for the 90's Batmobile?